Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 449 - Running into Jun Li while Performing Surgery

Chapter 449: Running into Jun Li while Performing Surgery

Qin Shu followed Gu Yan into the operating theatre. The cold gloom that seemed to perfuse the room caused her to flinch.

“… Gu Yan.”

Gu Yan, thinking that Qin Shu was afraid, comforted her, “Don’t be afraid. I’ll be by your side.”

Hanging in the operating theatre was a thick and heavy curtain. Parked at its side was an assortment of medical equipment. A woman in a white doctor’s coat stood waiting for them inside. She looked to be around thirty with a set of non-descript features. She was probably the gynaecologist sent by the hospital to assist Gu Yan.

“Come in. We’re good to go. The surgery shouldn’t take long. It’ll be over before you know it.” The gynaecologist soothed.

Qin Shu entered the operating theatre nervously, doing as the doctor instructed.

The doctor drew the curtain as soon as Qin Shu was on the operating table. The curtain was all that separated Gu Yan from the gynaecologist and Qin Shu.

Gu Yan paced back and forth anxiously. Being a man, he was not comfortable operating on a woman. Therefore, he had enlisted the aid of a reputable gynaecologist from the hospital. The best he could do was to offer moral support for Qin Shu by staying close by.

Half an hour later…

Gu Yan stood by the curtain and waited.

When the curtain was drawn open, the gynaecologist came face to face with Gu Yan. He had been waiting just beyond the curtain.

“The surgery went smoothly.”

“Thank you for your help. I’m relieved.”

“Professor Gu is too polite.” The doctor smiled and said, “You should wait outside. She’ll need to rest awhile before returning with you.”

The gynaecologist chirped excitedly. Professor Gu was a world-renowned genius in the field of medicine. Many hospitals and universities both at home and abroad often invited him to lecture on his theories. Being able to curry favour with him was a once in a lifetime opportunity and she wanted to milk it for all it was worth.

Not to mention how handsome and genteel Gu Yan was. Anyone would try to cosy up with him.


Gu Yan exited the operating theatre with the doctor.

The operating theatre quietened. It almost seemed deserted but for the fact that Qin Shu remained behind.

When she woke up, a dizzying sense of nausea assaulted her. It felt like she had been asleep for a long time. It took a while for her vision to swim into focus. Perhaps her disorientation was a result of the anaesthesia still in her system

It was with much difficulty that she forced herself up into a seated position. She had not been transferred to a ward – much to her relief. She was the lone occupant in the room. Snatching her clothes out of the pack she had prepared, she struggled to put them on and tidy up after herself.

The operation had taken its toll on her in more ways than one.

Walking was harder than she thought and she stumbled more than once on her way out of the operating theatre.

Just then, the doctor noticed Qin Shu walking out. With quick steps, the doctor was at her side supporting her.

“Take it easy. Yes, that’s right. Why didn’t you rest longer?”

“I want to go home. Where’s Gu Yan?” Her words tumbled out in a garbled stream.

“He’s outside answering a call. Let me help you out.”

“Thank you, Doctor.” Qin Shu thanked the doctor and walked out with her help.

The hospital was not very busy being a weekday and for that, she was grateful.

Supported by the Doctor, Qin Shu hobbled out of the hospital and made her way over to the parking lots situated nearby.

Gu Yan was answering a call when Qin Shu shuffled out of the hospital wearily. Wrapping up his call with a few words, he rushed to her side posthaste.

“Professor Gu, Qin Shu has just had an abortion and is still weak. Please be careful,” the doctor reminded him. She did not need to say anything else because Gu Yan was also a doctor.

“Thank you for the reminder.” From the way Qin Shu looked dead on her feet, Gu Yan could perceive how exhausting the abortion had been on her. Carrying her bridal style, he was shocked by how light she was. It did not take him much effort to whisk her to his car.

Qin Shu was thankful for Gu Yan’s support. Her body felt heavy and she could barely muster the strength to stand on her own. Under the clinical lights of the hospital, her skin took an ephemeral paleness.

Gu Yan laid her down in the passenger seat and helped fasten her seatbelt. It was not the most comfortable position to be in but it was the best he could manage on the fly.

Once Qin Shu was properly settled, Gu Yan stepped into the driver’s seat and drove off.

The doctor stood at the door and watched Gu Yan leave with Qin Shu. Abortions were becoming more common these days, especially in pregnant teens and unmarried women; the sight of which not being regarded as strange in the least.

Jun Li glanced at the car that had just left, addressing the doctor quietly, “Good evening, Doctor Mu.”

Doctor Mu was the doctor who had operated on Qin Shu. When she realized that it was Jun Li who was speaking to her, she quickly responded. “Third young master.”

“My mother isn’t feeling well.”

Jun Li had received a call from his mother at school, asking him to fetch Doctor Mu from the hospital.

Though he knew it was merely an excuse to see him, Jun Li played along.

After all, a call to the hospital would have sent Doctor Mu scurrying to his mother’s side sooner. There was no need for him to fetch the good doctor personally.

Doctor Mu was Madam Jun’s personal physician. She was a doctor of some repute in the capital. It was this reputation of hers that prompted Gu Yan to seek her out. She was one of a select few that held his confidence in performing an abortion for Qin Shu.

The hospital belonged to the Jun family.

Doctor Mu was flattered that Jun Li was paying her a visit personally. “I’ll be there shortly.”

“Come with me. I’m heading home anyway.”

Jun Li spun around and marched to his car. He did not leave her any room for discussion.

Doctor Mu hurried after him.

No sooner had they seated themselves in the car than Juying took off for the Jun family home.

Along the way home…

Doctor Mu shifted in her seat uneasily. It was her first time being in such close quarters with the third young master of the Jun family. The gulf between their statuses was not something that could be bridged easily.

Kneading his forehead gently as he stared out the window with his violet eyes, Jun Li asked, “Was that girl I saw you tending, unwell?”

“She was not unwell per se, it’s…” Doctor Mu hesitated. A patient’s medical history was confidential. She would be in a lot of trouble if anyone found out that she had volunteered privileged information on a patient in her care. At the same time, however, the party asking for the information was technically her boss. She found herself in quite a predicament.

“It’s what? Is it something you’re not able to disclose?”Jun Li stared at Doctor Mu with narrowed eyes.

“Third young master, the patient in question is a woman. I find it rather inconvenient to share any specifics regarding the operation she had to undergo.” Already Doctor Mu knew that she had said too much.

Doctor Mu’s reluctance to answer candidly piqued his interest. Originally, Jun Li had thought that Qin Shu was simply under the weather with whatever illness she was suffering but Doctor Mu’s reply hinted at something more serious.

“If you are not willing to tell me, I’ll just have to check it out at the hospital myself.”

The hospital had plenty of surveillance cameras. As long as he was careful, no one would know he had examined the footage.

“Third young master, do you know the girl?” Doctor Mu was so scared that she trembled in fear.

“I do know her. I wouldn’t have asked if I did not,” Jun Li murmured.

“Third young master, that girl came to the hospital to have an abortion. She’s unmarried. It won’t be good if the news gets out,” Doctor Mu whispered.

An abortion? Jun Li could not believe his ears. Balling his hands into fists, he sternly reprimanded Doctor Mu. “No one must know.”

“I know. I won’t tell anyone.” Doctor Mu dabbed her forehead with a silken handkerchief.

Jun Li did not pursue the matter. His mind was too occupied with thoughts of Qin Shu’s abortion. It was almost as if he was in a state of shock.

More importantly, why would she need to get an abortion? Why did not she want the child?

Was it because of Fu Tingyu?

When his thoughts bumbled onto the subject of Fu Tingyu, Jun Li’s violet eyes flickered with a cold light.

Gu Yan led Qin Shu back to his apartment, carrying her into his bedroom and tucking her into bed.

His heart ached at the sight of Qin Shu’s feeble countenance. “Rest. I’ll bring some soup for you to drink.”

Qin Shu nodded politely, laying down on the feathery bed to rest. Though the pain had lessened somewhat, she still felt discomfort in the region around her abdomen. It was a hollow reminder that her child was gone.

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