Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 405 - Two Stalks, Han Xiao Did It For her

Chapter 405: Two Stalks, Han Xiao Did It For her

Qin Shu’s voice was filled with excitement. Han Xiao stood up and looked at the medicinal herbs in Qin Shu’s hands. Seeing how happy she was, he raised his eyebrows. “Not bad.”

“It’s a good start. When we find the first stalk, we’ll definitely be able to find the rest of the medicinal herbs.”

Qin Shu took out a sterile bag from her backpack and placed the medicinal herbs into the bag. Then, she tightened her backpack.

Han Xiao also said, “We’ll definitely find it.”

After finding a medicinal herb, Qin Shu became more confident.

It was almost four o’clock in the afternoon

Han Xiao also found a medicinal herb. He asked Qin Shu to identify it. “Come over and take a look. Is this the medicinal herb that you’re looking for?”

When Qin Shu heard this, she stopped searching and turned to look at Han Xiao. She hurriedly ran over and stood beside him, looking left and right. “Where is it?”

Han Xiao pointed at a very inconspicuous plant at the side and said, “It’s here.”

Qin Shu looked in the direction that Han Xiao was pointing at. She saw the herb he was talking about. The herb was only about ten centimeters tall. It was like an underage herb that had not yet grown completely so she could not recognize it at first glance.

“It’s a little small but better than nothing. However, you have good eyesight. The leaves have not yet grown but you can recognize it at a glance.”

Qin Shu smiled and bent down. She took out a sterile bag from her backpack and reached out to pull up the underage medicinal herb. Just like the last one, she didn’t clean the soil at the root and put it directly into the bag. Then, she put it away.

Han Xiao saw Qin Shu’s smooth movements. Actually, he took many glances at the herb before he decided that it looked similar. That was why he asked Qin Shu to come over to confirm.

Qin Shu carried her bag and stood up straight. She looked at the time on her wristwatch. It was almost four o’clock. If they returned to the tent now, it would be almost five o’clock when they reached.

She raised her head to look at Han Xiao. She was in a good mood because she picked two herbs. She smiled and said, “It’s almost time. Let’s go back to the tent.”

Through her flat glasses, Han Xiao saw Qin Shu’s smiling eyes. He was stunned for a few seconds. “Okay.”

Qin Shu walked in front and began to think about tonight’s dinner. They bought instant noodles and sausages in the supermarket so she suggested, “Let’s cook noodles to eat when we go back. It’s more convenient.”

Han Xiao walked behind Qin Shu casually. When he heard her talking about eating noodles, he nodded and replied. “Okay.”

They returned to the tent half an hour later. The light in the forest was getting dim and the sky had already darkened.

Qin Shu took out a large frying pan and a self-heating bag from her bag. These two things came together.

Han Xiao also walked over and squatted down beside her. “Let me do it.”

Qin Shu was stunned.

Han Xiao took the frying pan and self-heating bag from her hands. He began to arrange the pot’s position skillfully.

After the arrangement was done, he took out bottles of mineral water from his bag and poured three bottles of water into the pan.

Qin Shu helped him by the side. She took out two packets of noodles and the sausages and handed them to him.

“Put these things in when after the water started boiling. Otherwise, the taste won’t be good.” Han Xiao closed the lid and waited for the water to boil.

Qin Shu suddenly understood. “Oh, so there are so many things to pay attention to when cooking noodles. When I eat instant noodles in the past, I put the noodles and water directly into the pot to cook. It tasted a little mushy.”

Han Xiao glanced at Qin Shu. There were many girls who didn’t know how to cook nowadays so it was normal that she didn’t know how to cook noodles.

“If you cook it together directly, it will definitely be mushy.”

“You know how to cook, right?”

She suddenly remembered that when she was having lessons with him through the laptop, there were a few times when Han Xiao was in the kitchen. That meant that he knew how to cook.

She looked at Han Xiao’s cold face and remembered his identity. It was really hard to imagine that he knew how to cook.

As for Han Xiao’s identity, she could tell that he came from an extraordinary family based on his speech and his temperament.

Han Xiao nodded. “Yes, in the past, the noodles I cooked tasted terrible too.”

It was the first time Qin Shu heard Han Xiao talking about his past. “Nowadays, no wealthy young master will cook personally. It’s already very rare that you to learn to cook.”

Han Xiao said, “I’m no different from others. I only change because of one person.”

“So, you went to learn cooking because of someone? It’s hard to imagine that you went to school specifically to learn cooking. I’ve only heard of this saying: If you want to capture a man’s heart, you have to capture his stomach first.”

Since her cooking was so poor, should she go and learn cooking?

“I learned cooking on my own. You can turn that phrase around.”

“So you taught yourself how to cook to capture a lady’s stomach?”

Qin Shu seemed to understand what Han Xiao meant. She really should learn how to cook.

Han Xiao did not answer Qin Shu’s questions. Seeing that the water was boiling, he lifted the lid of the pot and placed it on the bag at the side. He picked up the noodles in Qin Shu’s hand. The packaging had already been torn open. He directly took the pieces of noodles and placed them into the pot. Then, he opened the seasoning bag and placed them in one by one. Finally, he put the sausages. Then, he closed the lid. The whole set of movements was completed in one go.

Now, after the noodles boiled, they could start eating.

Qin Shu supported her chin with one hand and stared at the pot that was steaming again. She looked at Han Xiao and her eyes lit up. “Why don’t you teach me cooking skills too?”

“If you want to learn, I can teach you.”

Seeing that the steam was almost gone, Han Xiao lifted the lid of the pot and placed it on the side. He picked up the bowls and chopsticks that had been prepared beforehand and scooped a bowl of noodles for Qin Shu. He handed it to her. “Try it and see how different it is from the instant noodles you used to eat.”

“The smell is very fragrant. It must be delicious.”

Qin Shu took the bowl and chopsticks with great anticipation. She was indeed hungry. She lifted her chopsticks, picked up a few noodles, and blew on them. Then, she ate them.

Han Xiao stared at Qin Shu as she ate the first mouthful of noodles. She didn’t know whether it was because she was relieved of her hunger or because it was delicious. But, Qin Shu revealed a satisfied expression with a smile in her eyes.

He asked, “How is it?”

Qin Shu couldn’t help but take a second bite. It was much more delicious than the noodles she cooked. When she looked at Han Xiao, she gave an expression of admiration. “It was really delicious. After eating the noodles you cooked, I’m afraid I won’t be able to eat the noodles I cooked myself.”

“Next time, use my method to cook. The taste won’t be bad.”

Han Xiao picked up a bowl and chopsticks and scooped a bowl for himself. He ate slowly. He was used to eating the noodles he cooked so he didn’t feel anything different. The only difference was that the person who ate the noodles with him this time wasn’t Hua Wuyan but Qin Shu. The feeling was very different.

While eating the noodles, the two of them did not say anything else. After they finished eating and cleaned up, it was only seven o’clock at night. Those who were used to sleeping late could not fall asleep at this time.

Qin Shu and Han Xiao sat opposite each other.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened. The mountain was pitch black. Other than the starry sky above their heads, nothing else could be seen.

In the mountain, the night was even colder than the day.

Qin Shu scanned her surroundings. It was pitch-black. She could occasionally hear the sound of insects. It was something she had never heard before.

“Han Xiao, do you think there are wild beasts like wolves in the mountain?” She could not help but ask.

Han Xiao said, “It’s hard to say. We walked all the way over from the foot of the mountain but there weren’t many people. The mountain is also very big. It’s normal to have wolves.”

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