Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 362: Latest Updates

Chapter 362: Latest Updates

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 18:11

Location- Sky Blossom City, Damned Raining Arena.

The clever card emperor was no saint, nor did he have a sudden change of heart. He proposed to reveal everything he knew to Anna because he knew if he were adamant on talking terms, Anna would rather kill him and get the info from the other card emperors.

Feeling trapped in a checkmate, the clever card emperor tried a new approach to gain Anna’s trust and make her feel in debt, and make her think that she had to let him go in exchange for the info he gave her. It was a long shot to approach Anna’s honest side, but it was better than forcing her to talk terms with her. It would only lead to disastrous consequences.

Though this new approach may not save his life, it could help him get revenge on the person responsible for his present self, Sansa Baylor. Yes, the clever card emperor decided to gamble. Win or lose, either way, he stood to gain something. With such stacks on the table, the clever card emperor chose to gamble with his life on the line.

“Your highness, I learned the card info of your field card thanks to my origin card ‘latest update’. It can keep me updated with the data about any card used on me. The movement I was under the influence of your field card. My origin card ‘latest updates’ updated me about your field card info. Thankfully this process is instantaneous, and it did not get canceled because of interference of your damned arena.” The Clever Emperor did not play any tricks anymore and genuinely answered Anna’s questions.

[Card Name- Latest Updates

Card Type- Origin Card

Card Rank- Unique grade

Card Rate- -/-

Card Durability- -/-

Card Effect- The User is instantaneously updated regarding the card info of any card influencing him.

Additional Effect- Card Clues]

Card Clues- Card Clues is the ability that gives the host clues to handle the card influencing the host.

“I’m interesting origin card. It is similar to the latest news updates in the news channels. Only here you gain the enemies card info instead of the local/national/world news. No wonder you knew about my field card but not about old man Lorenzo’s Positioning rain array.” Anna finally knew why the man who knew about her filed card was stupid enough to walk into the Positioning rain array. His origin card informed him about enemy cards, not the city array.

“Yes, your highness. My origin card was made with that intention in mind and much more, but the card creationist was not up to the challenge, and I had to settle for this subpar origin card.” The clever card emperor reminisced about his past, thinking where his life went wrong. A few decades ago, he was also a teenager with bright eyes filled with hope, and today, he is one of the dirtiest scum to walk the world.

The movement these card emperors entered the damned raining arena not did they lose contact with their soul energy and power of rules, but they also lost the memory seal left in their memories by Madam web. Each and every one of them received all their memories, the ones that madam web did not want them to see and had suppressed. As for the ones that were erased, it was too late for those memories. They were lost forever.

Gaining freedom from the control of Madame Web’s memory seal, the Card emperors were not happy. Instead, they became terrified and wished to have the memory seal back on. They could tolerate remembering heinous and inhumane deeds they were forced to do under by Madam Web. These memories were so egregious that the card emperors were traumatized and wanted to go back under the influence of the madam web’s memory seal.

These memories were why the card emperors were so adamant about hiding any information regarding Madame Web. If Madame Web and her club are brought to light, their sins that they are trying so hard to forget will also be brought to light. Therefore to save themselves, the card emperors ended up protecting the one thing that tormented and traumatized them.

Madame Web’s memo was the same for all of the recruits to her club. First, they are the bottom feeders of the card emperor realm community. Second, once they are under the influence of her memory ability, then she forces them to do the most heinous crimes they can think of.

This way, she traumatizes them. Suffering from the trauma, their mind will automatically try to suppress these memories, and that is what Madame web is after. Once the victim’s mind is weak and is trying to forget the painful memories, it becomes easier for Madame Web’s ability to take root in her victim’s memories and gain access to new skills like being able to perform memory alteration and manipulation.

Card emperors are no ordinary beings and are mentally very strong. No matter how weak a card emperor is, no outside influence can ever influence their memories for a long time. That is the reason why Madame Wed needs to traumatize her victims.

Being the first-hand victims of Madame Web’s ability, these card emperors knew how dangerous her ability was. Yet, they still preferred to return under the influence of her ability. For a long time, Madame Web’s ability had been the anchor that kept them sane and going despite their flaws. They were addicted, to be precise, the card emperors’ minds were addicted to Madame web’s ability as It helps them suppress, alter, and erase the painful memories. Madame Web’s ability was like a pain killer for their trauma.

This firm control is how Sansa Baylor continued to maintain her club without being noticed by the world to this day. When the victims themselves did not want to come forward, how can people become aware of the predators amongst them?

But no matter how intense the addiction is in the face of death, it loses its grip. That is what is happening with the clever card emperor right now. He no longer cares about the traumatizing memories that recently surfaced nor Madame Web’s ability. All his thoughts are right now focused on survival. He had to be alive to be addicted.

Seeing that Anna showed no change in her stance even after hearing him informing her truthfully about his origin card info, Clever card emepror chose to risk it and continue with his plan,

“Your Highness, the person who takes us with the assassination of the discoverer of the silver milk powder is…


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