Artifact Reading Inspector

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: The Medici of the 21 st Century (4)

It meant that although they were there for different reasons, they had the same destination.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Haejin smiled and walked as if it was nothing, but he thought it could be a problem.

Eunhae had the same thoughts and was slightly frowning.

“Are you two close?”

Haejin thought acting like that wasn’t easy unless Jeongmin and Eunhae had already known each

other. No man would try to win a girl, who he has never met before, like that. Especially when they

were not in a club.

However, what Eunhae said was surprising.

“I don’t know him well. We’ve met many times during formal events but, in private, I’ve only seen him

a couple of times.”

“And he tried to win you over like that?”

“I think that wasn’t strange for him. He always approaches girls with such confidence, but he’s been

scarcely rejected. So, he did that to me earlier, and he was shocked when you gave him that blow…”

“I thought we were about to film a comedy show.”

“That wouldn’t have been bad. I was just worried that it might have been an action or a thriller movie.”

“Haha! It couldn’t have been an action movie. Anyway, I’m relieved to hear that you are not that close.

I was worried if I had been too rude earlier…”

“Of course not, you were right to say that. He would have asked my home address if you didn’t. If he

wants to take me on a date, he should approach me politely. He acted like he was talking to a friend to

go to get some beer…”

Eunhae shook her head while Haejin was relieved.

Anyway, the Saatchi Foundation had prepared two SUVs.

One was filled with Jeongmin’s attendants, therefore Jeongmin got on Haejin and Eunhae’s car,

saying that there wasn’t room for him.

Jeongmin sat in the passenger seat while Eunhae and Haejin sat on the back. They thought an

awkward silence would fill the car but, to their surprise, Jeongmin smiled and spoke to them first. As if

he had forgotten everything that happened on the plane…

“You must be heading to the Saatchi Gallery. I thought your museum had no works of contemporary

art. Are you planning a new exhibition?”

Haejin couldn’t just ignore him.

“No, it’s not that. Saatchi Foundation invited us because of an appraisal. I don’t think we will buy any

works of art from the Saatchi Gallery or the foundation.”

“It is about appraising, and the director came herself?”

Haejin couldn’t think of anything to say. He didn’t think about why Eunhae wanted to come to London.

Eunhae just said that she would come, and she did that but, logically, he couldn’t explain why she had

to come.

But then, Eunhae answered instead.

“We are going to rent Saatchi Gallery’s works of art instead of buying and exhibit them. We’re still

discussing, so we cannot tell you anything more. And, even though we don’t sell works of

contemporary art yet, we plan to do so after this exhibition. As you know, contemporary art is


“It is.”

“Our museum cannot get huge if we only care about antiques, so that is an inevitable decision. We

want the Saatchi Foundation to be our partner but, if that’s not possible, we’ll have to look for another


That was a good answer. It was like Eunhae had prepared for questions like those.

“Hoo… you’re already dreaming of a huge museum? Well then, Korea might get a private large

museum like Europe or America.”

“You should look forward to it,” Eunhae shrugged and replied.

Haejin was impressed, Eunhae then felt his gaze and winked at him.

After that hard question, Jeongmin continued to talk. Like what was in this part of England, and this

place has a great view, and that town has a restaurant that would let you experience a wonderful


In conclusion, he was bragging about himself. However, he talked well, and it didn’t sound annoying.

Haejin thought it was his gift.

“Please rest for today. I will come tomorrow at 10 a.m.”

Damon dropped them at the hotel and left. Haejin immediately went to the lobby: he was too tired

after the long flight. He wanted to take a shower and go to bed.

However, Jeongmin’s expression was a little strange as he followed them. Eunhae followed them as if

there was nothing wrong, but Jeongmin kept looking back and forth between Haejin and Eunhae.

Haejin wondered why, but he could instantly realize the reason. Jeongmin was worried about Haejin

and Eunhae sharing a room.

Haejin hadn’t told Eunhae that he had booked another room, but she looked fine. She was probably

thinking that he had, of course, booked two rooms.

Haejin didn’t want Jeongmin to misunderstand, so he raised his voice as he talked to the receptionist.

“There must be two rooms booked under my name.”

“Let me check. Passport, please.”

Haejin could see Jeongmin’s expression return to normal. What had he been thinking?

“How about a drink at the bar after a shower?” Jeongmin asked casually after getting the keys.

Was he thinking that he still had a chance?

“Oh, I’m way too tired… how about tomorrow?”

“I’m sorry. I’m too tired, too.”

Eunhae refused politely. Jeongmin then smiled.

“Tomorrow it is. Don’t back off then.”

It looked like he was acting more casually to make up for his mistake on the plane.

“Okay then, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Haejin arrived at his room. He then spoke to Eunhae while she was opening the door of the adjacent


“Take some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


If it hadn’t been for Jeongmin, they would have gotten some cocktail or something. Haejin felt a little

sorry about it.

He slept well and went to have breakfast. His hair was a bird’s nest, but Eunhae was already wearing

her makeup.

Haejin was a little ashamed about his condition, but Jeongmin appeared in a neat suit and sat with

them without being offered.

“May I sit here?”

He was already sitting there, Haejin couldn’t tell him to leave.

“Of course.”

“They say that you become a patriot abroad. I think that’s right. And, how much more comfortable it is

to have fellow Koreans among foreigners who I can’t understand… hahaha!”

Of course, he understood English. Haejin took that as a joke. They started to eat, but then Jeongmin

smiled at Haejin.

“I didn’t know much about you yesterday, but I have done some research. You are magnificent.”

“Not really…” Haejin couldn’t see what he was trying to say.

“Actually, I came to London to make art a little closer to the public.”

“I don’t understand…”

“Right now, Korea is so ignorant about art. People are enthusiastic about pop music, but they think of

paintings as the exclusive property of those with wealth. I think it’s wrong.”

“People of other countries really don’t care about art, either….”

“Yes, of course. However, I am approaching this matter as a business. Art has been owned by rich

people so, what if I bring it to the general public, what would happen? A new market will be created.

And it will have great effects.”


Haejin could now see what he was saying.

“Especially contemporary artists who are not being appreciated yet. If I can introduce them to the

public, my company will grow once more.”

Haejin knew what he was trying to do. Still, there was something he couldn’t understand.

“But why are you telling me all that?”

“Before I came here, I thought I could make it happen by working with Charles Saatchi. However, after

I found out about you last night, I realized that if we work together, we might be able to achieve

something great. You, the best appraiser in Korea and the owner of the only museum with Picasso’s

painting, jumping into this business. It will be sensational.”

Jeongmin was excited, but Haejin didn’t like it. For starters, he didn’t want his face to become well


“I don’t know…”

“I won’t ask you to make up your mind now. You can take your time. Of course, to help you decide, I

will send you some documents. Would it be okay?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Haha! Thank you.”

Jeongmin stood up and walked out with light steps. It probably meant he had done what he had to do

during breakfast.

“Wow… I guess I will see you on TV!”

Eunhae smiled, but Haejin shook his hands.

“I won’t do it, I don’t like things like that. And, can’t you see that he’s just trying to sell more paintings?”

“But in the long-term, it will give more opportunity to the young artists.”

“Well, I don’t know. That can happen, or they will take the money and ditch those artists. They will

make one or two starts, but… anyway, I’m not interested.”

They finished eating and went down to the parking lot at 10 a.m. sharp. Damon was already waiting


“Have you rested well?”

“All thanks to you.”

Saatchi Gallery is in the middle of London’s rich area. So, the houses Haejin saw on the way looked

very luxurious.

When they arrived, even though it was still morning, many people were going in and out of the gallery.

Haejin and Eunhae didn’t go in but went into the building right next to the gallery. That was where

Charles Saatchi was staying.

Haejin thought he would have to wait for some time, but he could actually meet him right away.


Charles Saatchi greeted them with a British accent.

“The trip has been comfortable thanks to the first-class ticket and the good hotel room you provided.”

“That’s good. Shall we sit first?”

Saatchi led them to a table made out of one huge tree. Haejin thought that it didn’t match the master

of contemporary art.

He felt that Charles would prefer a modern black-and-white style.

Haejin sat down to hear what he had to say, but Charles Saatchi just stared at Haejin and didn’t say

anything. Haejin didn’t know if he was trying to overwhelm him or was just looking out of curiosity, so

he talked first.

“Honestly, I still don’t understand why you invited me here.”

Charles Saatchi smiled.

“I’ve done a little research about you, Mr. Park.”


“You’ve done quite impressing things in the Arab Emirates.”

How did he find out about it? Haejin didn’t think it had been the Prince Sahmadi.

“Did one of the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s staff said so?”

“Mat Vellin is one of my closest friends.”


Mat Vellin worked for the Prince Sahmadi and took care of Louvre Abu Dhabi. If Mat and Charles

Saatchi were friends, he could have heard about Haejin.

“Actually, I got a little lucky, too. I was telling Mat that there’s an Asian who can perfectly discern fake

paintings with only a photo, I then found out that he also knows you.”

“Hmm… I see. Then, what do you want me to appraise?”

Charles Saatchi leaned against his chair and smiled. He snapped his fingers. Next, two men brought

a huge canvas.

“Jackson Pollock. This may be worth forty million euros… but this isn’t easy. I want you to give me the


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