Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 508 - The Search Begins

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 22:27

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

"Interesting, employing mortals to monitor the grimoire network and spread false publicity. The Circle has come a long way from its old persona under the leadership of its new leader. Well, two can play that game." Hearing how the circle was able to clean its old past and falsify an entirely new past fitting the righteous image it was trying to build, I could not help but laugh, realizing that this was one of the oldest tricks used by many Pop stars, actors, politicians back on earth. Though this method was a cheap trick, it worked. Therefore it was popularly used by famous people with a past to hide.

"Boss, do you want me to start hiring people to counter the false publicity army of the Circle?" Van asked if he should form a mortal army to do our bidding in the grimoire network.

"No, that won't be necessary. I have something better in mind. Bring me 10,000 C-rank artificial wills. It's time I showed you the power of modern supercomputers." It is a proven fact that the human brain is less efficient than a supercomputer in a specified repetitive task. Who needs a mortal army when I can have an army of supercomputers working for me.

I was going to create a card that I had planned to develop a long time ago to help lessen my burden in card creation, now seems a better time to create it than any. I put off making this card till now because I planned to create a rare grade version of this card with 100,000 A-rank artificial wills with help from the Heatsend royal family. Getting one or two A-rank artificial wills in this third-rate city is already a miracle, much less 100,000 A-rank artificial wills. I planned to have the Heatsend Royal family procure me 100,000 A-rank artificial required to create this card when I move to the Royal Palace. But it seems I need this card right away. Therefore, I decided to create a temporary water-downed version of this card for my current use.

"10,000 C-rank artificial wills?.... I will get them right away." Van was dumbfounded and thought he heard it wrong, but after a pause, he nodded affirmatively and headed to make the required arrangements to execute my request.

"If needed, make use of the Southern Emperor and the Royal family's name. Those Card Creationist association snobs will not fork out such a large number of artificial wills without alarming motivation." I advised Van to his back which got smaller as he walked further away out of the warehouse.

"Yes, Boss," Van yelled back amd continued to head out.

"Master, what would you like me to do?" Seeing Van was given an errand, old Ben asked one for himself.

"You… I have shared a few memories of places and names with your Calamity daughter gem's Hive AI. Follow the list and collect all the evidence. Take a few trusted tiger soldiers with you. Let them do the talking if needed." Using the memories of Clown Mask, it was not hard for me to find dirt on the Circle and its deeds in Sky blossom city. I shared these memories with old Ben so that he could efficiently gather all this evidence.

"All my soldiers are trustworthy, master Wyatt. We will not fail the mission you have assigned to us." The reason I asked old Ben to take some of his trusted soldiers with him was not that he was not strong enough for the task, but due to his emotion paralysis, it made him unfit to do specific tasks which required social and people skills.

"Okay, but still, after Van is done here, I will ask him to join you." Soldiers are stiff and too disciplined. They lack the slick tongue of an adventurer who could find a friend in anybody. Therefore I planned for Van to accompany old Ben on this mission.

"Okay, Master Wyatt. I will not disappoint you." Seeing how I insisted on adding extra people to help assist him in his mission, old Ben felt my lack of trust in his abilities and took it as a challenge to prove himself worthy.

"Good, I know you will" I gave a few words of encouragement to old Ben.

"Boss, I did not fail in my mission. After using the Southern Emperor's name, the association treated me like a VIP and handed me this storage truck card. And they said that if these artificial wills are not enough, they can procure more from the associations in the neighboring cities." It seems with my permission, Van did not hesitate to use Anna's name right at the start. I don't blame him as I heard it is tough dealing with the snobbish association staff, especially if you need to purchase something as unreasonable as 10,000 artificial wills.

"Good, I have another task for you," I said, taking the storage trunk card from Van.

"Name it, boss." Van did not hesitate to show his eagerness to receive a new mission.

"I have shared a few memories of places and names with your Calamity daughter gem's Hive AI. I have tasked old Ben to follow the list and visit these places and people to collect all the don't on the Circle.

Your task is to tag along with old Ben and assign a guild member to monitor the subject after old Ben is done collecting the evidence. If any of the subjects show suspicious signs after old Ben leaves, capture them before they alert Circle about what we are doing.

I don't want the Circle to know who is targeting them." Once I begin exposing Circle for what they are, they will know that someone is targeting them. That is inevitable, but I can ensure they don't know TSR guild, Tiger Squadron, or I are the ones who are targeting them because an invisible enemy is more deadly than a visible enemy.


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