Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 424 - Overflowing With Jealousy

Chapter 424: Overflowing With Jealousy

Xu Wei went numb. Was she hearing things? Did Grandma actually call her Little Shu?

Disbelief coloured her face in a pallid shade.

“Grandma, life at university has been wonderful. The food served at the cafeteria is not bad either. However,” Qin Shu paused, swivelling around to face Fu Tingyu, a sunny smile adorning her cute lips, “It still can’t compare to the food prepared at home.”

Fu Tingyu listened intently as Qin Shu spoke. Basking in the warmth of her smile, his frigid eyes took on a gentler air.

The old dowager nodded in agreement. “That’s good, that’s good. The world is a cruel place. It certainly can’t compare to the joys of home. I worry for your wellbeing every time you venture out alone.”

Xu Wei gave the woman beside Fu Tingyu a once-over. If Grandma referred to her as Little Shu… Could she be Qin Shu?

Recalling the words Fu Tingyu had spoken then, that fondant figurine he had with him was a gift from his wife.

Was… Was she really Qin Shu?

How’d she transformed into a vision of Venus just by tying her hair up? It did not make sense.

Qin Shu’s eyes swept over and caught the expression of disbelief etched on Xu Wei’s face.

Not having the chance to school her expression into a mask of neutrality, Xu Wei looked around awkwardly.

Qin Shu surveyed the pastries Xu Wei had gifted Grandma with. They were buns of some sort – topped in a generous coat of meat floss. At its centre was a knob of butter. “Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to chat with Grandma, Miss Xu. Please accept our belated thanks for relieving her boredom,” Qin Shu complimented kindly.

Xu Wei had been gaping at her like a fish ever since she and Fu Tingyu arrived. Qin Shu brushed off her impolite behaviour as an unfortunate reaction to seeing her without makeup on.

Xu Wei looked at Qin Shu and then back at the old woman. Plastering on an obsequious smile she said, “I enjoy chatting with Grandma. She is a joy to speak to.”

The old madam beamed happily and offered, “Indeed. Xiao Wei has been nothing but good company to an old woman like me. She’s even brought over some pastries that she made herself.”

So caught up in their chatter she was that she had yet to sample the delightful pastries Xu Wei had brought.

“Miss Xu really is quite thoughtful. She knows that Grandma is old and likes eating soft foods. She even added more butter to soften the bread.”

The old madam’s expression changed upon hearing that butter had been added to them.

Xu Wei did not notice how the elderly matron paled and she continued speaking with a note of pride in her voice. “My grandfather enjoys eating pastries like these. He finds it easier to eat things that aren’t too hard. I thought Grandma would be the same and so I brought some of the pastries he liked for her to try.”

Qin Shu nodded thoughtfully. “Grandpa Xu and Grandma are around the same age. He would know what kinds of food are easier to eat.”

At this moment, Fu Tingyu, who had been silently listening, interrupted, “Grandma was hospitalized two years ago because of an allergic reaction she had after eating a butter-filled pastry. Have you forgotten, Miss Xu?”

Fu Tingyu glared at Xu Wei with a chilling gaze that threatened to freeze her where she sat.

A memory of the incident that had taken place two years ago was called to mind. It had happened during the old woman’s birthday banquet. After eating a pastry stuffed with butter, she collapsed from what was later identified as a serious allergic reaction. She had nearly lost her life in that unfortunate debacle

Xu Wei had forgotten about it completely. Originally, the pastries were meant for her grandfather. It was only out of convenience that she used them as an excuse to see Fu Tingyu.

Noticing the old woman’s expression for the first time that evening, Xu Wei hurriedly thought of some explanation she could give to address the situation she had landed herself in.

However, before she could explain herself, Qin Shu came to her rescue. “Miss Xu must have forgotten that Grandma is allergic to butter. She wouldn’t have brought her something so lethal, otherwise.”

Unconvinced, Fu Tingyu argued, “I remember both old man Xu and Miss Xu being there at the hospital.” The words he left unsaid, hung like the doom of Damocles in the air.

The old woman’s face darkened in displeasure.

Xu Wei’s was as white as sheet. Fumbling for a response, she said, “Grandma, although I made this pastry, it was the maid who added the butter. She was helped me make the pastry, thinking it was meant for my grandfather. I would never offer you something I knew you were allergic to.”

Taking a closer look at the pastry box, Qin Shu noted, “Miss Xu, there seems to be a layer of butter coating the box. It seems rather hard to believe that you had no knowledge of there being butter in the pastry.” The elderly matron adjusted her reading glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. She hadn’t noticed it earlier and it came as a surprise when she discovered the coating of butter lining the inside of the box.

Xu Wei turned her attention to the box she had prepared. What she saw stole her breath away. She was in the old woman’s good books and she couldn’t allow the favourable impression, she had painstakingly built, crumble because of this one mistake of hers.

She opened her mouth to explain but was stopped short.

The old madam waved her hand, dispensing any need of hers to vindicate herself. “People make mistakes. No harm was done. Let’s have dinner.”

The old lady thought of how Xu Wei had accompanied her these few days and decided to let it go. Xu Wei must have forgotten that she was allergic to butter and that was that. She did not wish to dwell on the matter any longer.

Xu Wei quickly thanked the old matriarch for her magnanimity and apologised profusely for her mistake. Although the old lady had decided against pursuing the issue, Xu Wei knew that she was the type to bear grudges. “Thank You, Grandma. I’ll commit this lesson to memory. I won’t make the same mistake again.”

Qin Shu didn’t expect the old dame to move on just like that. It simply showed how much she liked Xu Wei.

The old woman was the first to stand up and toddle towards the dining room.

Fu Tingyu stood up and offered Qin Shu his hand.

Qin Shu grasped his hand in hers, following him to the dining room.

Xu Wei wanted nothing more than to incinerate Qin Shu where she stood. Even at home, the pair of lovebirds paraded themselves in each others company as if they were joined at the hip. Gritting her teeth in frustration, she stood and walked after them.

In the dining room…

Laid out on the table was a sprawling feast. It was a luxurious spread consisting of Fu Tingyu’s favourite food.

The quartet sat around the table. Try as she might, Xu Wei was not able to coax the old woman into speaking. The atmosphere at the dining table was sombre.

Xu Wei fell silent, picking at her food half-heartedly.

Meeting Qin Shu’s eyes the old dowager asked, “How is Little Yan? Has he gotten used to living on campus? He’s been thoroughly spoilt from young and I can’t help but worry for him.”

Qin Shu put down her chopsticks and replied, “Little Yan is doing quite well in school. He’s still adapting, though. I think he’ll return over the long holiday that is coming up. You’ll be able to inspect whether he has grown taller or put on more weight, then.”

It had only been a month since Little Yan had left home for school and already she missed him. She really was getting old…

Lifting his chopsticks, Fu Tingyu picked out several food items he knew Qin Shu enjoyed eating and placed them in her bowl.

Qin Shu arched a delicate brow but did not comment. Picking up her chopsticks, she nibbled on the food in her bowl.

Having made sure that his wife was eating properly, he helped himself to the dishes on the table.

Xu Wei watched the intimate display with jealously burning in her heart. She had met Fu Tingyu first, not Qin Shu. How could Fu Tingyu care for t-this… this woman. It was not fair.

Was it because she had a pretty face?

Sure, she did not look bad but there were many other women who were just as beautiful – if all he cared about were appearances, anyway.

Other than her looks, what else did she have?

Xu Wei believed that she was in no way inferior to Qin Shu. After all, she was a woman of status and wealth few could compare to.

Throughout the whole meal, Xu Wei felt like she was chewing on wax; every bite harder than the last. It reached a point whereby it became increasingly difficult for her to swallow the food in her mouth.

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