Can’t Take My Eyes Off You

Chapter 1424 - Why Do People Change?

Chapter 1424: Why Do People Change?

“Sergeant! I object! How come I am the only one who does not have a lovely partner?!”

“Sergeant! I am looking for a partner! We don’t have to act like a husband and wife, but we can act like brother and sister! I am on my own in real life, and I am still on my own when I go on missions. Does the world still have any justice?”

Zhou Junmin had no idea that his comrade, who had once made him so nervous that his eyes would twitch, would one day point a gun at him.

“Yes, I am an animal!”

Sergeant Ge snarled. “I have betrayed my brothers, comrades, army, and country!”

“Why did you choose this path?”

Jiang Yao’s heart was bitter. “Mr. G can be anyone, but it can’t be you! You used to be a soldier who fought alongside them. Even if you have left the army, you should still feel the pride and righteousness of a soldier in your bones! Take a look at Zhou Junmin. When you were injured and taken to the hospital in an emergency, Zhou Junmin and the others were only concerned with getting you there and forgot to bring money with them. One of them was watching over you outside the operating room, and the other came to me in a hurry to borrow money for your medical fees. Zhou Junmin’s eyes were red when I saw him. He was a strong man, but his eyes were red because you were in the operating room. He was so concerned about you, your legs, and your future! So, what about you? What did you give him in return? How did you repay him? Torturing him like that and then pointing a gun at his head, ready to take his life?”

“Look at the rest of us! We are wearing the same green army uniform and doing the same thing to protect our country, even though we are not in the same region and have never met before! Do you remember how you felt when you saw your fallen army comrades? Do you remember how you felt when you saw their graves? Do you see what you are doing now? You are causing more people to die and creating more graves!”

Jiang Yao could not get over the shock when she saw those graves in Jindo City’s cemetery. She could not get over the indescribable grief Zhan Qiuhe’s family felt as they sobbed at their loved one’s grave.

She admired the martyrs, but she hoped there would be fewer such heroes.

She imagined that her hope was shared by all the soldiers and by everyone who cared about their country.

In reality, however, that was not the case.

People change constantly, and their changes might catch other people by surprise.

“Brother Ge, are you still looking for Ge Wenwen?”

Jiang Yao chuckled softly. “Ge Wenwen has vanished, hasn’t she?”

“Yes, it is all because of that b*tch. She is incapable of caring for a child, which is why my child vanished!” Sergeant Ge was upset when his only daughter was mentioned. “I hate her. I want to cut her into a thousand pieces. It is one thing for her to destroy my future, but how can she make me lose my daughter?”

“You are concerned about Ge Wenwen’s disappearance because you are a good father. You adore your daughter, but what about the others? What about the other children? Did you ever consider those innocent and pitiful children when you joined this group? Those you use as money-making tools! The people you have worked so hard to keep safe!”

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