Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 498 - Investment II

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 14:17

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234.

"..." Diana frowned, seeing me act clueless. All her explanation and narration only amounted to a single syllable 'so.' She thought I would ask her to help Elliott no matter the cost and jump right into her trap. Letting out her frustration with a sigh, she repeated herself," I said I could help Elliott."

"I could piss sitting down. What is your point?" I would be a fool to ask Diana, 'how could she help Elliott' or 'will she help Elliott.' Asking these questions would give Diana what she wants and lead to Diana asking me, 'what are will to pay for me helping your friend?' It would all play out as Diana planned, but I do not plan on letting that happen.

"Hahaha... Master Wyatt, I see you in a new light today. What I was trying to say earlier was that I can help Elliott if you cooperate." Seeing that I was unwilling to take the bait, Diana cast a wider net.

"Why are you telling me this? It would be better if you discussed this with Elliott than me, don't you think?" Despite Diana making her intention of wanting my cooperation clear, I still chose to stay as if I did not understand her purpose.

"Master Wyatt, please do not act the fool. And for your information, before approaching you, I did approach Elliott, but it seems the bad past between JK Ltb and Fine Gold is stopping him from seeing our future together." Diana, words made it clear that her target was me. First, she tried to get to me through Elliott, but it seems he did not take her helping hand. So Diana decided to approach me directly. By approaching my spirit of brotherhood, in the guise of helping Elliott, she wanted me to give her what she wanted. Thinking of all this, I knew this woman right here was too dangerous to hang around.

"Ms. Diana, cut to the chase. I know you are a wise woman. Otherwise, you would not have been able to build a massive empire as Fine Gold in such a small amount of time. I respect you for that

But if you think you can pull one over on me, then you're mistaken. But today is your lucky day. I am willing to negotiate. So, speak your mind, what is it that you want?

Before you start, remember one thing: I don't care if it is an equal deal unless it benefits me the most, don't bring it up, if not please leave my property." Knowing that Diana's target is me and seeing how she is going out of her way and willing to roll out of her comfort zone to trap me, I knew I had her reins in my hand and could control the negotiations as I wanted it to.

"I, too, believe Master Wyatt is an intelligent person. But this charade is necessary for what I will say next. You know the market valuation of Fine Gold based on its assets, but you need to know that the Fine Gold's actual value is not its assets but me, Diana Kieth. With that in mind, I want you to invest in Fine Gold." By now, Diana knew using petty tricks and means would not work on me and would only annoy me, so finally, she decided to show her hand.

"Invest in Fine Gold? Ms. Diana, there seems to be some misunderstanding here. I am just an orphan high school student. How can I invest in a big conglomerate such as Fine gold?" I did not understand Diana. What is she up to?

"Master Wyatt, you ask me to get to the point, and yet you choose to act the fool. Isn't this a bit too much? I am being sincere here. I hope Master Wyatt will invest in Fine Gold. No, I hope you invest in me. And I promise I will bring you more profits than you can imagine." Diana did appear to be sincere with her words. But her action had to match her words.

"How much?" I stopped playing and finally asked how much she expected from me and how much I could expect from her.

"49% of Fine Gold shares. I am willing to give you 49% of Fine Gold's share. Making you the second-largest and one of the two shareholders in Fine gold. In exchange for making Fine Gold one of the subsidiaries in the distribution of silver milk powder." Diana's action proved that she was indeed being sincere. But her proposal raised too many questions.

"Silver milk powder? Don't you think it's a hoax like the rest of the world?" With one eyebrow raised, I intently looked at Diana's expression to see what gave her confidence to make such a big move.

"Honestly, I did, after all, a high schooler finding a solution to a problem which could not be solved for millennia was indeed too good to be true, and anybody would think this was a fraud. But after I saw the changes in Sky Blossom city, I saw a pattern. The pattern told me that things related to Master Wyatt are not as simple as they seem on the surface. This pattern is what led to my recent decision." Diana seemed to be telling the truth, but I was having a hard time believing that there was someone who would be willing to risk what she built using her blood and sweat based on a hunch.

"So all of this, just based on a hunch? Aren't you being too… how do I put it politely… optimistic? " I couldn't help but ask Diana in skepticism.

"Master Wyatt, I am not being optimistic. I know for sure… No, I am 80% sure that silver milk powder is not a hoax but a real deal.. And a proof of this would be the Silver Beach Dungeon, which the TSR guild sold to the Southern emperor. "


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