Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 583 - Kane Kaga

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 19:43

Location- Sky Blossom City, Privilege Restaurant, VIP box no.01

"Master Dalton Wyatt, I am Kane Kaga. Your biggest fan. I have been your fan ever since I saw the viral video of your fight against the local high school gang Bright Loins. I admire the way you stood up to your bullies. Your story is an inspiration to all children around the world." Snapping out of the daze, the silver-haired boy introduced himself rather than excusing himself as instructed by his grandfather.

"Kane, have you gone crazy? Did you just ignore my words? I won't myself, get out this instant." Rami yelled at his grandson, seeing how he ignored his direct orders in front of his company. After all, he had to keep up the facade.

"Oldman, don't be so hard on your grandson. It's always good to meet a fan. Though I think I didn't do anything an average person wouldn't do." I signaled Rami to be quiet and added a few humble words for my fan. Handling fans was something that I picked up in my previous life. Good to me that it is coming in handy in this life too.

"Master Dalton Wyatt, you are being humble. You took on a gang of bullies by yourself. It's not something an average person would do. Not to mention, you called my grandfather Oldman to his face. Even his enemies don't dare to call him that to his face. This is not something a normal person can achieve." As my fan, Kane swallowed up my humble act without a shred of doubt. While his grandfather was fuming seeing him fall for it. But the kid was sharp. He noticed that he noted his grandpa's reaction when I called Rami, an old man.

"Don't be so formal. We both are of the same age. Just call me Wyatt." Why was I being good to the kid? Obviously because of Rami. He seems to care a lot about this kid. His eyes tell everything. When he saw his grandson enter the VIP box, I noticed Rami's fierce eyes soften and then turn fierce again. I noticed a grandfather being strict with his grandson because he loved him too much.

"Yes, Master Wyatt. I visited your card boutique, but it was closed. I am glad that I get to meet you here." Susan is out with Corey on a dungeon raid, and I am here at a meeting with Rami, so I had to close the warehouse early.

"Since we have met here, tell me your purpose for visiting my card boutique." I entertained Kane seeing how much it bothered Rami that his grandson idolized me but not him.

I was impressed by how Kane avoided talking about the rumors of me being a fraud and focused on my fight with Bright Lions despite my other fights in the tournament. Through this, I noted that he fixated on the bullies because he himself was being bullied and couldn't stand up to them. Therefore he idolized someone who not only stood up to his bullies but publicly exacted his vengeance.

"I visited your card boutique to meet you in person and have you create my origin card," Kane replied.

"Since you have already met me, come by the card boutique tomorrow morning. I will help you with your origin card creation. Let me tell you beforehand my services are not cheap." I never offer my expertise for free.

"Really! That would be great. Don't worry about the fee. My grandpa is loaded." Kane responded giddily as not only did he get to meet his idol but get his origin card created by his idol.

"Not happening, Kane. For your birthday present, your mother and I have already booked an appointment for your origin card creation with a platinum grade card creationist in the southern academic region. It cost me a fortune. It was supposed to be a surprise." Said Rami. He had no choice but to ruin the surprise his daughter had planned for his grandson.

With Rami's words, the room went into an awkward silence. I took it as my cue to leave, " Kane, my offer still stands. Whatever you decide on, I am fine with it. For now, I will leave you two to discuss it."

"Thank you, Master Wyatt, for understanding." Rami's way of addressing me has progressed a lot. It seems he has decided to hide his fangs for now. Let's discuss with him about the circle and sun blossom city later when I have a platinum grimoire.

"And Rami, remember to pick up Diana's call and don't make me find you." Warning Rami, I headed out with Van and Diana. While Kane was lost in his thoughts, pondering his dilemma.

Since the soul contract with Rami was hurried, there was a loophole. Before I ask Rami my promise, he could skip town on me, and I could do nothing. He could hide from me for the rest of his life because as long as I could not find or reach him, I couldn't ask him the promise I had won from him. To avoid all this trouble, I could just ask him to promise me to become my slave or follow all my orders without malice, etc.

But these kinds of conditions in a soul contract were considered serious crimes by the government and the four royal families. Rami was fully aware of this law. Therefore with his four bodyguards as witnesses, he had all reasons to be cocky earlier, even though I won the wager. But this did not stop me from using the promise to have him do something that would torment him for the rest of his life. I made that clear to him, but he was willing to force me into doing so because he believed his bodyguards would stop him in time if necessary. Seeing that Rami was not afraid of the stick, I threw him a carrot, the platinum grimoire. Which appears to have had the desired effect on his attitude towards me that only time could confirm.

Speaking of time…


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