Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 553 - Psycho Twin

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 10:51

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

"Real smooth, Anna. Blame it on the victim. I deserve it. After all, By challenging your authority, I was seducing you." I snorted and commented.

"Hey, don't act like I am the only one who enjoyed it. I heard your pleasure-filled moan. Would it kill you, to be honest?" Anna argued. She did not seem to understand what consensual means.

"..." I choose to ignore Anna, embarrassed remembering the pleasure-filled moan I let out. Just because I started to enjoy it at some point doesn't mean that what Anna did was right.

"Fine. Next time I will ask your permission, even if it ruins the mood." Anna did not apologize. Instead, she snarkily adds that she did not ask for permission because she did not want to dampen her arousal.

"..." I rolled my eyes, hearing Anna be the typical Anna who would not apologize since it meant lowering her stance. And as if asking permission would have made it better.

"Come on, don't be a sour puss. Admit it, we had a good time. Suppose you weren't such a tease. Right now, I would be showing you how it feels to do it 30,000 feet above the ground." Anna did not seem to understand or care that I didn't want to talk to her Right now.

"..." I could see that Anna was purposefully circling the Sky Blossom city airspace instead of taking me to the warehouse. Since I had abstained from talking to her, I couldn't decide whether to comfort her about it.

"Don't you dare come out!" Anna suddenly yelled, surprising me. I turned around, searching the sky to check if someone else except us was in the Sky Blossom airspace.

"No, I am warning you. I did promise you freedom. But this is not the right time for you to come out." Anna continued to shout. As she spoke these words, her hold around me tightened. Alerted, I activated my soul pupils to scan the sky, but I did not see a soul in the sky.

"He is mine. And what's mine is mine alone. I will introduce you to him later." Anna's words became more hurried and urgent. And that's when I realized that she was talking to herself.

With the newfound information, I was spooked. I know Anna is crazy, but I did not realize that she was really coocoo.

"..." As Anna's hold on me got stronger, I had no choice but to be in her embrace and listen to her shout at herself. I did not dare to interrupt her crazy ramblings, remembering the massive power difference between us. I even started to breathe slowly to decrease my presence.

"I am telling you he is mine. And I will not share him with you." Hearing Anna's words, sirens went off in my head. Anna, claiming me as hers was not news to me. I was used to it, but her using the word 'sharing' alerted me and got me curious. Who was Anna speaking to?

*Woosh* A beauty dressed in formal attire suddenly appeared next to us out of thin air and said, "You can't stop me. One hour of cooldown time has passed, and my body is recreated. So, I am here."

"Ann, didn't I tell you this is not a good time. Get back in your card!" Anna furiously yelled at the conservatively dressed beauty for not listening to her and ordered her to return to her card — Wait, did I hear her right?

"Anna, you cannot order me around. You already promised to set free for three months. Now it's not up to you to decide if I stay in my card or outside. Unless you want to fight, I advise you not to start with me and back off." The beauty was no pushover and stood up to Anna. What's more noteworthy is that this conservative beauty reassembled Anna by 99 percent. As if they both were twins. Putting two and two together, I realized this lady was Anna's card. But this seemed far-fetched, but remembering the Circle's Supreme Lord's origin card, it was plausible.

"You…" Anna was left wordless by Ann's sharp words. Ann, that's what Anna called her.

"Hello, Wyatt. I am Ann Heatsend. Anna's origin card, but I prefer it if you consider me her twin. And it is a pleasure to meet you in person finally after monitoring you from Anna's grimoire for a while now." Turning to and gazing directly into my eyes, Ann greeted me. In the background, I could hear Anna grit her teeth.

"No, no pleasure is all mine. And before you introduced yourself, I did think you were her twin. Believe me, I still have a hard time believing that you are Anna's origin card. Because you seem more refined and mature than Anna." I did think that Ann looked better than Anna, maybe because conservative girls are of my taste.

"Oh, stop it, your honeyed words. You have such a sweet mouth." Ann replied with a bit of blush on her soft white cheeks.

"No, no, I am just stating the facts." Honestly, I spoke with Ann mostly to piss Ann realizing that Anna and Ann did not seem to be on good terms.

"If so, then you wouldn't mind if I would be bold to ask for a kiss. I am not like Anna. I usually don't put my tongue into the first guy I see, but you are special, and I don't mind giving you my first kiss." Ann boldly asked if she could kiss a guy she had just met despite claiming that she was not like Anna. But in her defense, she did come clean about her eavesdropping on all of my encounters with Anna from her grimoire.

"..." Hearing Ann's words, I was creeped out and thought that she was a stalker. Helping me understand that she is as much psycho as Anna.


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