Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 465: Yuck!

Chapter 465: Yuck!

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 19:32

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

"I understand, but if I feel I am being blindsided or double-crossed, I will not hesitate to blow up the whole thing." Pouring some shares of silver milk powder into the market will increase the value of the remaining shares in my hand by a huge margin even greater than the value of total shares I held before. This also meant that the number of people gunning for me would decrease, and people covering me would increase.

Giving up some shares would gain me more money and more backing, so why should I refuse the offer that is advantageous to me. Therefore I was open to compromise. And also, I would be foolish to think that the Heatsend royal family could monopolize the production and distribution of silver milk powder. We would need more high-level players to support our monopoly, which meant sharing the cake.

"Good that you understand. And I am sorry that it has to be like this. I should have been honest with you from the start, but I did not know of all the arrangements made by my mother until it was too late. At that time, it seemed like it would be in your best interest that I do not tell you about all this." Anna apologized and stressed that she was not a part of her mother's scheme.

"It's okay. As long as the patent is in my name and I stand to make more money, the rest doesn't matter." Since I was not the one in the front lines doing all the hard work, it didn't matter how, why, and when I got the money as long as I got my money.

"I did not expect you to understand the big picture so quickly. Trust my Aunt and me. As long as what she is planning goes smoothly, you will be the world's richest high school student." Luna assured me, saying that her aunt had a plan and it would make everyone involved richer.

"Aren't I already the world's richest high schooler?" Though the valuation of 35% of silver milk powder royalty is yet to be done, I would like to believe I am unofficially the world's richest high schooler.

"No, you are underestimating the inheritance of the prominent families. They are insanely wealthy, and their daughters and sons are the richest teenagers. For example, my little brother JJ. He is about your age and has a mountain of inheritance." Luna seemed to think contrary to my thoughts. And continued tweeting about her younger brother, "Speaking of JJ, he will be attending university this year. I should introduce you two. I think you two will become best buds."

"I don't think so. As we two may not choose the same university." I did not hesitate to break Luna's weird chain of thoughts.

'Best buds? God help cousin JJ if Luna's thoughts come true; Wyatt will swallow him in whole if JJ were to spread his wings of arrogance in front of him.' Anna knew how arrogant and snobbish her cousin JJ was. She also knew that these types were Wyatt's prey.

"Dr. Luna, now that I have helped you with analyzing your ore. Could you guide me with rune forging?" I was running short on time. At nine tonight, I had to be at Blood Rock cave, so I hurried Luna.

"You sure you can do nothing? Is there no other way for you to use Mimirconium to create a MegaMorpher?" Luna seemed to be hung up on this. Despite knowing my answer, she could not help but ask me again.

"Yes, I can. Mimirconium is a strong A-rank metal. So I can create an A-rank Megamorher using it, but it will not have its famous unique ability. Because its energy retention period and charging time will not allow us to do so." Mimirconium is a sturdy ingredient, even without its unique ability. So creating a Megamorpher card with it would not be a problem.

"No, that's not enough to cross the river. We need its unique rule power adaptation ability." Luna mumbled unconsciously.

"…" Anna, who heard Luna, frowned but did not correct her. Feeling it was not an intentional error.

"If you really want the Megamorpher to inherit the unique ability of Mimicronium, then the only way left for you is to get me the production recipe." I could use my soul pupils to decipher the Soul pathway arrangements of the Mimicronium slab and deduce the recipe of the ore, but that would require my complete attention and time. Deciphering could go on for days, weeks which is why I asked Luna to get me the production recipe instead.

"Don't worry. I will talk to my contacts at Morningstar university. I think with enough donations to their university, I can get the permission to give you the recipe." Anna answered, seeing Luna's dilemma. As an alumnus of the top 10 universities, she had her contacts to get the job done.

"It's good to have money," I muttered, reminiscing about the times when I was rich back on earth.

"…" Luna was eagerly looking at Anna. Waiting for her to contact her contacts at Morningstar university.

"Stop looking at me so intently. I will call them at my convenience. Once I get the permission, I will let you know. So quit staring at me." Anna asked Luna to stop bugging her as she would be the first to know if Anna got permission for me to learn the recipe for Mimirconium.

"Why not now? You know how important this matter is to our family, right?" Luna pressed on Anna to not procrastinate.

"Luna, understand. My contacts at the university are quite peculiar. If I call them now, they will misunderstand my intentions." Anna seemed to be a little self-conscious about her contacts at the Morningstar university. This is the first time I am seeing Anna act like this. These people at morning star university may be quite distinguished for Anna to be cautious about calling them.

"Why? I do not understand. What's there to misunderstand?" Luna did not seem to understand what was causing Anna to act that way.

Realizing Luna was too inexperienced to understand her train of thoughts, Anna decided to put away her newly found shame and speak plainly, " the contacts that I speak of are my old sex friends and ex-lovers. If I call them at this hour for something as small as gaining permission for learning a production recipe, they might misunderstand that I was giving them a booty call under the guise of a silly excuse.

It would have been okay a few days ago, but now not so as I have decided to save myself for somebody special. So I will call them in the morning. It would be more appropriate to talk about business then."

Anna was embarrassed about revealing her past in front of her new crush. Therefore, she tried to be subtle and vague about her dilemma, but Luna would not have it and kept pressing her to contact her ex-lovers and sex friends in the evening.

"Wait, hold up! I am a senior researcher at Morningstar university, and I do not have the power to permit Wyatt to learn the production recipe of Mimirconium.

Who are these so-called friends of yours? For them to permit Wyatt to learn the production recipe of Mimirconium as a trivial thing. Don't tell me your sex friends are those old fogies, yuck!." Luna's tongue had no breaks, and at last today, they finally caused an accident, and the only victim was Luna herself.

*Ahh* with a scream, Luna laid flat with her belly on the floor. Anna slowly walked up to her, stepping on Luna's back. She said, "I asked you not to push it, but you had to push it. Now suffer the consequences of your actions."

"Big sis, slip tongue, it was a slip of the tongue, please forgive me." Luna started to beg to save herself from getting embarrassed in front of girls and me.

"Luna, let me make it clear. I like having a good time. But I am no home wrecker. Those old fogies have a happy and healthy family. I would never do that, and they were too afraid of grandfather to even be in the same room as me.

As for who my contacts are, you do not need to care about them. Just be happy that I will get the permission, and JJ participates in the inheritance trial." Anna's words were cold and stern. With each word from her mouth, Luna shuddered and regretted being too lenient on her tongue. Having warmed Luna, Anna got off Luna and returned to her spot on the couch. As if nothing ever happened.

Luna hurriedly stood up on the floor, sending a glare at Anna. She straightened her messed-up clothes and elegantly sat back on the couch.

"Okay, now that was awkward" I said, watching the weird dynamics between the two cousins.. Thankfully because of that, I got an important piece of news.


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