Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 490: Tap Blood?

Chapter 490: Tap Blood?

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 12:53

Location- Sky Blossom City, A-rank Ogre Field gate dungeon.

[Card Name: Ogre Blood Spirit

Card Type: Summons

Card Rank: C-rank, Uncommon Grade

Card Rate: 6-Stars

Card Durability: [93/100]

Card Effect: The host can summon an Ogre Blood Spirit. The Ogre Blood spirit has inherited all the skill, stats, physique, traits, memories, and wisdom of its past self.

Additional Effect: Sacrifice, Detonate

Note: Ogre Blood Spirit, though they have inherited the memories and wisdom of their past selves, still need strong directions from their host to follow as the original Ogre's were not so bright.]

Sacrifice – Using this skill, the user can permanently sacrifice the blood spirit to regenerate a portion of lost health.

Detonate – The Host can command the Blood spirit to explode when needed to.

Note: the detonation of the Blood spirit will result in losing the card permanently.

"I can make cards too! I no longer have to worry about money anymore in my life." Cortney exclaimed with happiness upon the successful Blood ritual.

"This card has near-perfect durability and star rating stats. I bet you can fetch a good amount of money for these cards." The blood spirit cards created by Cortney were good enough to create riots in the sky blossom city auction house. If anything my words were like downplaying the actual value of these cards.

"Really! Haha, I can finally stop worrying about becoming dirt poor again." Though thanks to her estranged mother, Cortney might have gained a sudden fortune, as someone who grew up in an orphanage, Cortney was always worried that someday someone or something was going to cause her to lose all her fortune, and she would return to her dirt poor life once again. Therefore finding a new steady source of income, Cortney was relieved and celebrated that she had finally gotten rid of poverty that followed her for good.

"Miss Cortney, if your services are available, the TSR guild would like to order a butt load of Blood spirit cards. Don't worry, we will not take advantage of you and will pay you according to the market price." Upon my mental command, Van asked Cortney whether she could supply the TSR guild with Blood Spirit cards.

"The Tiger Squadron is also willing to pay the market price for 1000 C-rank Blood spirit cards." Old Ben also followed suit with Van heeding my mental command.

"What! Really? All this is so sudden. Wyatt, what do you think?" Seeing that her cards were already driving away the smell of poverty that had stuck to her. Cortney was overwhelmed and did not know how to react, so she asked for my advice.

"What's there to think about? Say yes. You can trust them. They are one of us." Looking at overwhelmed Cortney, I could not help but chuckle.

"Okay then. My good sirs, I will accept your orders. How do we proceed from here?" Regaining her clear mind, Cortney accepted the TSR guild and the Tiger Squadrons' orders. Having grown up in an orphanage and living a dirt-poor life for half of her life, Cortney was not a hypocrite when it came to money, but she did not let her past fuel her greed. She stayed level-headed in front of great wealth and took what she worked for and rightfully earned as she signed a contract with both the TSR guild and the Tiger squadron. The contract was simple. It stated that Cortney would create a set amount of blood spirit cards for the guild and the squadron, and in return, she would be compensated according to the market value of the cards.

"I have signed the contract and shared a cop of the signed contract to your grimoire." Finding that the Contract shared by Van and old Ben was fair and straightforward, stating what they agreed upon, Cortney signed the contract without hesitation.

"Miss Cortney, here, this storage trunk card contains C, B, and A-rank origin cores for you to create Blood spirit cards. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask." Van handed Cortney a storage trunk card and asked if she needed any assistance with the dungeon.

"No, this will do." The A-rank ogre field gate dungeon was not a challenge for Cortney with her strength, she could clear the dungeon with minor complications. But with Bloodette helping her, she could clear the dungeon in record time. So she did not require any help from Van or Old Ben.

"Cortney, how can you promise that to them. Don't you know I wanted to drain all the blood from these ugly monsters to quench my hunger? " having traveled out of her dungeon for the first time, Bloodette planned to drink as much as the monster's blood straight from the tap, i.e., the monsters incapacitated body. And Cortney signing the contract with the TSR guild and Tiger squadron came in the way of it.

If Cortney sacrifices every monster in the dungeon to create Blood spirit cards, then Bloodette cannot drain blood from them to satisfy her hunger. So now, both Cortney and Bloodette had reached an impasse; one wanted to drain the blood of the monsters, and the other wanted to use the blood to create blood spirits.

"Why did you not speak up earlier before I signed the contract?" Cortney was puzzled by Bloodette's late reaction.

"I did not realize it until now," Bloodette replied, feeling wronged. Her current situation was like she was in a chocolate factory and could not eat single chocolate because she wanted to make a fortune selling these chocolates.

"Well, it is too late now to complain. And by the way, with the fortune I will be making off of these Blood spirit cards, we can buy as much monster blood as you want. So for now, suppress your hunger, and I will buy as much as blood once we are out." Cortney asked Bloodette to cooperate, and in return, she promised to buy her blood to her desire.

"No, preserved blood and tap blood are not the same. I want to drink from the tap!" Bloodette started to throw a tantrum.

"Tap Blood?" Bloodette's word did not make any sense to Cortney.


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