Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2200 Devil Merchant Heatsend

2200 Devil Merchant Heatsend

Date- 21 April 2321

Time- 02:01

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Before beginning his practice, Wyatt had tried to convince the Field Marshal not to think of becoming a devil merchant as betraying her ancestors and the Card world but to think of it as her not limiting her idea of the native world to the Card world but entire myriad realm just like the demons who consider the whole of myriad realms to be theirs. He hoped he was able to get through her but if not that's fine too. So, Wyatt wasn't lying when he said he would respect the Field Marshal's decision.

"I am a devil merchant," the Field Marshal revealed her decision summoning her diamond grimoire which was now fused with the devil merchant codex. Then she immediately added, "Woah, it feels just to say it."

"Great!" Wyatt beamed learning the Field Marshal did not disappoint him. After all, having a devil merchant in his team would save him the trouble of feigning to be backed by a devil merchant. Though a non-native devil merchant was not the same as an elder chaos dwarf devil merchant, Wyatt believed he could sell it.

The Field Marshal silently nodded in response. It seems that even though she was no longer on the fence about becoming a devil merchant, she wasn't confident about her decision to become one. That's understandable after all her decision to become a devil merchant went against everything she was taught about pride and honor since she was little.

One had to know for honor the Field Marshal sat by and watched as her husband was attacked, her granddaughter was kidnapped, and the property of the Southern region was stolen. For someone like that to go against everything she was taught since her childhood was not ease. It was already a miracle that she was able to let go of her old values. So it did not come as surprise to Wyatt to see her struggle to live with the decision she had made. He did not dare to judge her and was thoroughly impressed by her.

"Don't worry. I promise you, I will help you see that you have made the right choice," Wyatt stared into the Field Marshal's eyes and promised her. He did this knowing that he was one of the reasons why the Field Marshal decided to become a devil merchant.

"Are you sure about that? Dredre explained the contract terms to me word by word, I got a say you found a way to legally enslave people," the Field Marshal joked to change the topic, not wanting her young liege to be concerned with such an insignificant matter. Being a soldier living with hard choices was not new to her. "Now that's just slander. I did not force you to sign the slave-employment contract. You signed it out of your own free will," Wyatt comically protested playing along with the Field Marshal. These days trying to bring the Field Marshal to his side, he had come to understand her better and knew exactly what kind of soul she was. Which was why he dared to trust her with part of his secret.

"You a point, master or do you prefer young master," the Field Marshal said playfully.

Wyatt rolled his eyes at the Field Marshal and asked, "Since you have become a devil merchant why aren't you by Dredre's side borrowing books from the Infinity Library or at our native sector in the inter-realm city to advance your rule comprehension? You do know that it would be very helpful if you achieve advanced comprehension in space rule before the second demon invasion begins."

"This thing can help me with fusing my three primary space rule meanings into a space rule stream. Dredre went on hours about its use but never mentioned anything about rule comprehension," the Field Marshal asked Wyatt in astonishment as she pointed at her devil merchant codex/diamond grimoire. "Well no, that's impossible. Nothing can help you with that. But you said you were half a step away from achieving advanced comprehension of the space rule so I assume you are halfway through combining your three primary space rule meanings into a space rule stream. If so, then our native sector in the inter-realm city would be a more efficient place for you to complete forming your space rule stream," Wyatt explained having experienced the perks of the rule comprehension in their native sector of the inter-realm city.

"I see, I will keep that in mind the next time I enter practice," the Field Marshal replied with a little disappointment that the devil merchant code could not help her with forming a rule stream.

"My bad, I will be clearer next time," Wyatt said scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Mmh, guys, what is a devil merchant? By the way, can I and Cortney become one?" Bloodette suddenly asked wanting to be part of this secret group that her other friends were talking about.

Cortney too looked at Wyatt in anticipation of his answer, the fear of being rejected by him was painted on both their faces. Yet, Wyatt chose his words poorly, or in Corey's words he was brutally honest, "I hate to say this, but you two do not have what it takes to be a devil/demon merchant."

Listening to Wyatt the duo started at him devastatedly. Even the Field Marshal stared at him in shock. She could not believe his reply to the girls would be so blunt and thoughtless. Looking into the eyes of the duo she could see the shards of their souls that Wyatt's harsh words had shattered.

"Well, we did not want to be a devil merchant anyway," Bloodette lashed out in defense to cover her hurt

emotions while Cortney stared at Wyatt with a betrayed look on her face, it appears she did not expect this from the person she considered her best friend after Bloodette.

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