Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 356 - Babe Was A Little Excited In Front Of Everyone

Chapter 356: Babe Was A Little Excited In Front Of Everyone

“Yes,” Fu Tingyan replied. He originally planned to go with Jiang Yu but Jiang Yu had already left for the capital yesterday.

Because it was a last-minute decision and his brother asked if he wanted to go with him…

That was why he was sitting here now.

Ning Meng prepared a set of bowls and chopsticks for Fu Tingyan.

Fu Tingyan looked at the food on the dining table and found that there were more styles than before. It made him very hungry.

Fu Tingyan knew about the cooking skills of the chefs in the house and it was very to his liking. Otherwise, he would not keep thinking of coming here to eat free food.

While Qin Shu was having breakfast, Shi Yan and Ye Luo moved the luggage and other things to the car.

After moving the luggage, Ye Luo went up to the second floor again to carry the little proud cat.

Boss had already woken up. When it looked at Ye Luo who was walking over to it, it despised him. It felt that he was a piece of wood with a violent tendency.

However, it also felt enjoyable to let someone carry it as it didn’t have to walk.

Ye Luo walked in front of Boss, bent down, picked up Boss expressionlessly, and walked out.

Boss narrowed his eyes. Being carried was indeed a kind of enjoyment.

After breakfast, Qin Shu went to the bedroom on the second floor, picked up her backpack, and walked down again.

Fu Tingyu stood in the middle of the living room and looked up. He saw the girl coming down from upstairs and then walking towards him.

Qin Shu looked at the man in front of her. Then, she glanced at Fu Tingyan, who was leaning against the entrance, as well as Ning Meng, who was standing by the side, and Shi Yan…

However, she remembered that she was going to the capital soon and she might not even be able to see them once a month.

She suddenly reached out and wrapped her arms around the man’s neck and gave him a kiss.

Fu Tingyu froze. Looking at the lady in front of him, he subconsciously pursed his lips.

This was the first time the lady had kissed him in front of someone. He was a little surprised but his heart was filled with joy.

Fu Tingyan leaned against the entrance and waited. When he saw this scene, he froze as well. This was the second time he saw his brother kissing Qin Shu. Although it was very light this time, it still made him blushed.

Ning Meng was also a young girl in her prime. She never had a boyfriend or fall in love before. She didn’t even have much contact with the opposite sex. This was the first time she saw this kind of scene so her face also turned red.

Shi Yan was relatively calm… actually, there was a subtle blush on his old face.

There was a moment of silence in the living room.

Fu Tingyan came back to his senses and turned around to walk out.

Ning Meng also left with a red face.

Shi Yan went to the company on his own.

Qin Shu let go of her hands and slowly lowered them. She looked at the man with her beautiful eyes. “Okay, I should leave now.”


Qin Shu’s actions just now made Fu Tingyu felt much happier. He held the lady’s hand and walked out.

Qin Shu looked at the man in a daze. Then, she looked at the hand that was holding her hand. Was he planning to send her to the car?

She followed the man out of the living room with confusion.

Outside, a black caravan was parked there. Ye Luo was waiting by the side.

Qin Shu was stunned when she saw the caravan. Why did she need a caravan to go to the station?

While Qin Shu was in a daze, the man pulled her hand and she heard the man’s deep voice. “What are you standing there for? Get in the car.”

“Oh.” It was rare for Qin Shu to be slow. She looked at the caravan in front of her and lowered her head to get in.

Fu Tingyu followed closely.

Fu Tingyan had been waiting in the car for a long time. He was sitting opposite Qin Shu.

Ye Luo closed the car door, turned around, and sat in the driver’s seat. After closing the door, he started the engine and drove away.

Boss sat in the passenger seat, staring at Ye Luo with its dark green eyes.

Ye Luo glanced at Boss. Then, he focused on driving, ignoring Boss’s look of boredom.

After Fu Tingyan got in the car, he took out his phone and started playing games to kill time.

Qin Shu noticed that Fu Tingyan was playing games so she also wanted to take out her phone and play games to pass time as well.

However, when she remembered that she was going to be separated from the man, she decided to spend more time with him.

She remembered that there was a movie that was quite popular recently. Now that the man was free, it was a good time to watch it with him.

She wondered if the man would feel bored?

She turned her head to look at the man and asked for his opinion. “Do you want to watch a movie together? There’s a movie that has a very good review recently.”

The corners of Fu Tingyu’s mouth curled up slightly. “Okay.”

Qin Shu turned sideways when she heard that. She unzipped her backpack and took out her laptop. There was a rectangular table in the middle of the caravan. She placed her laptop on the table in front of her.

When she turned on her laptop, she took out her headphones and stuffed one side into her ear. She stuffed the other end into the man’s ear.

The headphone cord was white. Against her fair skin, it didn’t look obvious.

After putting on the headphones, Qin Shu opened the APP and found the movie. She clicked on it.

Fu Tingyu turned his head to look at the headphone in the lady’s ear. His gaze followed the white headphone cord. It was connected to his own headphone cord. He stared at the white cord in front of him and was stunned for a few seconds.

He never used this kind of earphone other than in the past when he was still in school

Same earphone and two wires connecting him and her. It was a wonderful and strange feeling. It was as if their hearts were connected.

This was how he felt until the opening song of the movie sounded beside his ear. “The night is coming. I want to sleep with your name on my pillow and listen to the melody of your heartbeat…”

Only then did he come back to his senses and look at the laptop screen.

The clip looked like a youth movie.

Qin Shu had never seen this movie before either. She just saw the ratings and movie reviews and realized that they were quite good. Hence, she wanted to take a look.

Fu Tingyan raised his eyes and glanced at the two people opposite him. They were very close to each other, so close that if one of them turned their head to the side, the person could touch the other person’s face and jaw.

The two of them shared an earphone. The two wires connected the two of them. The scene was inexplicably harmonious as if they were an envious couple.

He realized that agreeing to go to the capital with his brother was a wrong choice.

Would liking someone really make one entirely crazy?

His brother was not only crazy, he was already crazy to the point of madness.

It was as if he couldn’t live without Qin Shu.

His brother seemed to be happy because Qin Shu had changed. She was no longer the same as before.

He looked at his brother’s face. His long and narrow eyes were smiling faintly.

It also meant that his brother was in a good mood.

Thinking of the scene he saw in the living room, Fu Tingyan’s face couldn’t help but turn red again.

He retracted his gaze and continued to play the game. Deep inside, he was still very curious. What would it feel like to fall in love with someone?

While watching the movie, Fu Tingyu and Qin Shu didn’t open their mouths to speak at all. They looked at the laptop in front of them and watched the development of the plot. It was full of ups and downs. it was heart-wrenching.

The plot belonged to a sad but warm kind of movie.

Qin Shu felt deeply moved because the male lead in the movie treated the female lead exceptionally well, so well that it made people jealous.

However, she was not envious because the man beside her was even better than the male lead in the movie.

The time passed very quickly as they watched the movie. An hour had passed.

When she looked up, she realized that something was wrong. An hour had passed but why hadn’t they arrived at the bus station?

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