Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

Chapter 944 - What Kind of Person Is Shi Kuo?  

Chapter 944: What Kind of Person Is Shi Kuo?

Just as Huo Chen finished speaking, Quan Jue put his arm around her shoulders.

Quan Jue seemed to be declaring his sovereignty as he said with a faint smile, “Thank you, Officer Huo. Jiaojiao and I live together. We can go back together. There’s no need to trouble you.”

With that, Quan Jue left with Chi Jiao.

The taxi was still waiting there. Still holding Chi Jiao by her shoulders, they boarded the car and told the driver their home address.

Chi Jiao leaned her head on Quan Jue’s shoulder, looking a little dejected.

“Don’t think about it. It’s not our fault.” Quan Jue saw through her thoughts and knew why she was gloomy.

Actually, what happened today was not inevitable. Zhou Yang could have been saved. Chi Jiao felt very regretful about this.

Zhou Xiaoyong and the rest had committed an irreversible mistake. They should pay the price. However, their crimes did not warrant death, much less such a tragic death.

“What kind of person is Shi Kuo?” Quan Jue asked.

Chi Jiao thought seriously for a moment as Shi Kuo’s face appeared in her mind.

“He looks very ordinary and gives off a very harmless feeling. His skin is very white. He’s thin and wears glasses. In short, he doesn’t look like a bad person.” Chi Jiao lowered her eyes and continued with a faint expression, “Of course, bad people will never advertise the fact that they’re bad.”

“Wait for news from Huo Chen.” Quan Jue told her to lean her head on his shoulder.

The next morning, before Huo Chen had any news, Chi Jiao went to 117 headquarters.

Xu Ye was returning today.

He had set off with Pei Yao previously to analyze his body. Now that there was finally a result, the two of them would be back early in the morning.

Xu Ye was already waiting for her in the office.

When Chi Jiao entered, Xu Ye’s lips curled into a brilliant smile. He stood up and said, “Jiaojiao, it’s been a few days since we last met. I couldn’t contact you. Did you feel a little lonely?”

At this moment, Quan Jue walked in.

Xu Ye’s expression changed, and his smile immediately dropped.

“Don’t worry, with me around, Jiaojiao won’t be lonely,” Quan Jue said in a deadly voice.

Xu Ye rolled his eyes. “Why are you here?”

“This matter concerns Brother Quan too, so I asked him to come over.” Chi Jiao walked over and sat opposite him. “How are you feeling?”

“I don’t know the exact details. Anyway, at least I haven’t had that kind of nightmare again. Oh, right. Jiaojiao, did you capture that snake-like man?” Xu Ye recalled that pervert, and a strong sense of disgust rose in his eyes.

Chi Jiao shook her head calmly. “Not yet. But it’s good that you’re fine. In order to prevent you from being targeted by She Qi again, I’ll get someone to protect you throughout the day. When in school, you don’t have to worry as I can protect you.”

Chi Jiao knew very well that Xu Ye’s matter was still ongoing. Otherwise, Pei Yao would definitely tell her that the matter had been resolved. In that case, it was inevitable that 117 would be responsible for protecting Xu Ye.

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