Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 618 - Song Lingshan’s Admirer

Chapter 618: Song Lingshan’s Admirer

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Song Lingshan’s Admirer

It wasn’t actually Song Lingshan’s fault, it was more of a matter of circumstance. Big cases rained down one after another after her promotion, and while there were big cases involving criminal syndicates and crime bosses when Huaijun was the captain, they weren’t as complicated to solve the way this one was.

It just so happened that Lingshan was a special ops soldier in the first place, all she had was kungfu! Of course, she’d be troubled if she didn’t have anywhere to use it. She’d passionately wanted to take the front when she’d first transferred in, after all.

She fantasized about fighting it out with thugs, but not even one scenario like that turned out. It wasn’t that there weren’t chances like that, the fact was, there was quite a lot- but how many could Lingshan meet on her own? Even if she did get the chance to fight them, how many worthwhile thugs were out there who could put up a fight?

After all, how many thugs were capable of golden class strength? As a promising elite of one of the four great noble families House Song’s new generation, Lingshan herself was already a golden mid phase- She wouldn’t be able to find any golden thugs at the level at all. With the amount of opportunity bodyguarding millionaires, there was simply no reason for someone that strong to resort to crime for money’s sake.

It was a real headache- why were these criminals coming wave after wave, and why did all of them choose to appear in Songshan, of all places? There’d been underground organ markets before this kidney problem, but because those were underground trades that were completed after both parties agreed on the price there wasn’t any trouble, and no one called the police. As long as these people didn’t go too far Lingshan wouldn’t interfere, nor could she.

But these people now were dragging people back to their bases to remove their kidneys! Lingshan had to deal with this.

The problem was that these people were part of a very solid organization that wasn’t very easy to wipe out. It’d taken them quite a lot to just destroy one of their bases!

The main thing was the fact that these people had doctors and surgery tables prepared, and they didn’t need to go through any proper hospital systems for the surgeries. The kidneys weren’t sold locally either, at least from what Lingshan had found out, there hadn’t been one instance of a kidney patient purchasing a kidney from the crime syndicate’s market!

Naturally, there were people who’d bought kidneys from the black market, but that was through a middle man, going back to an official hospital for surgery after the trade had been made, with the middle man only receiving ten to twenty thousand for his services.

They did manage to get a couple of these middlemen, but they were fodder that didn’t help the case progress at all.

Lingshan’s phone rung. Her ringtone wasn’t a personalized one that young people had nowadays, but a regular default ringtone that matched her profession and personality. It was a bit more solemn than normal.

“Hello, I’m Captain Song Lingshan of the criminal police team.” Lingshan said out of habit upon seeing an unknown number.

“Lingshan?” A slightly coarse voice sounded from the other end of the phone. “I’m Chen Yutian!”

“Oh? Chen Yutian?” Lingshan frowned subconsciously, pausing a little upon hearing the name. “Do you need something?”

Yutian couldn’t help but smile bitterly at Lingshan’s coldness. “Lingshan, I’m coming back to Songshan tomorrow, there’s a mission. Do you mind coming out for dinner together?”

“I’m busy with a case, probably won’t have time.” LIngshan rejected immediately.

“I see…” Yutian sighed. “We can meet then at least, right?”

“I really do have a case on my hands. What do you want to meet me for? If it’s not important I’d rather not delay my work.” Lingshan said dully.

“Can we really not meet unless it’s anything important? We’re old friends, childhood friends, aren’t we? Come on.” Yutian said a little helplessly.

“Chen Yutian, please be careful with your words. Old friends, yes, but we’re no childhood friends.” Lingshan corrected Yutian’s vocabulary. “I know your intentions, and it’s not like I didn’t give you any chances, you just didn’t do well enough, who’s to blame?”

“Lingshan, aren’t you just making things hard? You’re already considered strong among your generation in your house, you’re already a golden mid phase- I just made a breakthrough into the golden class, it’ll take me ages until I catch up to you!” Yutian smiled bitterly.

“You know very well what I’m like, I’ve always put importance in strength. My man needs to be stronger than me! Do you think he’ll have a good time otherwise?” Lingshan couldn’t help but feel a little proud as she said that. “Chen Yutian, I’ve given you a chance to challenge me before, but you didn’t make use of it. I even told you that you’re welcome to come to challenge me any time you want before I get a boyfriend, so if that’s the case this time around I’ll meet you, if not, sorry, I’m busy!”

“Lingshan, according to what I know, other than House Yu, even House Wu’s child Wu Chentian’s only at the golden early phase. Are you saying that you’ll never marry if no one stronger than you shows up?!” Yutian answered with a question.

“How do you know that there aren’t any more masters other than the noble houses?” Lingshan asked back, for some reason thinking of Lin Yi all of a sudden. Where the hell did that guy train, how was he that strong? She didn’t seem to be his opponent at all, and she still needed to resort to calling herself Miss Retard when asking him for a favor, what a despicable bastard he was!

But that was just how it was, she couldn’t resist! Was someone like that really still Song Lingshan, the Miss Song Lingshan?! Letting him just throw her around like that?! What a disgrace!

So Lingshan decided not to think about the bastard! Otherwise, she’d start raging from just the mere thought of his face.

“Uh…” Yutian didn’t know what to say. He wouldn’t dare say that there weren’t any masters other than the noble house ones, for he knew that those people really did exist! But if Lingshan didn’t want to meet him then there wasn’t much he could say. If he were to go challenge her to a duel now he was going to just get beat up- he wasn’t up for that sort of humiliation!

Yutian sighed. He’d went to the special ops team that time and had undergone two years of hellish training, finally reaching the first wall to get into the golden class. He then got assigned to the defense squad, always fighting for his life in some unknown island until he finally breached that wall and became a golden class early phase… This was already a feat in a normal person’s eyes, but Yutian understood that he wasn’t on the same level as a golden class mid phase like Lingshan- they weren’t on the same level at all.

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