Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2211 Ann Was An Accident V

Chapter 2211 Ann Was An Accident V

"I don't know but currently she is not one of my favorites" Anna replied after thinking a little. "Ilow can you say that Anna, when you know everything our mother did was for our good? You know how much mother worries for us!" Seeing his second granddaughter come to their mother's rescue since she wasn't here to defend her actions, the Southern Ruler wasn't surprised.

Having spent enough time trying to figure out Anna's origin card, he had come to be fond of the good daughter side of Anna's origin card. So much so that he began to treat and address her as his second grandchild, many would call him crazy for considering an origin card as his grandchild but that little one had come to win a place in his heart. It was impossible for anyone who got to know the little one to hate it. Not to mention he believed it would be a big help to Anna when she took over the throne.

"Shut up, nobody asked you" Anna rebuked her origin card, which kept forgetting its place, and acted like her little twin sister.

Also, it kept calling her mother its mother. How crazy was that? An origin card did not have parents or family let alone a mother. It only had a master whom it should worship but this one kept fighting with her on every little thing. She considered herself unlucky to get such a rebellious origin card. To make matters worse her grandpa seems to have taken a shine to her and keeps laughing claiming he has two granddaughters now.

"Anna don't be rude to your sister. You two need to get along nicely, the Southern corrected Anna and then turning to the little one he said, "Little one, don't take her words to heart. I am sure under her harsh words she still loves you. As her twin, you should know her heart better than me!

"Yes, Grandpa I do. I know she always wanted a sibling to play and accompany her," the little one did not think twice about revealing one of Anna's hidden desires to their grandpa without even considering if Anna wanted to share it. It was just happy to use Anna to get close to their grandpa. "Shut up, otherwise I will lock you in the card; enraged Anna warned the little one from revealing her secret desires to her family.

"Anna, don't make me repeat myself," After sternly warning his eldest granddaughter he turned to his youngest granddaughter and asked, "I can't keep calling you little one. We need to give you a name. What would you like to be called little one? That is if you want it."

"I want a name too. I would like it if Mother gave me a name, the little one replied causing Anna to roll her eyes and mockingly remark, "You sure you don't want to be called Mama's pet. It is a fitting name for you. It highlights your personality perfectly"

"If you can wait that long, it's fine by me. Once we complete our retreat let us directly head to your mother. I have been meaning to meet up with her anyway. Until then I will call you youngest, Ignoring his eldest granddaughter's comment he informed them having decided to confront his daughter for her actions.

"Thank you, Grandpa, I will wait," the little one cheered in high spirits ignoring her twin sister's harsh comments. Knowing that she was only teasing her and did not really mean it.

Recalling how happy the youngest was, the Southern Ruler nodded in satisfaction. Even if he was the monarch of the Southern region, he was just like any other grandpa. His training retreat with his granddaughter was twice as fun and fulfilling thanks to her unexpected twin. Being around his lovely and lively granddaughters he felt like the happiest man in the world.

Seeing her grandpa had brought them to the Southern royal palace when he said he would take them to meet their mother, the youngest reminded him, "Grandpa, this is the palace, did you forget

you said we will meet mother after finishing our retreat to get her to give me a name?"

"No, I did not. I informed your mother to meet up with us at the palace. Now, follow me. Your mother should be waiting for us, assuring his youngest granddaughter, he led the two of them to his daughter's personal garden.

"Do I have to come too? Can't just the two of you go? It's not like you guys need me or my consent to name my origin card; Anna complained, not only did she not want to meet her mother she also thought that the whole idea of giving an origin card a human name would make the top of the dumb things her family had done and her family has done more than their share of dumb things.

"Yes, you have to come. If possible I would prefer it if you did not bring your snarky mouth with you. It's a big day for your sister you should be happy for her, No matter what he tried he could not get Anna to accept the youngest as her twin and treat her with the deserved respect. It seemed the more he pushed her the stronger she pushed back. He tried to figure out why Anna acted as such toward the youngest but he could not. He soon gave up knowing women were complex creatures. "Yes, Anna. I would like it if you were there. Without you it will not feel complete, the youngest pleaded to her eldest twin who reluctantly followed them to do the dumbest thing they had done so far, naming her origin card. Yet, she could not help but comment under her breath, "You already have a name that came with my origin card, the Good Daughter"

Hearing the whisper loud and clear, the youngest's footsteps paused as she glared at Anna in disappointment and anger. Soon, recalling all of Anna's comments and insults to her since her birth, she lost control of her emotions and thundered, "I know we are twins and we should be inseparable but I hate you!"

Even if the youngest could read Anna's memories and knew Anna didn't really mean those words there was a limit to one's patience. Anna had managed to find the youngest's and lit up her fuse. Being yelled at, Anna was not to be outdone, she screamed right back, "We are not twins, you were an accident!"

The youngest wanted to pounce on Anna and rip her nasty mouth off for calling her an accident and all other bad things while Anna was ready to sucker punch her rage-blind rebellious origin card which did not know that its place was under its master's feet. However, they both suddenly froze in their tracks noticing a familiar figure appear in their field of vision.

"Anna, that is not how you treat your sister. I believe I raised you better than that"

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