Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 1455 - Ice Palace Test (Part Three)

Chapter 1455: Ice Palace Test (Part Three)

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 1454 – Ice Palace Test (Part Three)

“But, who do we send- that’s the question,” Guangyin couldn’t make up his mind on the matter.

As of now, the stronger ones of the young generation had only one guy who broke through into Mystic- his third brother’s son, Zhao Qitan. His child with Yu Xiaojin was still young and only Golden class, not even close to Mystic yet. Zhao Qibing, naturally, wasn’t even a candidate. If they were to send someone, it would have to be Qitan, or some outer disciple of House Zhao that didn’t share the surname. There were quite a few of those that met the requirements.

“At first, if this Ice Palace test were to happen a few years later, I would have let Qibing go try out- but since it’s now, we have to send Qitan,” Elder Bi said, “The outer disciples aren’t part of the core House Zhao, and we would still need to think about where their loyalties lied too.”

“But… Letting Qitan go- what if…” Guangyin was worried about his two sons- if Qitan were to get lucky and break through into Earth class because of this test, then he would be the next heir of House Zhao for sure. This wasn’t something that he wanted to see! But if they didn’t send him, and sent some outer disciples instead, he couldn’t be confident in their loyalty! They were still young, and loyalty was an issue indeed- what if they became strong and didn’t want to come back to House Zhao anymore?

They were in a dilemma.

“Head of the house, this is a chance for us House Zhao- we cant let it go. The only person suitable for the test now is Qitan, and the old head would likely make the same decision as well if he weren’t in isolation,” Elder Bi said, “These few years, I’ll try my best to teach Qibing, and turn him into an Earth class practitioner with everything I have- but if Qitan also becomes an Earth class practitioner too, then we’ll have to let things be. After all, the future of House Zhao must be in the most capable hands.”

“Looks like we have no choice!” Guangyin sighed. He didn’t want to go with this route, but there was no other way, “We’ll let Qitan go then, and also send one of the more loyal Mystics with him.”

Every house and group could send two people, and while Guangyin didn’t want Qitan to be too successful, he didn’t want him to die! After all, he had potential and talent, and this was important to House Zhao’s future. Having a helper with him there would also increase his odds, so even if they didn’t pass, they would at least be able to stay alive.

As for the hidden House Pi, they sent Pi Zhishan and Pi Zhihai, the two brothers, without question. The brothers of House Pi didn’t have any conflict since Zhishan wanted to become head and Zhihai had no interest- he was only obsessed with practitioning and practitioning only.

The two brothers had a good relationship too, so House Pi decided on sending them together- they had a good chance for winning!

House Chu’s villa.

Lin Yi was saying goodbye to Kang Xiaobo, Xiao Fen, and Fatty Lai- after he finished, he would embark on his journey to the north. He’d prepared quite a bit, spending two days packing for when he set out.

“Lin Yi boss, are you not saying goodbye to Sun Yingyi?” Chentian had spent a few days in isolated practitioning, and now had finally broken through into Mystic early phase- he could come out now.

But even Chentian wasn’t allowed by Lin Yi to spread news of his increased strength, even to the members of his house. This was because Lin Yi didn’t want to risk the chance for House Yu to make preparations in anticipation their imminent attack- if Wu Chentian’s breakthrough were to be known by House Yu, they would become much more aware and think up stuff they weren’t supposed to.

After all, the man had just gotten severely injured by Uncle Chu a while ago- and this had been no secret, too. The news had spread to all the noble houses, and the old man Wu was crying every day. Chentian was the hope of House Wu after all, and Wu Gonggao had placed strong hopes on him- who would have thought that he would get crippled like this?

But he couldn’t even go have his revenge after knowing what happened to Chentian- it was the Hidden House Zhao they were dealing with, it would be suicide for House Wu if they were to go to them for revenge!

After Chentian’s injury, there had been no news of him, and Chentian had even cut his phone off completely without contacting Gonggao. He didn’t want the news to hurt Gonggao, but what he didn’t expect was that the news had already spread!

But of course, it wasn’t like he expected the Xiao brothers who had beef with him to keep it a secret!

Gonggao only felt that his grandson was a fool- fighting for Lin Yi’s woman, and now he was heavily injured! Great, he now had a big boss for nothing, a boss who was gone! If it weren’t for the fact that Gonggao had to prepare for the noble house meeting, he would even gone to Songshan to look for him!

Of course, the happiest one in House Wu was none other than Wu Chendi. After Chentian became crippled, he was completely useless, meaning that the chance to climb up the ranks was all his! He had wanted this heirship for such a long time, and the time had finally arrived!

In his eyes, even though Chentian wasn’t dead, he would definitely be knocked out of the running after coming back. He was no longer a threat!

“Grandpa, please move on- the noble house meeting is upon us and we need to prepare for that- let’s talk about it after the meeting’s over!” Chentian said, consoling Gonggao, “There’s still me, right? I’ll train hard and avenge my big brother!”

Gonggao nodded his head- he may not like Chendi, but he had no choice except to put his resources on him now. However, secretly he still hadn’t given up all hope. They might even be able to heal Chentian if his injuries weren’t too much. After all, physical practitioners didn’t really need their meridians that much, and as long as Chentian had his arms, he could continue his iron fist practitioning!

But Chendi was right- the most important thing now was the noble house meeting- they had to maintain their spot, or House Wu would really be over! Fortunately, Gonggao was Mystic mid class now, and with their marriage alliance with House Liu, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Back in the villa, Lin Yi suddenly remembered Jingyi after what Chentian mentioned her- in fact, he hadn’t thought of her in a long time, especially since he hadn’t really spent much time with her. After all, he was only acting as her Shield Bro because of Chentian for most of the time. After Chentian gave up on Jingyi, Lin Yi had no reason to be associated with her anymore.

After saying goodbye to most of the people he knew, he felt that he should at least give her some heads up. While they weren’t actually a couple or anything, they were technically a half-couple, right? Though Lin Yi hadn’t benefited from this title even once.

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