Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 588 - BBQ

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 20:45

Location- Sky Blossom City, F-rank Common Grade Horned Hare Heaven Gate Dungeon

Along the way to the dungeon, I could help but think about what Anna said. If there is a time rule and if a card apprentice were to comprehend it, then the said card apprentice should stay hidden or one leak, and the whole world will kill him for his time rune and cards.

I didn't understand why to kill the card apprentice? Instead of locking him up and having him create time rune cards for the rest of their life. What these morons are doing is akin to killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

"Anna, wake up. We are here." Arriving at the F-rank gate dungeon, I woke up Anna, who was pretending to fall asleep on my shoulder with her arms warped around my waist.

"We are there already. Just when I thought that it was getting romantic." Anna replied sluggishly. Getting off the nanomorpher, she hugged my arm, burying it in her braless sweater cleavage.

"Isn't this a bit too much?" Feeling the two soft cushions wrapping my arms, I asked Anna.

"The night is chilly. I am seeking some warmth." Anna replied innocently, but her energetic eyes told a different story.

'You are card emperor. If you feel chilly under this night, then I should freeze to death.' I wanted to say this but instead ended up saying, "Whatever."

"I knew you would come around. Let's find an unoccupied dungeon and bang one out. What do you say?" I gave her an inch, and she took a mile.

"Get your mind out of the gutter. I am here for work." I told Anna as I headed towards the dungeon gate where Nick was waiting.

"Let them in. They are with me," said Nick hurriedly, seeing the Bright family guards guarding the dungeon gate about to block Anna and me.

"Master Wyatt, you are here. I was about to head into the dungeon to inform Corey and Manager Susan that you would be visiting soon." For an F-rank Gate Dungeon, Horned Hare Heaven is a vast dungeon. Nick wanted to track Corey and Susan before his master arrived.

" That's okay. Let's head in together." Anna and I followed Nick into the dungeon gate. Stepping out of the dungeon gate, I witnessed a vast woodland. At the entrance, I found a few scorch marks. It appears that after killing the Horned Hare, Corey burned their corpses.

During a dungeon raid monster corpse dismantling is a part of a card apprentice's job because that's where most of their profits lay for the adventurers to make money. But it seems Corey did not bother to teach this part to Susan, maybe because she, herself, did not know how to dismantle a monster corpse. Following the scorch marks, I traced Corey and Susan's path. Soon we found a campfire where Susan was barbequing monster hare meat for Corey.

"Big Sis, this BBQ is so tasty. I did not know a monster hare's meat could be so tasty." Corey praised Susan's barbeque skills as she took a huge bite off the barbequed Hare leg in her hand.

"Mind if we joined in?" I said, spooking Corey and Susan.

"Who!" Susan and Corey simultaneously turned to face us.

"Wyatt! What are you doing here?" Yelled Corey as she glared at me with her fierce eyes.

"One day off, and you already forgot who your boss is?" I asked Corey walking next to the campfire.

"This outside, you're my boss only during office hours." Corey defended herself.

"Stop it, you two. Wyatt, why are you here? Who is that girl hugging you?" Just as I was about to reply to Corey with a fitting rebuttal, Susan interrupted me. She seemed to be more furious than Corey. And under the night sky and campfire light, she couldn't recognize Anna.

"Big sis, who else could it be. That must be his girlfriend, Anna. Now, do you trust me that he is not suitable for you?" Before I could reply to Susan, Corey jumped in, slandering me.

Turning to look at Anna, who was leaning on me while hugging my arm, I said, " Are you going to let her speak about you like that?"

"She called me your girlfriend, so all is forgiven," Anna did not mind Corey's words, she was rooting for Corey to separate the Susan chick from her crush.

"Your highness Southern emperor, please forgive my rudeness." Susan hurriedly apologized, recognizing Anna.

"Big Sis Susan, you don't have to apologize to her. You did nothing wrong." Said Corey, not fearing Anna's status or realm. Excess freedom from past life in earth and demonic nature from her past life in the dark realms made the current Corey so wild and untamed that she would not hesitate to challenge Anna's authority.

"Corey, shut up… I am sorry, your highness. Corey is still young and has not experienced the outside world. She doesn't know how to behave. I will see to it that this doesn't repeat again." Susan hurriedly rebuked Corey for her attitude towards Anna and begged for forgiveness in her stead.

"Susan, you don't need to apologize for Corey. She is right. You did not do anything wrong, so stop apologizing." Anna supported Corey's words and asked Susan not to be nervous around her.

"Yes, your highness." Susan politely responded. Susan's behavior and reaction towards Anna, a royalty, were expected for this world. If not for our past lives memories, even Corey and I would be behaving like her. As for Nick as my calamity daughter gem, other than me, he doesn't accept anybody else's authority. Surrounded by us three odd people, Susan's reaction seemed odd, instead.

"I am famished. I would love some bbq. Nick, catch a few horned hares and bbq them."

"WTF, who the heck are you to order around my cousin like that? Cousin…" Before Corey could seek justice for her cousin, she saw Nick walk into the woods to catch a few hares following my command.


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