Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 3236 - Desolate Spell Mountain

Chapter 3236 - Desolate Spell Mountain

Of Tianming's two prospective opponents, one was from House Qitian and the other happened to be from House Suishen. The latter was ranked nineteenth and his rank meant that he was the strongest non-foundationeer among fortuna disciples.

Before Tianming fought him, Suishen Zhao said, "I suggest you pick Suishen Yong as your third opponent. I saw him arrive just now. He's standing next to Brother Yue."

"Brother Yue? Do you mean Suishen Yue?" Tianming asked. He looked around and did find the hulking figure of Suishen Yue in the distant clouds, looking at Tianming with his brown eyes. Tianming could tell that the gaze wasn't friendly, possibly because he had been too close with his fiancee.

Beside Suishen Yue was a youth that had similar looks and vibes to Suishen Yue. He was just as tall and had a similar heavy gaze. He crossed his arms and looked at Tianming with some disdain, clearly sure that he would be picked to be his next opponent.

"That's right. He's Brother Yue's little brother and my cousin. Do you see the color of his name? He's the only one in the top twenty who has a green surname," Suishen Zhao said. That meant that he was less than four centuries old and had a two times multiplier. "However, he'll turn four hundred in two years and his surname will turn blue."

"Then he must be pretty talented, right? If he's already the strongest fortuna disciple before the age of four hundred, he shouldn't have any issues breaking into the top ten once he becomes a foundationeer before five hundred years old," Tianming said.

"Brother Yong is indeed capable." Suishen Zhao got closer to Tianming and whispered, "To be honest, he should more or less see you as an enemy. In the past years, Brother Yue and his mother have been pushing Brother Yong to be made a minor pathkeeper. He basically qualifies for the title already. However, House Qitian definitely wouldn’t allow it, since that would make the number of minor pathkeepers we have exceed theirs."

Suishen Shuang and Suishen Yao's families each had a pair of pathkeepers, but Suishen Yue's family didn't. It was no wonder Suishen Yong was so anxious. Tianming didn't need Suishen Zhao to tell him that Suishen Yue's younger brother held some hostility against him—not just over the matter of the title, but also Suishen Yao. Tianming was considered an outsider, after all, and while most in House Suishen wouldn't outright say it, they looked down on tainted beastmasters.

"That means if I issue him a challenge, he'll definitely accept, right?" Tianming asked.

"Most likely," Suishen Zhao said.

"That's perfect."

"Don't hold back. Show him how far he is from you."

Tianming got in the Fortuna Arena to receive his second opponent when Suishen Yao rushed him to hurry up. His second opponent was a totemancer of House Suishen. Tianming already had experience fighting them and won in half a minute, raising his rank to twenfty-fifth place.

"Do you want to challenge Suishen Yong?" Suishen Yao excitedly asked once Tianming came back. She was still in her white pajamas and her slightly pink flushed face made her look incredibly cute.

"Of course," Tianming said.

"Great! Beat him up hard for me," she said with furrowed brows.

"Leave it to me." Tianming confidently patted his chest. As for the reason why she wanted him to do that, he didn't even bother asking. Suishen Yao didn't like Suishen Yue to begin with. At the very least, Suishen Yuan had been about her age, unlike the much older major pathkeeper.

Tianming issued a challenge to Suishen Yong through his myriadpath ring right away. The youth in the distance looked down at his gold myriadpath ring.

"Don't lose, or you won't even have a chance to gain the major pathkeeper title," Suishen Yue said.

"I know, Big Brother!" Suishen Yong nodded.

"Make sure to use all the skills you showed me last time."

"I will!" Suishen Yong got into the Fortuna Arena and pointed at Tianming. "Come up right now!"

The audience could tell from his angry tone and expression that this fight would be different from the previous ones! It was a battle with actual enmity and stakes. When they saw Suishen Yue and Suishen Yao on the sidelines, they understood what was going on.

"Do you think the Little Demon King might be interested in this talented outsider to the point that she's oblivious to their age gap, unlike how she is with Suishen Yue?"

"It might be possible. She’s quite a rebellious scion, after all. Her tastes are no doubt special, too. I'm not surprised that she can accept tainted beastmasters."

"Ah, that's a bit too spicy if you ask me!"

"I don't think so. If you just look at the face, I think Pathkeeper Li is much more handsome than Major Pathkeeper Suishen Yue."

"But you can't base a romance on faces alone! Think about when the deed happens at night. How can you go through with it with the lifebound beasts getting front-row seats?"

"Oh, I can't imagine it! Even I'd be traumatized, let alone the Little Demon King."

The gossip piqued people's interest more and more. Eminent Jiguang and Suishen Yao were even in hearing range for some of it. The young minor pathkeeper's expression was souring.

"How annoying! I'm not even that old, and people are constantly talking about how I... do the deed!" Suishen Yao complained.

"Don't mind it, you can't stop people from talking. You should focus on yourself within the year you have left and ignore everything else," Eminent Jiguang consoled.

"Alright!" She turned her sights to Tianming, seeing his white hair flutter. The traces of lifebound beasts were only visible where they peeked out of his sleeves. If it wasn’t for the lifebound beasts, he does have quite a charming aura. Right after thinking that, she saw Tianming menacingly face off against Suishen Yong. When the Fortuna Arena was sealed, Suishen Yong struck without another word!

According to Suishen Zhao's brief introduction, Suishen Yong's totems were like other members of House Suishen. He had nine bane-rings, but ten totems. He didn't use celestial being totems; instead, they manifested as different gigantic mountains. They were called the desolate spell mountains. The tenth totem forged from his vita was called the vital origin spell mountain.

When he struck, a huge mountainous stigma between his brows appeared as a three-dimensional hologram of his nine bane-rings. The gigantic mountains manifested and spread out across the air of the arena! Then the final spell mountain fused with him.

The totems were terrifyingly heavy. Like lifebound beasts, they could enlarge pretty much limitlessly, yet they only looked around ten meters in height. They must be incredibly tough in their compressed state.

Suishen Yong hurled himself toward Tianming in his mountain form!

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