Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 356: Distraction

Chapter 356: Distraction

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 17:54

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card Stadium

“Grey Fur, I don’t think Grinch can handle the negotiation. I believe you should have led the negotiation.” Sniper commented.

“It doesn’t matter as long as he draws the attention of the Southern emperor and the Raining alchemist for enough time he and his team have done their part.” Grey Fur did not seem to care how the negotiations between Grinch and the Southern emperor went. Taking the city hostage and demanding an exchange was an elaborate distraction to separate the target from the big players like the Southern emperor and the Raining alchemist.

The plan has always been to assassinate the target, now that target is separated from the impenetrable shields, Southern emperor, and the Raining alchemist, it was their chance to do what they were here to do in the first place.

“Newbie, you sure this is the maximum you can stretch this space. I don’t like how my front is rubbing against your behind.” Sniper complained, trying to adjust his position in the narrow space of Flower thief’s origin card ocean mask.

“Look who is complaining? I am the one who has to deal with the wood in your pants rubbing on my butt. I should be the one complaining.” Flower thief yelled in anger and frustration.

“Will you two shut up? Take one for the team… SNIPER, don’t you dare turn this side. I will cut that thing.” Grey Fur tried to calm Flower thief, but when he saw Sniper adjust his position towards him, he yelled, warning Sniper of the consequences of his decision.

“Okay, okay, calm down, blame the newbie. I think he is doing it on purpose.” Feeling Grey Fur’s erupting anger, Sniper blamed it all on Flower thief.

“The space inside the Ocean mask is meant for one person. It’s already a miracle that five of us could fit in it. You guys have turned my previous ocean mask into a Clown car.” Hearing Sniper blame him, Flower thief explained his origin card and agonized over his Ocean mask being misused.

“Whatever, endure it for now. Once we complete this mission, I will buy you all one round in ‘Heaven on four legs’.” Grey fur tried to motivate his team about the present situation by promising to pay for them in ‘Heaven on four legs.’

“Team leader, you are the best. Wait, just our team or the other teams too?” Sniper celebrated hearing Grey fur. He was so enthused by Grey fur’s promise he addressed him as team leader.

“Obviously, just our team.” Grey fur scoffed at Sniper’s question.

“Newbie, you’re in for a treat. The ‘Heaven on four legs’ has high-end products. Last month I heard a card emperor realm product was put on shelves. A card emperor, fook can you believe it. If she is still there, I will order her this time.” Sniper finally acted like a good senior to Flower thief. And introduced Heaven on four legs as a high-end brothel where one can expect to find card emperor realm products.

“I don’t know why you are kicking up so much fuss over it. Haven’t you tasted a card emperor before?… Fook! Sniper, you son of a… stop your fantasies… your wood is poking me….” Flower thief was not as excited about the brothel as Sniper after all; he wasn’t named flower thief just for show.

“Oops, my bad. If you want to blame anybody, blame the team leader.” Sniper finally woke up from his fantasy and blamed Grey fur for the mishap.

“Shut up, you two dunderheads. If your shenanigans cost us this mission, Be warned I will claim your manhood.” Annoyed, Grey Fur warned Sniper and Flower thief. Feeling his manhood on the line, Sniper finally behaved.

“Leader, remind me again why Sniper is here with us and not out there? Isn’t he a sniper?” Flower thief could not help but ask. Though he has only spent limited time with Grey fur, Norman knew Grey Fur was very devious and would not do anything without a plan. But bringing a sniper to close combat did not sound so devious.

“Did I not tell you already? While the four of us stall the other three card emperors protecting the boy, you assassinate him, collect us in your origin card ocean mask, and immediately take us to the rendezvous point. Simple right, Even before the southern emperor realizes what happened, we will have killed the boy and escaped.” Grey Fur repeated the plan to the team once more upon Flower Thief’s request.

“Boss, aren’t you underestimating the three card emperors guarding the boy? Two of them are titled card emperors, and the last one is an academician at one of the top 10 universities.” Flower thief did not think the plan was as simple as Grey fur claimed it to be. And he believes that if anything out of the ordinary happens, Grey fur will not hesitate to use the other three as decoys. As for himself, he was not worried because, with his origin card, he could escape in a blink of an eye.

“I know. That is why I brought Sniper with us, even though his close combat is weak. Four of us can suppress the three with our numbers enough to buy you time to assassinate the boy.” Grey fur assured that he had everything under control.

Flower thief did not buy into Grey Furs’ words. He also noticed that the other two card emperors in his team were wary of Grey Fur’s plan. It became clear to them that except for Sniper, nobody believed that Grey Fur’s main objective was what he narrated to them, but they were too afraid to voice their concerns. Flower thief no longer concerned himself with Grey Fur’s plan because if the plan went south, he would use his origin card to skedaddle from the scene.

“Boss, something is wrong. I cannot contact the other teams” reported one of the Grey fur’s team members in panic.


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