Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 596 - Meeting Luna

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 21:55

Location- Sky Blossom City, F-rank Common Grade Horned Hare Heaven Gate Dungeon

"I grill the world's best bbq for you, and this is how you thank me? I deserve it for falling for a cold-hearted guy like you." Anna complained nonstop since exiting the dungeon gate. Offering Susan a ride back to the city even though Anna was tagging along with me seemed to have hurt Anna. But I had my reasons to do that. And I will not explain them to Anna because that would have an adverse effect.

Anna is the type who takes back what she gives in full. Since she has cooked for me, she will expect me to put out. I feel ashamed to say this, but it's true. Anna never does anything for free now that I have eaten her hand-cooked meal. She will expect to eat me. How is this fair? You make dinner for me, so I have to put out. Fock! Just thinking these words makes me embarrassed. Because this situation should be the opposite. Anna's straightforwardness and openness to her sexual needs remind me of my male colleagues back on earth. They, too, would take girls for fancy dinner dates and expect them to put out. Therefore to avoid this situation, I asked Susan, hoping her presence would dampen Anna's expectations.

Though Susan did not tag along, still asking her has enraged Anna, giving me the same results I hoped for. Right now, Anna is too angry with me to make any sexual advances on me. Or that's what I thought.

"Summon - Nanomorpher" I summoned the nanomorpher. Climbing it, I waited for Anna to get settled behind me. But to my surprise, after climbing back on the nanomorpher, she stopped complaining, and her hands wrapped around my chest and her bosom pressed on my back.

"Anna, what are you doing?" I asked flusteredly.

"Shut up. When I get angry, I get aroused." Saying that, Anna's hand slowly moved towards my crotch region.

"Tell me, what doesn't get you aroused?" Yelling that, I hurriedly grabbed hold of her arms, trying to stop their advance to my privates. Thankfully Anna's hand stopped as I grabbed them. With Anna's strength, I could not even resist, but she stopped, which meant that she was open for reasoning and not like my scumbag colleagues who forget no means no after a few drinks.

"I did that earlier because I knew you would get handsy on our way back. But who knew that anger would also arouse you." I finally revealed my reason for my behavior earlier. Since Anna was being good, I decided to reason with her.

"Is that so? It seems I misunderstood. But you played your part in it." It seems Anna understood the intention behind my actions without me having to defend myself further. And then she blurted out, "When I am sleeping!"

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"I don't get aroused when I am sleeping," Anna repeated herself once again. Hearing it, I felt like some context was missing.

"Huh?" I uttered while my thoughts were preoccupied trying to figure out why Anna was saying what she was saying.

"You asked when I don't get aroused, right? I don't get aroused when I am sleeping." Anna repeated herself once again, but this time she added the necessary details.

"What if you have a wet dream?" I decided to entertain Anna's line of thoughts as I started the nanomorpher and speeded towards the silver beach dungeon.

"I don't have wet dreams," Anna responded coldly.

"Everybody has wet dreams." I think it will be different for somebody with Anna's experience in this field. I don't dare to voice out this thought. This one is just for me.

"My sleep is haunted by nightmares. there is no time to have a wet dream." With Anna's words, the atmosphere once again turned awkward. But she stopped touching. I will consider this a win.


Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 22:15

Location- Sky Blossom City, D-rank Uncommon Grade Silver Beach Gate Dungeon

"Why are we back here and not at your warehouse?" Asked Anna as I headed past the barricade placed by the southern watch. This time no soldier came forward to stop my advance into their temporary military base surrounding the D-rank Uncommon Grade Silver Beach Gate Dungeon.

"I need to meet Luna to get an advance payment," I replied.

"Didn't I already make it clear to you that Luna is busy with dungeon relocation stuff? Turn back, let's head to the warehouse." Anna ordered.

"You did. But it has been almost an hour since then. She might be free now. Let's go and check on her." Yep, this time I did not plan on letting Anna have her way.

"Stop! I will call Luna here. You can discuss whatever you want with her here." Anna yelled. Hearing her yell, the soldiers hiding in the darkness of the night suddenly jumped out and surrounded the Nanomorpher, halting my advance into the military base.

Anna knew Ann was stuck powering the dungeon relocation apparatus with her mental energy, so she could not move around. Since her crush insisted on meeting her cousin, she decided to have her cousin meet them instead of them going to meet her. This way, Anna could successfully avoid her Crush meeting with Ann.

"WTF!" I couldn't help but cuss. Not understanding why Anna was acting like this. I felt like she did not want me to enter the temporary military base and was making excuses to stop me from entering the southern watch base deliberately. I don't know why but seeing Anna's strong reaction, I think it might be huge. This made me more curious about what the southern watch military base was hiding but being surrounded by soldiers I had no choice but to follow Anna's arrangement, " Well, go ahead, call her here."

"I have sent her a message, she will be here soon."


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