Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 807 - Pinnacle Of Sanctuary-realm

Chapter 807: Pinnacle Of Sanctuary-realm

“Actually, it’s really ridiculous that your father Azardas actually wanted to destroy the Tree of Eternity because he wanted to destroy the tiny and weak race that had just appeared. Besides, the more ridiculous thing is that his reason for doing so was apparently because we, the wyrms, will be replaced by those pathetic creatures. This is the greatest joke I have ever heard. How could the insignificant small fries replace us? Everyone knows that we’re so strong that we can easily turn those pathetic creatures into ashes with just one claw of ours,” Lothar said in a contemptuous tone as if he were just telling a joke.

Although Lin Li had retreated rather far away, he could still hear the conversation between Lothar and Nefa very clearly. Apparently, Lothar was referring to the High Elves that were birthed by the Tree of Eternity. However, as Lin Li really knew about the events of history, he wouldn’t take Azardas, the Dragon of Destruction, as a joke, since everyone knew that after the end of prehistoric times, the High Elves had really replaced the ancient wyrms, and became the true rulers of the entire Anril. They had even created an unprecedented dynasty.

However, Lothar, who had just woken up from a deep sleep, didn’t know about that, and it was still an extremely absurd joke to him. After bursting into laughter that made the entire space quake, Lothar looked at Nefa contemptuously, and said, “However, there’s something more ridiculous than this. Do you know what it is? Azardas, the Dragon of Destruction, who was also a Dragon Aspect, actually died in the hands of those pathetic weaklings! He is not worthy to be a Dragon Aspect or one of the wyrms at all!”

Clearly, the Flame Dragon Lothar whose powers were said to be almost on the level of the Dragon Aspects had always been dissatisfied with the fact that the Dragon of Destruction Azardas had become a Dragon Aspect. However, Nefa was not bothered by such grudges at all. He was, in fact, a little excited when he heard Lothar mention that his father had died in the hands of weaklings—he knew that Lothar should have been referring to the battle where the Immortal King killed the Dragon of Destruction. Now that Lothar had mentioned it, he could perhaps find out more information.

“You know about that battle? What else do you know?” Nefa asked while suppressing his enthusiasm and glancing at Rogge who was beside him. Previously, Rogge had told him that he was the only other person apart from the Immortal King and the Dragon of Destruction who knew about that battle. Will his lie be exposed?

However, to Nefa’s disappointment, there wasn’t much of a change in Rogge’s expression. On the other hand, Lothar’s answer made him feel extremely disappointed.

“How is that considered a battle? A fight between wyrms and those weaklings is considered a battle too? Had I known that Azardas would end up getting killed by those weaklings, I might have gone to save him,” Lothar said with great disdain.

Damn it, if you’d run into the Immortal King, you’d long have gotten ripped apart and skinned alive. You probably wouldn’t even have been able to keep any descendants! Nefa was filled with hatred. He initially wanted to get some useful information from Lothar so that he wouldn’t have to join forces with Rogge. However, it seemed that his wish wasn’t going to come true.

“Okay, I’ve been asleep for such a long time. I’m going to find those damn Titans, and get some exercise. I’m not in the mood to stay here with you and waste any more time,” Lothar said impatiently. Obviously, he felt that Rogge and Nefa the dragon were not qualified to be his opponents at all. He had only bothered to say a few more words because he saw Nefa, Azardas’ son.

“I’m sorry, I can’t let you out,” said Rogge, who had been remaining silent for a long time and only spoke all of a sudden when Lothar was about to leave. Before Lothar could even reply, a green ray of light was emitted from the forest that was formed from the branch of the Tree of Eternity. The light filled the entire space in an instant, and the golden flames that engulfed Lothar’s body seemed to have been suppressed amidst the green light, and became slightly dim all of a sudden. However, that was not all. Rogge immediately waved his hand, and a black beam of light that had a diameter of more than 10 meters fell from the sky and landed on Lothar’s back.

Seeing that Rogge had attacked, Lin Li retreated again and again. It was not a matter of courage, but rather that the level of both parties in the battle was far beyond his. He had to take care of himself instead of getting distracted by Rogge. After retreating to a safe range, Lin Li did not slack, and instead kept his eyes fixed on the battlefield in the distance. It was a real Sanctuary-level battle. Even if he only got to learn a thing or two, it would still be a great gain.

He’s just a small fry, and yet he actually dared to provoke me! Lothar thought. Although the black beam of light that fell from the sky did not cause any harm to Lothar, the humiliation it brought was absolutely unforgivable. Of course, Lothar was not infuriated because of it. Although he had a bad temper, who would get angry over a trivial weakling? Hence, Lothar simply opened his mouth and blew a shot of dragon breath at Rogge, which was ordinary to wyrms.

Blowing out dragon breath was the most common form of attack used by wyrms, and for them, it was just like a basic instinct. It was akin to breathing, which came naturally to humans. However, after Lothar breathed out the dragon breath, even Lin Li, who was keeping a safe distance, couldn’t help but feel a tinge of fear in his heart. It was because Lin Li could clearly feel the power of the Laws in it. The dragon breath was even more terrifying than Legendary magic in power.

Facing Lothar’s dragon breath, Rogge could resist it, but he didn’t force himself to. In fact, he did not even persist on for the sake of stopping Lothar, and instead flew straight to the dense forest. It seemed that Rogge was going to run away and give up his plan to stop Lothar. However, in reality, he was trying to lure Lothar into the forest. His method was not a smart one; in fact, it could be considered obvious, and anyone would be able to read his intentions.

However, the ingenuity and effectiveness of the method was only one aspect. More importantly, it depended on whom the target was. Although Lothar was not stupid, and could tell that Rogge was trying to lure him into the forest, he did not simply want to leave this world. He wanted to leave because he wanted to fight the Titans, and didn’t mind spending some time to get rid of the weaklings who had provoked him before going on to deal with the damned Titans. Hence, after seeing that Rogge and Nefa were flying towards the forest, Lothar did not hesitate at all, and immediately chased them domineeringly.

After breaking into the forest, Lothar also acutely detected the strangeness around him, knowing that the forest seemed to be able to exert some suppression on his own power. However, he didn’t take it to heart, because he knew his opponent’s abilities well. Even if he was a little suppressed, it wouldn’t change the disparity in strength at all.

In fact, that was indeed the case. Although Lothar had been successfully lured into the forest, it would still be impossible for Rogge and Nefa to defeat Lothar, who had level-28 power. However, there was nowhere they could run to. After all, Rogge’s purpose was to stop Lothar from entering Anril, and not escape from Lothar.

Although Lin Li had seen the arbitrator Megard launching an attack in the Shadowglen, the three Undead Lords who were his opponents were too weak for Megard to display true Sanctuary-level power. On the other hand, he had also seen the battle between Geresco and the Evil Eye Tyrant through the Spacetime Beacon Spell at Tutankhamun’s place. However, he had merely seen it, and he could not feel anything else. Now that he was truly watching a Sanctuary-level battle, he could finally feel the power of the Sanctuary-realm.

Is this the power of the Sanctuary-level?! Lin Li was shocked to see the battle in the forest, and he finally understood why those on the Legendary-level would use the Laws through magic, while those of the Sanctuary-realm would form magic using Laws. Or rather, they controlled the Laws.

Although Lin Li had only been in the Legendary-realm for a short period of time, which was about two years since the start of the Throne of Darkness incident, he had fought with Legendary-mages numerous times before. Legendary-mages could create corresponding Magical Domains through their understanding of the Laws, after which they could use the Magical Domains to utilize the Laws. Magical Domains could be considered the most powerful offensive and defensive techniques that Legendary-mages could possess. In fact, they could also be considered a type of magic that conformed to certain Laws. Almost all Legendary-mages would activate their Magical Domains at the instant that they began fighting, for that was the only way they could use them to the greatest extent.

Lin Li noticed that Rogge, Nefa, and Lothar, the three powerhouses of the Sanctuary-realm, did not activate their Magical Domains during the fight. However, he could clearly feel that each of them was shrouded in pure power of the Laws. Perhaps their Magical Domains had been present around them all along, just like how there would always be air around a person.

They did not have to deliberately use the Magical Domains, just like how humans did not have to deliberately make their hearts beat. The Laws seemed to have completely integrated with their bodies. The magic released by every move of theirs and every chant of the spell contained pure power of the Laws. Their bodies were Magical Domains, and the areas covered by their aura and magical waves were also Magical Domains.

The Flame Dragon Lothar, which was a level-28 powerhouse of the Sanctuary-realm, could be considered to have reached the peak of the Sanctuary-realm, and it would be no exaggeration to say that he was almost turning into a god. The blazing golden flames on his body were no longer actual flames, but rather were completely composed of various laws of fire. It was a terrifying power that seemed to be able to burn the heaven and earth.

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