Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 639 Descent

Chapter 639 Descent

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 14:32

Location- Sky Blossom City, D-rank Silver Beach gate dungeon

After making the oath to show his sincerity to Anna, the demon cult card emperor, under the watchful eyes of Anna, had half of his minions gather next to him. And then, summoning his grimoire, he activated his long-distance mass teleportation card.

Seeing the colossal teleportation circle appear under the demon cult minions, Anna was assured that the demon worshiper would keep his oath. He hadn't given up on life and wouldn't have crazy thoughts of embracing the afterlife by blowing up everything in flames. Still, she continued to monitor the Bloody Spring forest. After all, she would be an idiot to trust a demon worshiper.

*shriek!* a maddening shriek sound as the people who gathered in the teleportation circle died in the most horrifying way possible, torn to shreds by unstable space. And soon, eerie laughter attracted Anna's attention, " Hahaha, How dumb are you to believe a dying man's oath? Though I will not be here to see the descent of my lord, I will die in peace knowing that you will follow me to the afterlife soon…."

The words trailed to nothingness as their source had turned into dust. It was difficult to tell whether the demon worshiper sacrificed himself or the backlash of breaking the oath got to him before he could sacrifice him. Either way, that crazy son of bitch got what he wanted. Vengeance at Anna.

The demon worshiper never counted on returning alive if he failed to obtain his objective because the higher-ups would not tolerate failure. Upon his return, they would kill him and distribute his runes and cards to death demon slaves trained to detonate themselves to assassinate the target. So Anna's mercy and not a boon for him but a short lease on his life.

Therefore, he never planned on going back. Instead, he wanted to die while being a part of something more significant, like the descent of a devil, so he needed a moment out of Anna's constant scrutiny. Hence he played along with Anna's arrangements. And played his part to assure her that he chose life over vindictiveness.

The oath served as an assurance, but no sane person would fully trust a demon worshiper. His plan of sacrificing his subordinates by using the long-distance mass teleportation card was a total gamble. The demon worshiper hoped that Anna would not catch on to his tricks. In the end, it worked in his favor as Anna focused on the blood spring forest for any last-minute foul play and ended up missing him using the teleportation card to sacrifice his minions to summon the devil.

Death by being trapped in an unstable space is excruciating as the victims are shredded to tiny particles. The demon worshiper couldn't be crueler to his subordinates. Even a butcher or an executioner is more merciful as they see to it that the lives they end die as fast as possible and as painlessly as possible.

With the death of the demon cult's card emperor, his field card was deactivated. With the blood spring forest protecting them gone, in a breath, all the remaining demon worshipers were killed by Lorenzo's array formation. Before the southern watch soldiers could celebrate, the world darkened.

'Damn it, Anna. What did you do?' Ann's voice sounded in Anna's head as the world turned dark, as the sun disappeared from the sky. It was as if the world was void of any color. Everything was black and gray.

Soon a deep yet breathy and labored voice sounded, 'It's time for food.'

The land where the sacrifice ritual was conducted cracked into deep veins and magma could be seen coming out of the large crack. Before the cracks filled with magma could swallow all the grimoires, Anna reacted. Grabbing them, she placed them in her storage trunk card. It would be a considerable loss to let so many platinum grade and diamond grade grimoires burn and destroy in a pit of scathing hot lava.

Then a pair of giant hands extended out of it, taking support from the ground, a massive moldy black oddly shaped creature climbed out of it. With its presence, the world returned to normal, but a dark menacing intent filled the surrounding. This overwhelming and intimidating intent originated from the creature. Heavy intent filled the surrounding area just with its presence, so how strong would its unbound intent be?

The creature's body was similar to a sumo wrestler, entirely made of dried-up molten magma. It has eyes made of burning hot golden-red magma so was its tongue. While the molten lava acted as its saliva. The creature appeared to be drooling as magma could be seen dripping out of its mouth as it pointed at Anna and cried, "Food!"

It wasn't clear whether it was asking for food or calling Anna its food. Soon things became apparent as a freakishly long red hot magma tongue shot out of its mouth, aiming for Anna. Clearly, it was calling Anna its food.

'I will handle it. Don't worry.' Assuring Ann mentally, Anna chanted, " S-rank mythical grade Giga Force, Giga fattening activate, Giga punch!"

Anna threw a Giga punch at the incoming scathing hot whip-like tongue. As Anna's punch landed on the tongue, the molten lava turned tongue, burst into dust. Seeing its prey defend against its attack, it yelled with its meaty throat, "Food Strong!"

"This isn't going to work. I guess I can finally use that. SSS-Rank Legend grade bloodline field card Unparalleled Arena, activate!" Anna knew she could not continue to fight the creature out in the open, near the millinery base. It would not be safe for the dungeon relocation or her southern watch soldiers. Therefore she hurriedly activated one of her infamous unique field cards. Teleporting the creature and her to an arena-type dungeon, cutting them off from the outside world. As long as she defeats the devil in the field card, no harm will befall the military base or the dungeon relocation.


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