Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 364: Desperate

Chapter 364: Desperate

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 18:21

Location- Sky Blossom City, Damned Raining Arena.

Just one day and Anna’s entire worldview changed. The source of it all was the boy named Dalton Wyatt. Coming in contact with him, Two expressions came to Anna’s mind, ‘Frog at the bottom of the well’ ‘There is always a taller mountain.’ Anna never thought that she who stood at the top of the world would personally experience these two expressions.

A teenage boy made a world-changing discovery, Silver milk powder. A remedy to help mortals grow their active soul control.

That boy was able to forge an Ego Gem in a mere hour and create Ego elementals out of broken runes.

The Daughter of Bright couple forged an Ego Gem and comprehended a rule to a high level, and created a conscious high order ego elemental.

A tragic girl turned sadist killer saved the world from being enslaved to one person’s greed using the future insights she gained from sacrificing her Tao Eye.

Another tragic girl with Tao Tongue forced a supreme being to do her bidding.

And now there is a crazy bitch out there controlling the entire central region from the shadows using her secret club right under the noses of the oldest and Noblest of Demigods who took part in the founding of current civilization.

The more Anna thought, the more surreal she felt. Shaking off that feeling, Anna looked at Kareem and asked, “Anything else you want to add?”

“No, your highness… that is it.” Kareem recounted every secret about the Madame Web’s club he knew truthfully, excluding the crimes he was forced to or willingly took part in. Kareem was not dumb. He wanted the southern emperor to feel indebted, and narrating his crimes would not help his case.

“Good, now you can rest in peace. I will help you get your revenge.” Conforming that Kareem had no more information, Anna decided to send him packing. Though she trusted Lorenzo and Luna to protect Wyatt, after learning about Madame Web’s club and what it was capable of, Anna no longer was confident in the old man and his granddaughter.

“…” Hearing Anna Kareem’s face paled. Seeing this, Anna shook her head and said, “be grateful your active participation has saved you from a painful death.”

“Wait…” Kareem still wanted to talk his way out of the current predicament, but Anna did not give him a chance to. With a slash of her heavy sword, she cut Kareem into two.

[Winner Ally, initiating ring cleaning process. Please be on standby…]

[Ring cleaned. Hostiles, please choose the next challenger…]

Watching the remains of Kareem disintegrate and vanish, the crowd of card emperors was in terror. And the announcement was like a death sentence to them. Like the last time, the Card emperors again choose to wait for Anna to determine her challenger. But due to the terror of imminent death hanging over their heads, the Card emperors felt every passing second as eternity.

“I can’t take it anymore… give me peace.” A weak-minded card emperor could no longer handle all the withdrawal from Soul energy, Power of rule, and Madame Web’s memory seal. And finally, choose death over a metaphorical eternity of terror. Jumping into the ring, he begged Anna to give him peace.

Though Anna got all the information she was looking for from Kareem, she wasn’t planning on just blindly believing his story. She wanted to cross-reference Kareem’s story with the remaining Card emperors. Coming across such a desperate card emperor, how could Anna let go of such a chance, “Not so fast, tell me what I want to know truthfully, and I will give you the peace you seek.”

“Fine, I will tell you what you want… ” seeing how desperate the hostile card emperor acted, Anna did not believe she could get any valuable information from him. Who knows, just for the sake of what he wants, he could agree to whatever she says. Seeing the crowd of Card emperors below the ring, Anna was not worried about the authenticity of the information from the desperate card emperor.

[Winner Ally, initiating ring cleaning process. Please be on standby…] cross-checking Kareem’s story with the desperate card emperor Anna gave him the peace he seemed.

[Ring cleaned. Hostiles, please choose the next challenger…]

The cycle of cross-checking Kareem’s story with all the challengers continued until none of the hostile was left.

[ Victory Ally ]

[ All the Hostiles have been defeated. The condition for leaving the damned arena has been met.]

[Will you choose to Exit the Damned Raining Arena? (Yes/No)]


Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 18:23

Location- Sky Blossom City, City Outskirts

“It is too calm.” Said Grey Fur looking at the peaceful Sky Blossom City, showering in light rain.

“You are overthinking it, Grey Wolf. The boy’s corpse exploded right in front of our eyes.” Sniper assured Grey Fur that the mission was complete and he was worrying for nothing.

“No, knowing the Southern emperor after learning about the boy’s death, she should be enraged and throwing a tantrum, but the city is too calm. I feel as if we missed something.” Seeing that the city was calm as if nothing had happened, Grey Fur started to feel uneasy.

“Come on, man. No matter how strong the Southern emperor is, 24vs1 is too much even for her. She must not have known about the boy’s death yet.” Sniper made a good point which sounded reasonable to Grey fur.

“You may be right. I am just overthinking it. Head out and gather at ‘Heaven on four legs.’ Please do not wait for me. I will join you guys once I give Madame Web a detailed report. ” Grey fur finally let go of the matter and dispersed everyone asking to regather at ‘Heaven on four Legs.’

“See you later, team leader.” Biding their goodbye to their team leader, the four Card emperors of team 1 used their escape teleportation array and left the southern region. At the same time, Grey fur decided to report the mission’s success to Madame Web.

[Calling Madame Web…]

“You better be calling to tell me that the mission was a success. Otherwise, I do not mind turning you into a brain-dead idiot or a memory-less fool.” Enraged Sansa answered Grey Fur’s call warning him that his call better be regarding the success of the mission he was attempting and nothing else. She seemed to be extremely angry with the incident related to Grinch.

“Yes, Madam, this call is to inform you about the success of the mission. You can watch Flower Thief’s memory to see the desperate look on that boy’s face as Flower Thief sent the boy to his parents.” Grey Fur boasted the completion of the mission to Sansa.

“Great, finally the pest is gone, and I can rest knowing I won.” Sansa’s tone became pleasant, thinking that Ellen’s spawn was dead.

“Madame, the success of the mission came with the loss of 25 club members.” Grey fur did not try to hide the sacrifice of the 25 card emperor for the completion of the mission because Sansa would learn of it by watching their memories, so there was no point in lying to Madame Web.

“It’s a shame that to kill a card soldier, 25 card emperors were sacrificed, but that is to be expected after all your opponents were the Southern emperor and the Raining Alchemist, the heroes of the southern region.” Sansa was not worried over the loss of 25 card emperors. She was happy that she was the final victor, and she was right.

“Madame, the life/death status of the 24 of 25 card emperors that were sacrificed is not clear yet.” Grey fur finally reported the smellest blunder to Madame Web.

“Don’t worry; I know that they all have died as I lost the connection to their memory seal…” halfway through the sentence, Sansa finally saw the error in her words, ” wait, how did they all die at once?”

*gulp* swallowing his saliva, Grey fur reported what he saw, “Madame, they were not killed all at once; rather, they were teleported to an unknown location by the Southern emperor.”

“What do you mean by they were teleported to another location? … I will check your memory.” Sansa decided to check Grey Fur’s memory to understand what happened. Thinking of the worst

Sansa hurriedly accessed Grey Fur’s memories to check how 24 card emperors lost connection with her memory seal simultaneously? Sansa preferred that all the card emperors were dead, as if they were still alive and not under the control of her ability, then things would not be in her favor.

“Fook! Ellen, you bitch even dead, you do not cease to cause trouble to me. How much I wish you were still alive so that I could kill you again? Fook!Fook…” Sansa’s pompous little mouth uttered profanity in anger after going through Grey fur’s memory and finding a possible answer to why she lost connection with all 24 card emperors at once.


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