Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 519 - World Cutter

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 09: 04

Location- Sky Blossom City, D-Rank Silver Beach Gate dungeon

"Little brat, stop stalling for time and hand over my son' s bloodline vessel." Yin Widow was being very tolerant right now. If not for her believing that her son's bloodline vessel was being held hostage by the southern emperor, she would have already killed the little harlot for talking smack.

"Old charlatan, I do not have your son's bloodline vessel. Wasn't I clear the first time." Anna yelled at Yin Widow, not minding her words because the person in front of her could kill her with just her intent.

"Quite stalling otherwise, don't blame me for turning this small city into a wasteland." Seeing that trying to negotiate with the little floozy did not work, Yin Widow decided to get a little aggressive to get the hoochie serious.

"Who is stalling? Don't you get it? No reinforcement is coming. If they wanted to, with the help of grand array formation, they would have already. So you stop making threats and stand by your words." Anna made it clear that no reinforcements were coming to help her deal with Yin Widow, yet somehow her confidence did not seem to waiver in front of an existence that could kill her with a thought.

"Little tramp, aren't you overestimating yourself? What gives you the confidence to handle me without the help of demigods from your family? Is it because you are holding my son's bloodline Vessel hostage? Remember, brat, if my son fails to descend today, I will color the entire southern region with your family's blood." Hearing that no demigod was coming as reinforcement to deal with her, Yin Widow was astonished, making her more confident that Anna was holding her son's bloodline vessel hostage.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I do not have your son's bloodline vessel? Quit yapping and put out already." Anna was annoyed hearing Yin Widow repeatedly claiming that she was holding her son's bloodline vessel hostage and asked Yin Widow to stop moving her jaw and do what she threatened to do.

"Girl, how long are you going to deny? Do you think this is a joke or feel like I am joking? Don't force my hand. I am begging you to hand over my son's bloodline vessel, and I will swear on my soul to end any and all cause and effect between the Heatsend family and me." No matter how cruel and gruesome Yin Widow was in the end, she was a mother who was willing to do anything for her baby boy. She was ready to forget all the grudges between her and Anna's uncle if it meant saving her son.

"Seriously bitch, when is the last time you get tested? Have you really gone senile? Or don't you understand the language I am using? What am I doing wrong for you to think that I have your son's bloodline vessel? Please tell me, and I will rectify it." Anna was afraid Yin Widow had gone senile for real as nothing is scarier than a crazy demigod. Therefore she decided to clear the misunderstanding that Yin Widow was under.

"What?" Hearing Anna, Yin Widow, was baffled but still summoned the soul status candle to try and locate her son's bloodline vessel, " This is it not your doing? The last time I checked, my son's bloodline vessel was in this city, but now I can't seem to locate her. What witchcraft did you use to negate a legendary grade cards skill?"

Even though Yin Widow decided to consider Anna's words, she still did not seem to believe Anna was innocent of what she thought she was guilty about.

"No wonder you were willing to risk death and come out of hiding…" seeing the vigorously flickering flame on the soul status candle summoned by Yin Widow, Anna finally understood why Yin widow was willing to go as far as using the word beg earlier.

"If you don't have my son's bloodline vessel, then I will have to turn this city upside down to find her." The flame on the soul status candle had gotten visibly dimmer, and it appeared to be struggling to stay alive. Therefore Yin Widow decided to no longer waste time bickering with Anna and find her son's bloodline vessel even if it meant to turn the whole Sky Blossom City upside down as this was the place where the bloodline vessel was last seen. Yin Widow felt that if she were to find a trace of the bloodline vessel, she could track its location.

"Yeah, that's not happening." Seeing Yin Widow prepare to sacrifice the entire Sky Blossom city to trace a single person, Anna reacted.

"You? Are you going to stop me? Girl, step aside. I just want to find my son. Don't come looking for trouble." Yin Widow did not know why the demigods of the southern region did not react to her presence. But she did not believe that hurting Anna would work in her favor. Instead, it would attract the expedition of the Heatsend family. She was here to find her son's bloodline vessel and help him descend to fight with the Heatsend Royal family.

"Old slut, try me." Anna confidently stood in front of Yun Widow and taunted her.

"Fine, you are asking for it. I will not kill you but disable you." Yin Widow decided to swat the fly, disturbing her from finding her son. She believed as long as she did not kill Anna and was quick with her work, then that would be okay.

"Bring it, old hag." Anna did not deter under the presence of Yin Widow's denominating soul energy suppression but boldly stood up, ready to get her fists bloody.

"Don't blame me. You asked for it. The Headsend family should teach their calves not to be ignorant of the tiger in front of them." Having said that, she whispered, " World Cutter."

With Yin Widows' command, the wind surrounding her gathered to form a thin wind blade and headed towards Anna, aiming for her left shoulder joint.


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