Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 1382 - Elder Yu Injured

Chapter 1382: Elder Yu Injured

Chapter 1381 – Elder Yu Injured

The pit wasn’t completely straight, seemingly having an ‘S’ shape to it, probably due to construction restrictions. Lin Yi didn’t see much other than that, the entire passageways of the tomb was confusing enough as it was.

The ground above them had already closed up, resulting in them being in complete darkness, void of any light.

A couple more dozen meters and they’d reach the end, and Lin Yi didn’t warn Elder Yu, but instead aiming for the spot that had an open area away from the thick masses of spikes. With the right timing, Lin Yi would be able to go past the spikes with no problem.

Thirty metres… Twenty, ten… Lin Yi used both his legs and pushed away from the wall to his right, and his entire body flew away with the people he was carrying, and called out, “Careful,” just as he did that.

One second later, Lin Yi and his group landed safely, followed by a loud, terrifying sound accompanied with Elder Yu’s cry of pain.

“Elder Yu, what’s wrong? You didn’t get into the trap, did you? I reminded you right when I realized something was wrong, you’re not that unlucky are you?” LinYi acted.

“Male thief, why didn’t you remind me earlier? Did you do that on purpose?” Elder Yu was in a crazy amount of pain! His body had been pierced in so many spots.

The Old Hei that stuck to Elder Yu was fine, however- he’d been latching onto his chest like an octopus, and hugged on even tighter when he heard Lin Yi’s warning.

Xiaoke took out a flashlight and shined the area, realizing that Elder Yu was squatting, and his soles were all pierced, and in his pants, there was one spike that had pierced through , red blood dripping down his leg.

“Jeez, that must hurt!” Lin Yi said, pleased to see the damage caused to him- let’s see how he would fight him now.

“Hmph! Male thief, you did that on purpose!” Elder Yu said, pissed off at Lin Yi’s pleased face. He was now bleeding from his feet and crotch.

“Think what you want- If I’m able to realize the danger, why couldn’t you? I even warned you, what’s it have to do with me if you got hurt?” Lin Yi said faintly, “Plus, you’re already that old, that thing won’t do you much good in the first place anyway.”

“How do you know it doesn’t do me good?” Elder Yu glared, “I don’t have an heir yet, and I was planning on marrying and having a son when I break through into Sky class!”

“If you can’t break through, don’t worry. Cheer up.” Lin Yi said.

“You-!” Elder Yu realized that he couldn’t fight Lin Yi with words like this- it’d just piss himself off!

Old Hei smiled dryly as he got off from Elder Yu, glad that he was safe, though at the cost of the old man.

His feet and balls were hurt, but he was an Earth class- naturally it wasn’t much of a problem. It would just hurt a little and piss him off more.

This was another long hallway, but they didn’t have the searchlight anymore since it had fallen down when the ground broke apart. It was now in scraps on the ground, and so they only had their own torchlights.

Elder Yu was regretting it quite a bit- he should’ve shined a light below him, and then he wouldn’t have to be in this state! But he wasn’t experienced enough and didn’t consider that!

It was still Lin Yi, Xiaoke, Lingshan, Yutian, and Weiwu walking in front, with the two following behind. Elder Yu’s feet were injured, but even with his limp, he still managed to walk at the same pace.

“This place should be the main body of the tomb,” Xiaoke said.

“Oh?” Old Hei and Elder Yu saw it as well- finally it was not just a plain passageway, but now there were bookshelves and display items.

“Finally found it!” A smile appeared on Elder Yu’s face and it was like his pain had almost desappeared- he charged over in a couple of steps until he reached what he was looking for! But before reaching the display items, he stopped right away. He turned to Old Hei, “You go open all these chests up, see what’s inside!”

It seemed like Elder Yu was now very cautious about his moves.

Old Hei smiled bitterly, but couldn’t defy him. He walked over and stopped at a chest, looking at it for a long time, his face concerned.

“What are you doing?” Elder Yu said impatiently.

“Elder Yu, forgive me, but these chests were put right at the edge of the tomb- the probably don’t have good stuff in the first place, used to shoo away low-level theives. They’re probably not very valuable…” Old Hei was speaking the truth- usually things that were put out in the open were not very valuable

“Just open it if I tell you to, stop wasting time!” Elder Yu yelled stubbornly, not understanding these things.

“Flying sparrow, maybe you could come open the chest? The things inside will be yours,” Old Hei didn’t dare open it- there was a rumour that these superficial items were usually used to con the idiots- opening it would result in danger.

“No way, my stuff belongs to me!” Elder Yu stopped immediately.

Old Hei was getting really annoyed- if this guy wasn’t his saviour, he would’ve called him an idiot already, the things he wanted was so precious- why would they put it out in the open like this? Did he think the architect was an idiot?

“Then you open it, the stuff inside will be yours,” Lin Yi said faintly as he looked at him.

“You…” Elder Yu was always at a loss with Lin Yi, his face reddened.

“Isn’t it just opening a chest?” Lin Yi walked over and just opened it- the jade didn’t warn him, after all.

Opening it, there was a bunch of treasure and gold inside, and that was it.

Old Hei and Elder Yu looked at it, and their eyes lost interest. Elder Yu came for three items, and hidden house Yu and common house Yu weren’t lacking in money, so this wasn’t enticing at all.

Old Hei was a veteran graverobber as well, and these jewels simply didn’t interest him. These were direct things with monetary value, but they occupied too much space and were hard to carry around. A thief at Old Hei’s level aimed high- there were only a couple of things he took away from raids, and those items cost much, much more.

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