Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 453: Livestock

Chapter 453: Livestock

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 18:12

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

“Let’s get it over with” Cortney finally suppressed her worries and, with great bravery, stepped into the dungeon gate. Walking through the dungeon gate, Cortney was constantly in a high agitation and alarm state. Hoping that everything goes smoothly during the inspection of the seal placed on the dungeon. Though it only took one step to walk through the dungeon gate. It felt like an eternity for Cortney and Bloodette. Each of them was not worried about themselves but the other. That’s how deep their friendship ran.

“It worked! It worked! Haha,” Cortney shouted, coming out of the dungeon gate, letting out all the stress and worry that had built up in her form one step. And slumped to the ground letting out a huge sigh.

“We did it. Yes!” A pseudopod head extended out of Cortney’s back and yelled with great enthusiasm. It was Bloodette who was celebrating her escaping the prison that limited her to a dungeon for decades by hiding in Cortney’s innate blood rune.

Unfortunately, Bloodette did not stop her celebration there and separated from Cortney’s rune and morphed into her original humanoid form, yelling, “I am finally free.”

With Bloodette’s yell, the dungeon gate that had disappeared after Cortney stepped out of it appeared behind Bloodette, and a dozen or so thick chains made out of the blood hooked onto Bloodette, who was declaring her freedom to the world.

“Oh, shit!” Feeling the pain and pull from the blood hooks that have latched into her blood rule body Bloodette cursed at herself for celebrating too early.

“No! Will not go back. No!” Gruesome cries of Bloodette filled the surroundings. She tried resisting the force of the dozens of blood chains pulling her back into the dungeon gate. Alsa, to no avail, no matter how hard Bloodette yelled or launched at the blood chains, she was slowly being dragged by them into the dungeon gate.

“Leave my friend alone,” Cortney yelled at the dungeon seal and dashed towards Bloodette to help her get rid of the Blood chain latching onto her as it pulled her back into the dungeon.

“Wyatt! Stop that foolish girl.” Seeing Cortney come to her rescue, Bloodette gave up resisting the pull of the chains and jumped back into the dungeon gate, yelling at me to stop Cortney from attacking the seal of the dungeon.

If Cortney were to attack the seal on the dungeon, the seal would determine Cortney as hostile and launch a punishment at her. Someone of Cortney’s strength could not even face the friction of the seal’s strength and live to tell the stories. Therefore to save her friend Bloodette stopped resisting the seal and jumped back into the dungeon before Cortney could attack the seal.

“Cortney, stop. There is nothing we can do with our strength.” I restrained Cortney, stopping her from acting rashly. And soon, the dungeon gate disappeared, having caught Bloodette.

“Argh!” Cortney let out a roar filled with sorrow that had accumulated seeing her best friend skewered by blood hooks and dragged by dozens of blood chains into a cage like a beast.

For someone who believes repaying grace is more important than revenge, friends and family are more important than any higher being. Seeing her best friend and benefactor in such a state as she helplessly watched was the greatest pain.

“Bloodette! Bloodette!” Cortney tried contacting Bloodette through her soul pact card, but we received no response instantly

“I am fine.” After a minute or so, a weak voice responded to Cortney’s calls stating that she was okay.

“Bloodette, open the dungeon gate, let me in.” Cortney asked to visit Bloodette inside the dungeon. To check on her condition.

“Cortney, I am fine. Just a little weak from all the over deal earlier, I want to rest for now. Let’s meet tonight at 9.” Bloodette explained that she was exhausted from resisting the seal on the dungeon and wanted to rest for now and asked Cortney to come back later.

“Blood…” Cortney wanted to argue but stopped feeling a hand pressing her shoulder. Cortney turned to see the owner of the hand. I shook my head with a sad look. Telling her to stop at this and not make things difficult for Bloodette. From the gloomy look on my face, Cortney understood that she was making things uncomfortable for Bloodette out of her worries, so she decided to give Bloodette her space to recover.

“Wyatt! Can I eat your Blood Ego Elemental? It looks very appetizing right now.” having consumed all her energy to deal with the punishment from the seal, Bloodette could no longer maintain the humanoid form and had turned into a puddle of blood. With all her energy exhausted, the dreaded hunger of hers had surfaced. Therefore she planned to eat the Blood Swordsman I had left in the dungeon to comprehend the blood rule and heal its broken rune to completion.

“Well, I have only one of those, so leave the core and eat its body so that it can keep recreating its body, giving you a stable source of blood. And don’t worry, I will ask my friend to bring all the blood he has collected. He will be here soon. Let’s meet later tonight.” Since I will be coming back later, I decided to leave the Blood swordsman in the Blood Rock Cave to continue comprehending blood rule. I did not expect it to become livestock for Bloodette.

Blood that constitutes Blood ego elemental’s body is normal blood, unlike Bloodette’s body which was made of condensed blood rule. The average blood created by the Blood ego elemental is very pure compared to the monster blood, which carries nutrition and waste from the monster’s body. Therefore the blood produced by Blood swordsman was also tasteless and flavorless. But it tastes better when compared to the taste of the condensed blood rule. This seemed very appetizing to Bloodette, whose hunger has reached new heights thanks to the punishment from the seal.


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