Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 392: Takeover

Chapter 392: Takeover

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 10:07

Location- Southern Capitol region, SS-rank Gate dungeon Storm Horse Grassland

After the three beast mechas transformed and combined into the MegaMorpher, Cortney, and I were transported from our mecha pilot cabin to the Clown Mask’s cabin located in the center of the MegaMorpher’s chest. The clown mask’s cabin also had new adjustments added to it so that the cabin has enough space for three pilots and for it to act as the primary pilot cabin for the MegaMorpher.

Being transported from my cabin, I arrived at the primary cabin of the MegaMorpher and met the Clown mask, who was already present in the cabin. The atmosphere in the cabin became awkward because of the bad blood between us. Me sparing Cortney’s life despite her being the only child of the murderer of young Wyatt’s parents. You know the same old.

“Hive AI, Activate takeover protocol.” Without wasting time, I ordered Hive AI to commence the takeover of the MegaMorpher.

MegaMorpher is formed by combining the three beast Mecha using a three-person array formation. Meaning that MegaMorpher is controlled by all three of us, Cortney, her mother, and I equally. But for my plan to implant the calamity daughter gem in Clown Mask to work, I need complete control of the MegaMorpher.

[Activating Takeover protocol…]

[Connecting to MegaMorph…]

[Connection with MegaMorph established…]

[Connecting to Gale Eagle AI…]

[Connection with Gale Eagle AI established… ]

[Contacting Wind Broken Rune Calamity daughter gem…]

[ Wind Broken Rune Calamity daughter gem responding…]

[Activate, Wind Broken Rune Calamity daughter gem…]

[Wind Broken Rune Calamity daughter gem on standby awaiting orders…]

[Connecting to Terrain Back Tortoise AI…]

[Connection with Terrain Back Tortoise AI established… ]

[Contacting Earth Broken Rune Calamity daughter gem…]

[ Earth Broken Rune Calamity daughter gem responding and awaiting orders…]

[Activate, Earth Broken Rune Calamity daughter gem…]

[Earth Broken Rune Calamity daughter gem on standby awaiting orders…]

[Fire Flag in host’s control…]

[Earth Flag in host’s control…]

[Wind Flag in host’s control…]

[Takeover Earth Wind and Fire formation complete…]

[MegaMorpher Takeover complete…]

Taking over the other two beast mecha cards was not a challenge as they were formed using my calamity daughter gem. All I needed to do was have the Hive AI establish contact with the calamity daughter gem, and then the whole MegaMorpger would be under my control. Accomplishing that I could continue with my plan.

“Good, MegaMorpher paralyze Terrain Back Turtle Mecha Beast Rider.” Upon my command, an electric shock coursed through Clown Mask’s seat, rendering her in a state of paralysis.

Walking to the Paralysed Clown mask, I removed her mask and, avoiding her hollowed third. I pried open her mouth and shoved my Calamity Daughter Gem. And in a matter of seconds, the calamity daughter gem worked its magic.

“Hive AI, make a copy of Calamity Daughter gem Clown Mask’s memory and save it in the local files.” Clown Mask is my first calamity daughter gem. My other subordinates like the Kane trio Mama and Papa Wyatt’s party members; they only have Calamity Daughter core, yet to be updated to the calamity daughter gem.

So technically, Clown Mask is the first subordinate formed with the Calamity Daughter gem. I wanted to check out the new additional skills that were added to the Calamity Daughter gem. After all, it is way different from the Calamity Daughter Core and formed by combining an Ego Gem. But I could not as a lot of time has passed, and Cortney could get suspicious.

To get some alone time with the Clown mask, I rigged the three beast mecha cards so that when the Earth Wind and Fire formation was activated, I would be the first one to arrive at the Clown Masks cabin. Giving me an opportunity to take over the MegaMorpher controls, paralyze the Clown mask and turn her into one of my subordinates by implanting a calamity daughter gem into her.

“Get up and continue to act as usual. I will contact you when I need you. Make no mistakes. Cortney will be here soon.” Giving Clown Mask her orders. I returned the controls to MegaMorpher to normal, and soon, Cortney was transported to the primary cabin.

“Wyatt, you are here.” Cortney did not expect to meet me face to face this early. Yes, she apologized, but that was not enough to change after what transpired between all three of us, her mother killing my parents, her trying to kill me, and me sparing her life.

“Hi Cortney,” I greeted Cortney with a calm smile because right now, I was in a good mood since I had achieved both of my goals behind creating these three cards.

“…” Cortney was happy to see that I still greeted with a polite smile, indicating that I had forgiven her. But she had not forgiven herself for trying to kill me. Therefore she did not know how to face me. Maybe If I blamed and cursed her for trying to kill me, it would have reduced her guilt but seeing that I forgave her as if nothing ever happened, Cortney’s guilt grew by several folds.

“Cortney, you can speak freely with. It’s just us here. All is forgiven. After all, we are friends, right?” Having implanted a calamity daughter gem in Cortney’s mother, I felt a little guilty, so I decided to make up with her. Courtney was a trustworthy person, especially her physique, ensuring she kept her word. Someone like her is worthy of my friendship with or without her unique physique.

“Wu Wu… yes, we are friends. Wyatt, I am sorry I tried to kill you.” Tears rolled from Cortney’s eyes as she heard me as if we were friends. Confirming our friend status, Cortney apologized for trying to kill me.

“That’s okay. I am still alive, aren’t I?” Hearing Cortney’s heartfelt apology, my heart moved. Yeah, it’s not some great apology like in the anime, but her words and her actions, I felt the sincerity behind them. Yep, despite her unruly appearance, this girl is a simpleton who does not mind getting hurt but hurting those close to her.


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