Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 859 - You’re Marrying Him No Matter What

Chapter 859: You’re Marrying Him No Matter What

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

You’re Marrying Him No Matter What

As for Nanny Liu, she usually spends her time with Guan Xin and Guan Xuemin. Although she was close with Guan XiaoXiang in his childhood years, their relationship has become strained over the years. This was the other reason why she turned a blind eye at Guan Xin’s eavesdropping behaviour.

When Guan Xin heard Kang Zhaoming telling her father that he wanted to date her, her heart almost stopped. She was really scared about her father mistaking Kang Zhaoming as a young man with talent and agreeing to him dating her. Fortunately for her, her father was still wise and rejected his request.

It’s just that the reason her father gave was really weird. He told him that she had a fiance and that the fiance was there for prenatal purposes. Is this still a thing in today’s society? Isn’t that a bit too strange?

She never expected her old fashioned father to have this witty side to him, which she found to be quite interesting.

But what made her happy was when Kang Zhaoming took her father’s words seriously and actually decided to give up on her. What a dumbass.

But in reality, it was Guan Xin who was wrong. For big families like Kang Zhaoming’s, marriages arranged by parents were regarded as unalterable principles, just like the marriage between her brother and Wang Xinyan from the Xiao family which was decided by the elders as well. And after the decision was made, it could not be changed by the younger generation. That’s why Kang Zhaoming thought Guan Xin’s situation must’ve been the same where the decision couldn’t be changed no matter what he did so the only thing he could do was give up.

When Guan Xin heard Kang Zhaoming come out, she quickly moved to the couch nearby and pretended to watch TV as if nothing happened.

Kang Zhaoming opened the study room door with Wang Shubin pushing him out from behind. Feeling dejected, he glanced at Guan Xin who sat on the couch watching TV and sighed helplessly. He knew the personality of girls like Guan Xin who were born into wealthy families. Now that she already had a fiance, there would be no way she would go out with him.

Because of this he wasn’t even bothered to talk to her anymore. To him, no matter how pretty the girl was, there was no point if he couldn’t have her. That’s why he just let Wang Shubin push him out of Guan Xuemin’s mansion and left the place crestfallen.

However when Guan Xin saw her father walk out of the study room, her face reddened at the fact that she had been eavesdropping on them. Although it was nothing serious, it still wasn’t something honourable.

She started getting embarrassed when she noticed her father watching her. She’s never done anything bad before so she just admitted what she had done, “Hey Dad, that Kang Zhaoming was actually lying about what he was saying, I’ve never cared for him in that way before…”

“Oh really? You heard everything?” Guan Xiaoxiang never expected his daughter to eavesdrop, but nodded his head understandingly after seeing her reddened face, “this guy doesn’t seem like a good person, so don’t talk to him anymore.”

“I know that, I don’t talk to him anymore,” Guan Xin said, “he was always the one nagging me…”

“Alright. Oh and the one called Lin Yi or something, stay away from him too, don’t get too close to him. You’re a good girl so you need to maintain that image,” Guan Xiaoxiang added when he remembered Lin Yi. He’s always had a biased view towards Lin Yi and disliked him ever since he formed the company with Guan Xuemin.

“Wait what? Lin Yi’s really nice though, he’s different from Kang Zhaoming, he’s not a bad guy…” Guan Xin paused at her father’s words and shook her head, confused as to why her father just wouldn’t leave Lin Yi alone.

“As I already said, you are a girl. You should be watching out for your actions,” Guan Xiaoxiang said strictly, “And you already have a fiance, if rumours start spreading now it’s not good for your image as well.”

It’s the first time that Guan Xiaoxiang had spoken to Guan Xin in this strict and undoubting tone.

“What!” Guan Xin looked at her father stunned and slightly confused, “Dad what do you mean by ‘fiance’? Wasn’t that a lie you told Kang Zhaoming to get him to give up on me? How did I get a fiance?”

“That’s not an excuse”, Guan Xiaoxiang said while dismissing her with a wave, “Xin Xin, you’re a big girl now so I should tell you this. The thing is, before you were born your mother and I arranged a marriage for you. Now that you’ve grown up, I guess it’s fine that you know about this now…”

“Wait how can you do this?” Guan Xin was overwhelmed by what her father had said, it was just a bit too much for her. She never even had the thought that she was betrothed to someone, and now out pops a fiance from literally nowhere.

“What do you mean how? It’s been arranged by your parents, an unalterable principle, it has always been like this!” Guan Xiaoxiang never thought his daughter, who had always been meek, would question him. With that he frowned even harder and wondered if there’s actually anything going on between his daughter and Lin Yi.

“Dad, do you realise what year we’re in right now? Why are you still arranging my marriage? I’ve never even met the person you’re talking about, how can I just marry him like that? Also how can it still count when it’s been so long already? Can you push it off for me?” This whole situation was too unimaginable and unthinkable for Guan Xin, she just couldn’t accept this.

“What do you mean push it off? That’s impossible!” Guan Xiaoxiang didn’t allow room for any reasoning, “You must marry that boy, no one can change this!”

“I’m not marrying him!” As obedient as she had always been, it was the first time Guan Xin reacted this strongly against her father’s decision. This would impact her future, how can she succumb to this?

“You! You’re marrying him no matter what!” Guan Xiaoxiang huffed a bit, he was starting to feel annoyed as well, “I’m not changing my mind no matter what you say.”

“Why should I? I’ve never even seen that guy before and I have no idea what he’s like and what he does, and you’re telling me to marry him?” Guan Xin frowned and grumbled stubbornly.

“Well who do you like then?” Guan Xiaoxiang retorted.

“I like… I just don’t like him!” Guan Xin blushed and stopped herself when she realised she almost gave herself away.

“Do you like that Lin Yi?” as if Guan Xiaoxiang couldn’t tell what his own daughter was thinking, “you better stop talking with him now, otherwise I’ll get someone to bash him up! Your marriage was decided by both your mother and I. I owe that person a favour, my success in my business is all thanks to his elders. I, Guan Xiaoxiang, is not someone who goes back on his words, if you eventually accept it, that would be good, but even if you haven’t, you will still be marrying him!”

After that Guan Xiaoxiang turned his back on Guan Xin, and strode out the mansion.

Guan Xin on the other hand burst into tears. She just couldn’t get it, how could her father be so stubborn and oppressive, forcing her to marry someone she didn’t like. Even though her father owed a favour to his elders, couldn’t he just repay it another way, why did he have to force her to marry him?

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