Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 477: Blood Ritual And Sacrifice

Chapter 477: Blood Ritual And Sacrifice

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 07:56

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Since my compression of blood rule's meaning, Fate Plunder, is stuck at a bottleneck, I had no choice but to halt my comprehension until I consulted Anna or Luna about more on this. And then decided to advance my basic rune to a higher tier. With current levels of mastery and understanding of the meaning, that should be an easy task.

Using my Rare Blood Rule Mastery, I conjured more blood rule power and refined it. When I finally had enough refined blood rule power, I used refined blood rule power to upgrade and reinforce the 'fate plunder' basic rune's framework using my Plus Ultra mastery of blood rule's meaning. I had two choices here, I directly upgrade the framework of the rune to Plus Ultra level or upgrade it step by step from basic rune to uncommon rune to rare rune and so on. Keeping the foundation of my rune in my mind, I choose the latter. And also because my understanding of the meaning was not yet Plus Ultra level.

If I reinforce the rune framework to Plus ultra level, then I will need Plus ultra level understanding to make the essence of the rune. So the limit of the tier I could upgrade the rune was to Ultra their rune. Therefore I step by step upgraded the rune framework while filling it with the corresponding level of sentience. First, I upgraded the rune framework to an uncommon level and then gave it uncommon level sentience, successfully upgrading the basic rune to an uncommon rune. With that, the grimoire notification prompts continued to sound until I upgraded the Rune to Ultra Rune.

[Basic Rune Fate Plunder successfully advanced to Uncommon Rune]



[Uncommon Rune Fate Plunder successfully advanced to Rare Rune]



[Rare Rune Fate Plunder successfully advanced to Unique Rune]



[Unique rune Fate Plunder successfully advanced to Super Rune]



[Super Rune Fate Plunder successfully advanced to Ultra Rune]

Using my Super Ultra mastery and Ultra understanding of the meaning 'Fate Plunder', I successfully advanced Fate Plunder Basic Rune to Ultra Rune in no time.

[Rune Name: Fate Plunder

Rune Tier: Ultra

Rune Rule: Blood

Rune Spirit: Unborn

Rune Info: Fate Plunder is an Ultra tier rune forged using the blood rule, and its meaning 'fate plunder'.

Fate Plunder gives the host the ability to steal their enemy's Youth, Lifespan, Identity, Skills, Fate ingredients, Origin card, Physique, Traits, and Runes by blood sacrificing them in a blood ritual to the rune.

Requirements: Blood ritual, Blood Sacrifice

Restriction: The authority of the rune's ability is restricted to the highest realm of the host's grimoire grade, and the host's will. Also the host should end the enemy's fate personally.]

This meaning of the blood rule reminded me of a curse practiced back on Earth. I had heard of an ancient practice where witches had various rituals that used victims' blood to curse them and steal their youth, identity, luck, and fortune. Witches could use this particular curse to look exactly like the victim by stripping the victim of their appearance. To maintain and live a beautiful and youthful appearance for a long lifespan.

This rune went steps ahead of the witch's ritual and robbed the skill, origin card, physique, trait, and runes of the victim. This ability of the rune is so gruesome that I had second thoughts about forging this rune. The fate I can rob from the victim is different for every tier. With every upgrade, a new fate that could be stolen from the victim would be added.

Basic Rune – Lifespan, Youth

Uncommon Rune – Skills

Rare Rune – Fate ingredients, origin cards

Unique Rune – Physique, Trait, Identity( body shape)

Ultra Rune – Rule mastery, Runes

Ultimate Rune – ???

As the fate plunder rune upgraded to a higher tier, the things I could steal from my enemies increased. I could even steal a card apprentices origin card, physique, traits, and rule mastery. This is very surprising because there are many card apprentices with skill cards and rules that allow them to rob Lifespan, Youth, Skills, and identity from others, but stealing origin cards, physique, traits, and rule mastery were totally unheard of.

Fortunately, Fate Plunder is a highly rare meaning of blood rule. If not, this card world would be in utter chaos, with people killing friends and family to rob them of their fate.

To steal other card apprentices' lifespan is already enticing enough. Still, adding youth, identity, skill, origin card, physique, trait, and runes to the list, this rune can drive a person to utter madness and greed. I did not know if I should be happy that soul power was not added to this list of things I could steal from the blood sacrifice. I guess even that will be available when this rune upgrades to the ultimate rune. This rune basically lets me impersonate the victim entirely except for the memory part, but it is possible that it can also become available in the future once this rune upgrades to its ultimate form.

Unlike the other runes I have seen so far, this rune had requirements and restrictions. Restrictions are common in runes, but seeing requirements for rune activation is very rare. Requirements specified that I should perform a blood ritual as I sacrificed the victim to plunder his fate.

Blood ritual was nothing special; it required me to implant the extracted blood after blood sacrifice into the origin core of the corresponding realm. So that it can turn into a card, and the type of the card would depend on the nature of the fate stolen by the victim.

Analyzing the blood ritual part of the rune, I finally know how this meaning of the blood rule is connected to the parent and daughter gem skill dungeon calamity seed. And then I had a thought that instead of implanting the blood rune extracted from the blood sacrifice into an origin core, what if I planted it in a daughter gem? Nothing was set in stone. There are many possibilities for using the rune's ability, I had to keep my mind open and explore them.


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