Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 622 Bright Lions

Chapter 622 Bright Lions

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 11: 58

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

Following the officers, I headed outside the warehouse to check out the commotion. Arriving outside, to my astonishment, I saw numerous teenagers in various school uniforms surrounding the warehouse entrance. Their number was so many that they had crowded all the streets to the warehouse. Not just the streets, they had climbed the roof of warehouses, except for warehouse no.234. Some even had brought their hoverbikes.

"What the heck is going on here?" Police Chief Denise screamed at the top of her lungs, seeing the mob of high school students. The young officers she brought with her could barely hold the crowd back.

"Bright Lions, greet the Leader." I heard Nick's voice thunder from the front of the crowd of high schoolers.

"Boss!" Bending 45 degrees and bowing their heads, more than 1000 students screamed, greeting their leader.

"Bright Lions at your service, Boss." Yelled Nick as he walked out of the crowd, followed by Tom and Ed, stopped in front of me, bent 45 degrees, and bowed their heads.

"Holy shit!" I couldn't help but cuss seeing the sight in front of me. A crowd of more than 1000 students bowed out of respect for me.

As I admired the mob of high schoolers showcasing their respect. I felt police chief Denise's glare fierce enough to make a hole in my head. Ignoring her, I asked Nick, "What the heck is going on?"

"One of our informants in the police department informed me that the 89th precinct Chief of police was heading out to meet the boss, so I gathered our bright lion brothers just in case," Nick replied. Without lifting his head.

"Informant in the police department? Who? Tell me who?" Chief Denise rushed over and, grabbing Nick's collar, she questioned him.

"Chief Denise! Behave yourself. Let go of my friend's collar." I had no clue what was going on, but it was not the time for me to be dazed. I was in the presence of my subordinates. I had to leave a good first impression.

"Boy, just because a few high schoolers gathered for you and called you boss, did you start considering yourself a mob boss? How dare you talk to me in that tone? That's it. Officers cuff these four. We are taking them down to the precinct." Denise handcuffed Nick herself and ordered other officers to handcuff Tom, Ed, and me.

"Summon" hearing Chief Denise, all the high schoolers surrounding the warehouse summoned their grimoire, ready to fight the cops. Seeing the display of high schoolers, the officers that were about to cuff Tom, Ed, and me back off.

"What are you waiting for? A memo? Cuff them." Seeing the officers hesitate to cuff Tom, Ed, and me, Denise yelled at them. I did not know Denise was such a hothead. Her actions were totally different from my first impression of her.

"Bright Lions, stand down!" Yelling at the crowd, I looked at Denise and said, " Chief, no need for cuffs. We will follow you to the precinct voluntarily."

I did not know what was happening for such a tense relationship between the Police and Bright Lions. Yet, I decided to follow the cops voluntarily cause I did not want to elevate the situation when it could be handled easily.

"Who the heck are you to order me? Cuff them " Snatching the handcuff from an officer, Denise cuffed me personally and ordered the others to cuff Tom and Ed.

Thankfully, fearing that once handcuffed, I would not be able to make use of my abilities, I had contacted Van through Hive AI beforehand, informing him about what was going on and asking him to free me as soon as possible.

"Bright Lions, Tonight party at the usual place," I announced as Denise dragged and shoved me into the cop hovercar.

"Party? When I am done with you lot, you won't be able to walk straight ever again." Denise commented as we headed to the 89th precinct.

"The usual place? Where is that?" Asked every high schooler present as the cops took their four leaders to the police station.

Setting in the back seat of the cop car, I tried to use Hive AI to contact Nick. Fortunately, it worked. Unlike my soul energy and grimoire, this handcuff couldn't suppress my calamity soul gem. Thanks to this, I got an opportunity to understand what was going on, on our way to the 89th precinct.

Contacting Nick, I asked him why did the police suddenly decide to target an upstanding citizen like me.

'Boss, sorry, because of my oversight, this mistake happens. Please punish me as you see fit.' Nick confessed to a crime that I didn't even know he committed and begged for a chance at redemption through punishment.

'Nick, tell me what actually happened. Then I can decide whether to punish you or not.' I assured Nick that there would be a punishment and asked him to recount what happened for Denise to act so brazenly.

'Boss, you ordered me to take care of the Bright Lions, but I failed to do so, leading to this blunder.' Once again, Nick skipped the details and confessed his crimes. Still, I gathered that this incident was related to Bright Lions.

I had forgotten about the Bright Lions entirely after making Bright trios my calamity daughter gems. I don't even remember asking Nick to takeover Bright Lions for me. Still, I did not understand how a high school gang could acquire the attention of a police chief? Or did Denise take a particular interest because I was involved?

'Nick, what happened between Bright Lions and the Cops? Explain. Don't skip anything.' I made my question detailed so that Nick would make his answer more detailed.

'Boss, you know taking care of a gang is not cheap, even if it is a high school gang without benefits, it's hard to keep the students loyal and excited about the gang. Therefore to gather the required funds...


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