Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 644 Booster Dice

Chapter 644 Booster Dice

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 14:57

Location- Sky Blossom City, SSS-Rank Legend Grade Unparalleled Arena

[Card Name: Booster Dice

Card Type: Skill Card

Card Rank: SSS-Rank, Legend Grade.

Card Rate: 14-stars

Card Durability: [99/100]

Card Effect: upon activation, the card rolls two cube dice. The number rolled will be used as a multiplier to boost the user's next attack.

Additional effects: mono-booster, di-booster, tri-booster, tetra-booster, penta-booster, hexa-booster, hepta-booster, octa-booster, nona-booster, deca-booster, hendecat-booster, dodecat-booster.

Cooldown period: 11seconds.]

"Unparalleled Glory, activate.

SSS-Rank Legend Grade Booster Dice card, activate." As soon as Anna activated the Booster dice card, the image of two dice in the card rolled and finally stopped at a four and a six, adding to ten.

[Dice being rolled!]

[Dice one- 4, Dice two- 6, total - 10]

[Host's next attack will gain Deca-Booster]

"Deca-Booster, activate

One hundred million tonne Giga punch!" With that, the weight behind Anna's next punch increased to one hundred million tonnes.

The original weight behind Anna's punch is 10,000 tonnes. After activating the 'Southern Emperor' card, the weight behind Anna's punch increased by a hundred times, from 10k to 1 million tonnes. Later after using the unparalleled glory skill, the weight increased by another ten times, from one million to ten million tonnes. Now when Anna used the card Booster Dice, thanks to her excellent luck, the weight behind her punch gained a ten times booster and was raised from ten million to one hundred million

*Boom* as Anna's one hundred million tonnes Giga punch landed on the devil Feastus, it exploded in the impact. The sturdy body of the devil, which withstood so many punches from Anna, burst like a watermelon with the effect of a hundred million tonne punch.

'That's it? When did it become so easy to defeat a devil? Have the devils grown weaker over the years?' A thought expressed its disbelief seeing Anna defeat a devil without so much as a scratch on her.

'Fuck! I remember when it took me nine days and ten nights to defeat a single devil. And the aftermath was greater than a disaster.' Another thought expressed its awe at how Anna managed to get rid of the devil effortlessly and with zero casualties.

'This girl is growing on me. I don't know if it's pure luck or if she is cunning from the beginning. All in all, I am impressed with how she handled this devil.' A feminine thought spoke, praising Anna's achievement.

'I know, right. I guess it is to be expected. After all, she is a descendant of the unparalleled bloodline.' Another thought credited Anna's achievements to her unparalleled bloodline.

'Ahem! Aren't you guys getting ahead of yourself? The battle is not over yet, and a proper victor hasn't been decided.' The Wild thought reminded its fellow thoughts not to reach a judgment hastily as the battle isn't over yet.

'Ancestor, what do you mean? Hasn't the devil's body been blown to pieces by the girl's punch? I think the victor here, in this battle, is apparent .' A younger thought replied to the wild thought impatiently.

'You guys are forgetting something. Didn't I tell you guys that this devil has two forms? The girl has only managed to kill the first and the weakest form. Another form is yet to show itself.' The wild thought did not keep the mystery and revealed that the devil is not entirely dead, and it has another form that is more dangerous than the slumber form, the awakened form.

'Not good. That girl is defenselessly gazing at the murals, unaware that the battle hasn't reached its conclusion. Girl, snap out of it. Look behind you!.' One of the thoughts yelled, feeling protective toward Anna.


'Why did they become noisy again?' Anna thought, hearing the hushed buzzing sound get louder. Thinking of something, she said aloud, " Aren't these murals beautiful? "

"How did you find me? I made sure to erase my presence." A deep, spooky voice sounded from behind Anna.

"My Ancestors warned me. Anyway, don't you think these murals are beautiful? Woah, the story they tell." Anna turned around to face the devil and asked.

Anna had indeed thought that the devil had died and indulged herself by watching the murals. But when the buzzing sounds from her Ancestors grew, she felt irritated and wanted to leave the arena. That is when Anna asked herself, why did the arena not teleport her back?

The only possible reason for it would be her battle with the devil did not end. But she saw the devil blow up to pieces and die unless it was playing possum. Realizing this, Anna immediately asked out loud if the murals were beautiful. Outwitting the devil into giving up its presence. Devil wasn't a fool, but it overestimated Anna's capabilities and fell for her lies.

"You dare to ask my opinion on the murals filled with records of my race's defeat and execution. Aren't you a brave soul human?" Unlike the devil in the slumber mode, who only knew the one-syllable word, food, the awaken mode devil was more chatty. And added, "Brave doesn't cut it. You are more suicidal. If death is what you seek, it's not far. But seeing how you could defeat my slumbering form, I would personally like to invite you to join my family."

"Family? Devils have a family. I get to learn new things every day." Anna said nonchalantly as she ignored the devil and walked towards a particular mural. Pointing at the mural, Anna said, "Is that you? Or somebody related to you? Seeing how my ancestor killed that thing in the mural, you must be somebody directly related to it. Fate works in mystical ways. Thousand years ago, my ancestor killed your ancestor, and here we are repeating what they did."

"Ah! That bastard is your ancestor. I have changed my mind. I no longer want to make you that part of my family but imprison your soul and torture it for eternity. Hahaha! Fate indeed works in mysterious ways; I can finally have my vengeance."


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