Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 548 - Persistent

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 9:52

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Given enough time, I have enough confidence that I can achieve the demigod realm, but the world is cruel and unfair. It will never give me enough time. The time I need, I have to snatch it myself. If I had wishful thoughts about me being special or the world giving me the extra privilege, then I would be walking to my demise. The faster I wake up to the world's cruelty and unfairness, the better otherwise, I will never know what hit me.

I had 30 card emperor assassins aiming to assassinate me. The heads of two secret organizations are out for my blood. Forget them; I still have to watch for the silver milk powder fiasco. Once the world knows its accurate valuation, I will become the target of the world's various powerhouses. Not to mention I still don't fully trust my partners, the Heatsend Royal family. Honestly, I don't know what the future has installed for me.

Therefore, I wanted to capture demigod Redfall's soul possessing its complete demigod realm prowess. I know that it is not enough to overturn my bleak future, but it would let me sleep more comfortably. Hence, I was willing to risk my life even though I knew that demigod Redfall could influence Sarah despite her calamity daughter gem.

Demigod Redfall being able to find a flaw in calamity daughter gem meant him finding a flaw in my Calamity Soul gem. Despite knowing this, I stayed behind because I wanted a peaceful sleep and to get rid of the constant worry for my life. The flaw found by demigod Redfall was not too big of a flaw, but a minor bug in the mechanism built to differentiate between the malicious and friendly influences. Fortunately, this flaw cannot be used by his soul to breach the calamity daughter gem or calamity soul gem.

[Warning! Warning! An unknown entity is trying to invade a named calamity daughter gem.]

Demigod Redfall's soul was very persistent, and it continued to try breaking through the calamity daughter gem despite its numerous failures. It had to do so because it had nowhere else to go. The only thing right now in its mind was to snatch Sarah's body before the world realized it was an intruder from the river of souls and send it back or, worse, destroy it from existence.

This is one of the reasons Demigod Redfall is hiding in Sarah's bloodline instead of wreaking havoc outside. But still, its power is not to be underestimated. After all, it is still a demigod's soul and has enough power to kill me 100 times over from within Sarah's bloodline. Or even devour me. This is the reason I asked Bloodette and Cortney to flee the dungeon.

Feeling tired from its numerous unsuccessful ventures, the demigod redfall's soul finally stopped attacking Sarah's calamity daughter gem and decided to explore its surroundings to hunt a satisfying meal and a temporary replacement body since it is not able to devour Sarah's soul and take over her body.

The dungeon seal was an ancient seal created to imprison powerful creatures such as ancient supreme beings who ruled the world as the beloved children of the world's rules. Therefore the dungeon seal did not have a problem sealing a wandering demigod soul, which has gone through time erosion for a certain period.

Exploring the dungeon, the demigod Rebfall's soul realized that it could not sense past the cave. It felt that a seal was limiting its senses to the cave. To its surprise, it finally realized that its descendant was trapped in a dungeon seal, cutting her off from the community. Thankfully there was one other person in the cave who act as a proxy until it found a way to take over Sarah's body or path out of the cave.

Devouring Sarah's soul and taking over her body still remained the demigod Redfall's soul's top priority. As her body was the only one place, it could ideally restart its new life without being on the constant lookout for the world's will, recognizing it and sending it back to the river of souls or killing it.

Exchanging Sarah for a Demigod was a reasonable offer, but there was a massive disadvantage to bloodline memory's takeover ability. And that is when the Demigod Redfall will devour Sarah's soul to take over her body, he is actually satisfying a blood ritual, going through which he will lose all this past prowess enabling him to take over Sarah perfectly.

Sarah's body is of Card Soldier realm while demigod Redfall's soul is of Card Demigod realm. Since the body is a vessel and the soul is the water, how can a soldier realm vessel contain a demigod realm amount of water? Therefore the demigod has to go through the ritual to synchronize his soul realm to the realm of the body he is taking over. While the excess amount of the power will be stored in the bloodline, which will unlock as his realm increases.

I wanted a demigod Redfall who has the Card Demigod realm strength, not a demigod Redfall who is of Card Soldier realm, I already had Sarah for that. The demigod Redfall's demigod Prowess is what made me take the risk of capturing the demigod soul instead of letting demigod Redfall's soul take over Sarah's body.

Yes, if demigod Redfall's soul possesses Sarah's body, his bloodline will store all this excess energy to be unlocked with the rise in the realm. This is indeed attractive, but currently, it is of no use to me. Potential is not important for the current me. With my calamity daughter gem, I can turn a genius into an ultra genius. What I need right now is the strength to shelter myself from the cruel and unfair world. Seeing how things are heading, I can only obtain that strength by capturing demigod Redfall's soul.


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