Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 484: Blood Elixir

Chapter 484: Blood Elixir

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 11:16

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Learning about the miraculous ability of Bloodette, which allowed her to differentiate between the meanings of blood rules based on their compatibility with her previously mastered meanings of blood rule, I was almost tempted to plunder that ability from Bloodette for myself.

Who wouldn't be? With that ability, Bloodette can create as many hybrid runes as she wants to. Not to mention she can comprehend many compatible meanings of blood rule to forge a single overpowered hybrid rune with it. Either way, Bloodette's combat strength would increase by a large margin.

A single hybrid rune made Anna an apex card emperor among the three generations of card emperors. Anna was able to stand on top and spread her title far across this card world for her insane realm jumping strength provided by a single hybrid rune. If a single hybrid rune can give Anna such power and status, I cannot imagine what kind of power will be birthed with Bloodette's unique ability. Thanks to her innate rune blood supreme, Cortney would enjoy the same perk as Bloodette.

I thought I had too many cheats, but in front of Bloodette's single cheat, all my cheats could not hold a candle. Excluding my soul pupils, of course. Such a miraculous ability was worth coveting. But this ability of Bloodette had limitations too, that is, this ability could only be applied to blood rule. Even though the scope of this ability was a single rule, it still had millions of possibilities. And with enough time, a person with this ability can quickly climb to the top of the world and get a chair amongst the best of the best.

"So, it was your ability that helped me. This explains the weird feeling I felt guiding me to a bunch of meanings and told me that I should choose my second meaning to comprehend among them." Cortney finally understood why she was so lucky to comprehend highly-compatible meanings.

"Good to know I could be of your help. But I did not consider this perk of mine as an ability until I talked with you guys. I thought this came naturally to everyone." Before today Bloodette never considered differentiating meanings based on their compatibility as an ability. She thought this was the same for others too.

"…" Hearing Bloodette's humble words, I consider myself too arrogant for thinking that I had too many cheats. This day I promised myself that I would gather or create as many cheats as possible and never be arrogantly think that I had enough cheats.

"Cortney, are you done with your questions? Can I possess you now?" Bloodette asked Cortney impatiently. It seems she was eager to comprehend the meanings mastered by Cortney. Bloodette's eagerness stemmed from the fact that she thought new meanings mastered by Cortney were fun, and she did not want to see her best friend as food any longer.

"Okay, sure." Cortney agreed to Bloodette's request and activated her innate rune, which pulled Bloodette into it. After Bloodette vanished into her body, Cortney looked at me and asked, "what next?"

"I plan to head to a dungeon to test my abilities. Do you want to come?" I replied to Cortney, revealing that I had no other plans than to test the ability of my new rune in a dungeon

"Can I really?" Cortney asked in confusion as she thought that I would like to keep the ability of my rune a secret and would not want her watching while I test my new skills. Cortney understood as such because I did not even reveal the name of my rune to her and was too secretive about it. While she showed the rune info of all the three runes she had forged.

"Yes, you can. I also want to see what your two runes and one hybrid rune are capable of." The reason I invited Cortney to come with me to the dungeon while I tested my rune is so that I could see Cortney's runes in action and, if possible, use Fate plunder on the blood spirits that Cortney created to see if I can gain insights in blood spirit meaning.

Apart from her innate rune, Cortney's other three runes were also very powerful and handy. Thanks to the combination of Blood spirit and Blood sanctuary, Cortney is a walking-talking Army. Therefore I could not help but wonder what it would be like to carry a personal army of blood spirits with me everywhere I go. And what would happen to blood spirits if I were to embed each of them with my calamity daughter gems. Therefore if possible, I planned to get my hands on the meaning blood spirit of blood rule.

While Cortney and I discussed which dungeon in sky blossom city would be best for us to test our runes, I saw Van, Ted, and old Ben awaken from their meditative state one by one before they could re-enter the one with the world state to continue comprehending blood rules I stopped them from doing so and instructed them to report their progress in blood rule to me.

Van seemed to have comprehended the blood rule's meaning Blood elixir, and has achieved rare mastery and has uncommon level understanding in it. Since his mastery and understanding of the meaning were shallow, Van had not yet forged a rune.

The Blood rule meaning Blood elixir comprehended by Van has the ability to turn the blood of the enemies into an elixir to replenish allies health and soul energy.

Ted comprehended the blood rule's meaning Blood forge. His mastery in this rule had reached the super rare level and gained a rare level understanding of the rule. Ted planned to increase his mastery and understanding of the rune to the higher realm before for forging his rune, so he too had not forged a rune yet.

Blood forge meaning gave its users the ability to use blood power and blood to forge different kinds of weapons known to the user.


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