Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 421 - seeing that you have an appetite, go find Gu Yan and check his pulse

Chapter 421: seeing that you have an appetite, go find Gu Yan and check his pulse

Ye Luo had been taking care of President Ba in the days following his return.

Since his trip to the capital, President Ba had become much more mischievous.

He got into as much trouble as he made around Sheng Garden.

Ye Luo had caught President Ba on several occasions. He tried locking him up but every time he did, President Ba would act as if he were about to die. The pitiful appearance he wore was too painful to ignore and so Ye Luo would always free him a short while after.

Shi Yan reached out to stop him and asked curiously, “What’s wrong with President Ba?”

Ye Luo replied, “It took something of mine.”

Shi Yan thought that President Ba had been up to mischief in the kitchen again but apparently not. It looked like President Ba was simply snacking on a piece of paper. “It’s just a piece of paper.”

Ye Luo ignored Shi Yan and continued to chase President Ba.

Shi Yan turned to look at Ye Luo who was hot on his heels after President Ba. What was so important about that piece of paper?

Two hours later…

Qin Shu walked out of the cloakroom wearing a loose orange dress of Korean design. It had a white doll collar that lent her a refreshingly youthful look.

She looked even younger now in the dress she wore.

Though the skirt of her dress reached her knees, it was neither too long nor too short. It was perfectly proportioned to showcase her long, slender legs.

Fu Tingyu followed closely behind. He wore a well-tailored suit that complimented his suave figure. It was a rich velvety black that flowed like silk. It was a classic look that had not changed for thousands of years. It enhanced his noble bearing.

Holding her hand in his, Fu Tingyu led Qin Shu to the dining room. He walked slowly, matching her short strides with one of his own.

It was almost time for lunch and the chef had already prepared the dishes.

Shi Yan and Ning Meng waited in the living room.

Hearing the rhythmic patter of footsteps, they looked towards the stairs and were caught flat-footed when they discovered a lovely couple walking down the burnished steps.

Ning Meng spoke under his breath, asking, “When did the young madam return? Why didn’t anyone tell us?”

“I didn’t know she had returned either.” Shi Yan muttered wistfully as he watched the fourth young master lead his wife to the ground floor. It dawned on him then what the fourth young master had been doing earlier.

Anyone in the young master’s position would have felt anger for having been disturbed.

Qin Shu followed the man dutifully to the dining table.

A full course was laid out on the table. All of them were dishes Qin Shu enjoyed. Despite her absence, Fu Tingyu continued to have the chef prepare his meals according to her tastes.

He pulled out her chair and tucked her in before seating himself opposite her.

Hunger had been gnawing at her from the moment she woke. Tortured by the long wait, Qin Shu was so hungry that she could eat a horse. Her hunger only worsened when she realized that the dishes the chef had prepared were all her favourites.

Picking up her chopsticks, Qin Shu dug into the feast with ravenous abandon. She skewered her favourite pork tenderloins, marinated in sweet and sour sauce, between her chopsticks and took a bite. Its crispy skin paired well with the slightly tangy sauce and brought out an intense burst of flavours. Perhaps it was her hunger, but she felt that the pork tasted more delicious than usual.

Unlike his wife, Fu Tingyu was in no hurry to eat. Instead, he watched Qin Shu devour piece after piece of the succulent pork tenderloins, relishing in her delight. She was a feast for his eyes and her joy was reflected in the mirth dancing in them.

Qin Shu’s enthusiastic display managed to whet his own appetite and soon he was chewing on a few vegetables he had plucked from a dish.

He did not enjoy eating alone. Meals were supposed to be enjoyed in the company of friends and family. With Qin Shu in the capital, he had been eating alone and the solitude weighed heavily on his shoulders.

He ate to live. He did not live to eat. Eating was a chore, a mechanical motion meant to serve his bodily needs. It was not something he usually enjoyed.

Now, however, with the love of his life eating with him, the food in his mouth gradually gained texture, taste and a whole multitude of sensations that were otherwise denied to him.

They ate in companionable silence. Fu Tingyu was not the type to make small talk at the dining table. She knew that, and so eating together with him was enough. It left her feeling content.

When she had just about eaten her fill, Fu Tingyu wiped his mouth with a napkin and said, “I’ll be going into the office later.”

The office had been extremely busy as of late. As he had not gone in the morning, he would have to go later that afternoon.

Smiling, Qin Shu assured him, “Alright, I’ll wait for you to come back for dinner.”

She wiped away the oil stains around her mouth having reassured him.

“Let’s go to the old mansion for dinner tonight,” Fu Tingyu decided.

Qin Shu nodded her assent. “Sure. I haven’t seen Grandma in a long time. It would be good for us to visit her. I hope she is well. She must be bored out of her mind without Xiao Yan by her side.”

Fu Tingyu eyed her teasingly. “She won’t be bored if you give her a great-grandson.”

Qin Shu looked away hurriedly, a scarlet blush tinting her cheeks. Softly, she said, “It won’t be so soon.”

Seeing her head bowed in embarrassment, Fu Tingyu marched around the table and stood at her side.

Qin Shu noted the way he rested a palm on the table and another against the back of her chair. Curiosity flashed in her eyes.


Before she could finish her sentence, Fu Tingyu leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips.

Qin Shu was too startled to react.

A fan-shaped screen separated the living room from the dining room. Its frame was made of mahogany, while its screen was made of silk. The screen was embroidered in threads that wove a scenic forest across its surface.

From the living room, Shi Yan and Ning Meng could see their vague silhouettes through the silkscreen.

Qin Shu was awoken from her reverie by a deep and powerful voice, “Then I’ll be going now.”

Fu Tingyu stared at her for a long time as if he was trying to commit every line, every contour of her being into his memory. It took great effort for him to tear his eyes off her but eventually, he did.

Qin Shu followed him with her eyes until he disappeared around the corner. She could still feel the warmth of his kiss on her lips.

Ning Meng rushed to her young madam’s side as soon as she was sure that the fourth young master had departed. Excitedly, she asked, “Young Madam, when did you come back? Why didn’t you call ahead of your return?”

Qin Shu laughed as fervourous excitement was channelled through Ning Meng’s form. “I arrived last night. You were probably sound asleep by then.”

Realization dawned on Ning Meng’s face. “No wonder not even Butler Shi knew of your return.”

Almost a month had passed since they last met. Ning Meng surveyed Qin Shu’s emaciated figure and frowned, “Young Madam, you seem to have lost weight. Is the food in your school’s cafeteria not to your liking?”

“It’s not bad. The food in the cafeteria is actually pretty good. Of course, it can’t be compared to the food cooked here.”

Qin Shu rubbed her face self-consciously. She did not feel like she had lost any weight.

She still had to make a trip to Gu Yan’s place. Gu Yan had instructed her to pay him a visit today so that he could check her pulse and see what was wrong with her.

Qin Shu recalled her close encounter with that brilliant green snake. Back then, she had made the grievous error of trying to extract the venom from the wound it had inflicted and in doing so, had poisoned herself. Even now, the numbing taste of the poison lingered on her tongue. Did the snake bite do more damage than she had thought?

It was at this moment that President Ba crashed into her.

In a single leap, President Ba was safely perched on her lap meowing unhappily, “Meow!”

Qin Shu looked at President Ba who had suddenly jumped onto her lap. She raised her hand and rubbed his furry head affectionately, a gentle smile blooming on her lips. “Did you miss me? she asked with felicity colouring her voice.

“Meow!” President Ba’s two front paws were propped on her lap. He raised his feline head and stared at her with his haughty green eyes.

Qin Shu giggled as she took in the sight of President Ba’s cavalier demeanour. “I know, how about I take you out for a walk? Would you like to get some fresh air with me?”

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