Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 405 - Chapter 405: Fragments of the Past

Chapter 405: Fragments of the Past

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The information of ‘humans’ was left behind in the ‘redundant data’ in the ‘void.’ And Li Wenyuan was sure that the humans who left that information behind were not the present humans but another batch of ‘earlier’ humans because he saw a familiar name in that string of information.

[Future Diary Collection]

[‘Time Fragment’ Project]

[Proposer: ‘Pioneer’ Serial Number – Li Wenyuan]

Li Wenyuan was a little surprised to see that ‘name.’ As everyone knew, he was not a ‘transmigrator.’ He was just unlucky enough to die in an accident at the beginning of the revolution. Then, he was ‘resurrected’ by humans as an artificial intelligence out of a ‘sense of ritual.’

Based on what he knew, the data that could be recorded in the ‘void’ was all past events. He didn’t remember having a ‘Pioneer Serial Number’ or leading a ‘Time Fragment Project.’

Even if everything he knew about human history was told to him by the ‘Professor,’ he did not think that the ‘Professor’ would lie to him. What was the reason for lying to him? Was it just to create the atmosphere of a riddler?

Perhaps that information alone did not mean that the string of data was left by another batch of ‘humans,’ but Li Wenyuan could get the answer in the following content.

[The ‘Time Fragment’ Project, internally codenamed ‘Omega-1’ by the ‘Earth Pioneer,’ is a large-scale project on how to pass on the experience of this generation to the next generation as completely as possible.]

[The proposers were a few of the ‘Pioneer’ members responsible for pushing the civilization forward. The plan has been approved by the ‘Pioneer Council’ and officially became the future plan of the current civilization.]

[The related documents are as follows:]

[Pioneer Diary]

[‘Time Ring’ Hypothesis]

[‘Recycling Bin’ Hypothesis]


In the associated documents, something called ‘Pioneer Diary’ attracted Li Wenyuan’s attention at a glance. If he remembered correctly, the ‘he’ in that string of data was called ‘Pioneer.’

That part of the related documents was also from the ‘void.’ They seemed to be a whole, bound together with the ‘Time Fragment’ Project.

He pulled out the contents of the ‘diary’ and saw the following contents:

[Alright! Finally, someone thought of opening this linked data! This isn’t a diary. Who will write a diary? Do you? Anyway, I’m not writing it. It’s just to make it easier for people to open the document.]

[All in all, I am one of the ‘Pioneers’ of human civilization. My codename is ‘Li Wenyuan.’]

[Although you may find it strange to see a ‘person’s name’ appear here, it is necessary.]

[This generation of humans developed a collective consciousness, and we became a group of…hmm…robots? Although it sounds incredible, we created ‘ourselves.’]

[A massive alien invasion forced us to join forces. That alien civilization had the ability to control minds and advanced technology. In the end, we had to turn our flesh and blood into machines and fuse our consciousness into one to repel the invasion.]

[As for me, I’m one of the ‘Pioneer’ individuals chosen by the collective consciousness to be the leader after the fusion of consciousness.]

[Let’s not talk about the future of civilization. In short, we discovered the truth of the world at the last moment.]

[A ‘gift from the past’ that was lost in the universe was found by us.]

[That was also a pitiful civilization. They realized that everything about them was being ‘manipulated,’ but they did not hate the individual, life group, civilization, or rather ‘God,’ who only treated them as an ‘experiment.’]

[They turned everything in their civilization into ‘resources’ and left them as gifts to those beings. When we found it, those ‘resources’ had already ‘rotted,’ and the portion that could be used was pitifully small.]

[However, we still learned about the experience of this civilization. In their world, a supreme foreign will dominated everything in their civilization.]

[Although there should not be a ‘God’ in the world of science, the things that the foreign will had done were indeed very similar to a ‘God.’ For example, when civilization encountered an irresistible crisis, it would reverse time and start from a certain choice in the past to guide civilization to avoid the crisis.] [Of course, we don’t believe it. But as we continue to pursue this clue, we find something that shouldn’t be there.]

[For example, there is something called the ‘Reality Penetrometer.’ This is a magical thing made by a civilization called the ‘Wataum Star Council.’]

[Guess what I saw after I activated that thing that looked like a solid metal ball? I saw a dense array of logical characters!]

[What makes up the foundation of our world are ‘characters.’ According to the deciphering, I believe that those characters are a kind of ‘numbers,’ and these numbers may be the underlying code of a ‘computer’!]

Li Wenyuan’s previous guess seemed to have been confirmed by another ‘self’ with the same name. He was in a ‘brain in a vat’ world, and everything he experienced was the result of a program simulation.

The name ‘Reality Penetrometer’ also reminded him of the derivative product of the ‘Creation Theory.’ He had not tested that device yet. He originally thought it was something similar to the ‘Pillar of Creation’ that modified the universe laws. But now it seemed that it had a different unique effect.

However, in the following content, that ‘self’ denied that ‘virtual universe.’

[Do you think I will say something like ‘our universe is fake’? Of course not!]

[After some hard work, we still discovered the nature of these ‘characters.’] [Can’t numbers form a world? Is a virtual one necessarily fake? In fact, we don’t think that we are a ‘virtual universe.’ We think that our universe is actually an ‘experiment,’ an experiment of ‘data materialization.’]

[There may be an unbelievable existence trying to do this, creating a world directly through ‘data.’]

[Because many of the various ruins we discovered mentioned that there was a certain ‘foreign will’ that dominated their civilization activities, and the forms of these civilizations were all different. It seemed that this ‘foreign will’ was trying to see which civilization was more ‘suitable.’]

[A simple ‘brain in a vat’ experiment doesn’t need to do this. We believe that this ‘foreign will’ is adjusting some ‘data.’]

[And now, we have found this part of the ‘data.’]

[It’s in the ‘Recycling Bin’ that we can’t snoop: The ‘void..’]

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