Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 445 - Tear of Space

Chapter 445: Tear of Space

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

After the Staff of Time gently drew past, a long tear suddenly appeared in the sky. It was dark and deep. It was as if the sky had been torn apart.

“F*ck…” After this tear had appeared, there was another round of gasps heard in the hut. At this point, Stephen, Hutton, and Lin Li, these three young mages, seemed to be in a delusion that they were dreaming.

These three simply did not dare to believe that Geresco had single-handedly torn apart space and opened a tunnel to the multidimensional space.

This was simply too shocking…

Even Lin Li had not imagined that the power of magic could reach such a terrifying degree. In just that instance, Geresco definitely used magic powers to tear open space. What seemed like a gentle stroke had completely overturned every single rule of Anril.

Indeed. Magic did have the power to operate and overturn rules. A mage could tamper with and even create rules after he had broken through to the Legendary-realm, obtaining the magical domain. However, the rules here were not some superficial rules. The eight true core rules of Anril were a domain that even deities were simply unable to touch.

Time and space. Nature and balance. Kindness and light. Evil and dark… These eight core rules were controlled by Anril’s four great Dragon Aspects. Unless someone had a power that was greater than these four great Dragon Aspects, they would not be able to touch these eight domains that even deities couldn’t easily set foot in.

That gentle stroke by Geresco could only mean one thing…

The power of this God of Mages had already surpassed the four great Dragon Aspects!

Roars could be heard from the forest. Every single roar of the Evil Eye Tyrant was filled with despair and fear. The tentacles were frantically waving about. All its struggles made it seem like a drowning person trying to grab onto the last straw. In an instant, a scene of flying sand and rolling stones could be seen in the forest. Countless dirt, pebbles, and branches were held by the tentacles of the Evil Eye Tyrant and thrown at Geresco like a storm.

Unfortunately, Geresco was like an invincible existence under the protection of Void of the Stars. Even a full-on blast by the Aestus Beam would not be able to leave a scratch on Geresco, not to mention the Evil Eye Tyrant’s tentacles.

The black silhouette peacefully floated in the sky. The dazzling sun rays came down from the top and plated a layer of divine golden hue over the God of Mages, while an inexhaustible magical aura started spreading. Geresco held the Book of Eternity in one hand and the Staff of Time in the other. The quiet and gentle incantations were flowing like running water, and every single rune was filled with boundless energy. Every single syllable contained deepest secrets of magic. Geresco’s did not have a large body frame—it was rather weak if put in stricter terms. However, looking at the brilliance of the Spacetime Beacon Spell, the current God of Mages was like a god that had existed for eternity.

The tear in the sky got bigger and bigger, while the struggles of the Evil Eye Tyrant got weaker and weaker…

Following Geresco lifting up his Staff of Time again, the Evil Eye Tyrant also gave off its final roar of despair…

In an instant, the tear in the sky suddenly grew and closed.


The whole world became silent.

The Evil Eye Tyrant disappeared. The magical beasts that were littered all over had disappeared too. Other than Geresco who was silently floating in the sky, the whole Sunset Mountains had been restored to the former peace. From the cloudless blue sky, golden rays of the sun rained down…

After this cataclysmic battle ended, the light from the Spacetime Beacon Spell started to become dimmer. The silhouette of the God of Mages also started to blur. With a wave of Tutankhamun’s hand, this battle that had happened 1300 years ago also disappeared like smoke.

“Look closely, Tutankhamun, just now… was that the Tear of Space?” Hutton was a true genius under a Legendary powerhouse. With his experience, how could he not know what was that tear that suddenly tore the sky apart? As to why he would ask this now, it was simply because he did not dare to believe it…

He really did not dare to believe it…

In fact, if it were any other mage that saw the scene in the Spacetime Beacon Spell, he would also not believe that the power of magic could reach such a terrifying level, not to mention Hutton. That was simply a domain that was directly challenging the gods. A person that harnessed such terrifying power would no longer be a mortal.

“You’re right. Tear of Space…” Tutankhamun nodded his head, and signalled the three young mages to take a seat first before he started speaking again. “In fact, before this battle began, I also did not believe that Anril still had a mortal that could single-handedly tear apart space.”

After taking a seat, Lin Li could not help but ask, “Then, Mr Tutankhamun, may I ask, where does that Tear of Space lead to?”

“That is a good question…” Tutankhamun turned around and looked at Lin Li before suddenly smiling. “Do you still remember the battle from 1300 years ago? Humans and High Elves battled each other under the Tree of Eternity. The immense power finally destroyed the Tree of Eternity…”

“Yes.” Lin Li nodded his head. Whatever that Geresco said could be learned from a lot of books in Anril. The battle that year was like Geresco’s individual performance, attaining the title as God of Mages that had never been matched by anyone. He also destroyed the Tree of Eternity that supported the whole race of the High Elves.

“Many people know that the collapse of the Tree of Eternity was a disaster for the High Elves. The High Elves headed towards complete extinction after losing the Tree of Eternity that gave birth to them. But, I fear that very few people know that the collapse of the Tree of Eternity was also a disaster for the whole of Anril. The Tree of Eternity not only supported the High Elves, but also maintained the balance of Anril.”

“F*ck!” Tutankhamun just finished speaking, yet Lin Li could not help but spew vulgarities. This was not a joke. Forget about the High Elves since they were already extinct. Being able to support them did not matter, but the point about maintaining the balance of Anril caused Lin Li to have a shock…

This feeling was like a skyscraper with more than a hundred floors suddenly had its foundations removed.

At this point, Lin Li seemed to have guessed something…

After being dazed for a moment, Lin Li did not continue questioning, but just nodded his head and silently listened to Tutankhamun.

“If you have noticed the history of Anril, you would definitely discover that the centuries after the Dark Age were days when Anril was filled with disasters. All sorts of natural disasters emerged in an endless stream. Typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. All sorts of disasters almost wiped out a third of Anril’s population!”

“Because of the Tree of Eternity’s collapse?”

“Yes… The collapse of the Tree of Eternity was the source of all the disasters, but this was not the most terrifying part…” When Tutankhamun reached this part, he took a short pause, and then continued, “The truly terrifying part was that the Tears of Space started appearing. After all of you return, carefully look through information. Then, you will realize that of the 13 known Tears of Space in Anril, at least 10 formed after the collapse of the Tree of Eternity, and it does not include the Sunset Mountains…”

“What… What you mean is that there is another tear in the Sunset Mountains that can connect to another space?” Lin Li swallowed his saliva with difficulty. Maybe the others did not know what Tutankhamun’s words meant, but Lin Li understood clearly…

It was because Lin Li himself came down from the Sunset Mountains—before this, he was living in another world…

All of a sudden, Lin Li felt that his palms were sweaty, and his heart rate increased a lot. It was because Lin Li felt that the answer he had been searching for was very likely going to appear now.

“Indeed, there exists a Tear of Space at the peak of the Sunset Mountains, and it could very likely be the most dangerous in Anril. It’s because a lot of prehistoric magical beasts are living on the other end of this Tear of Space. These prehistoric magical beasts are not just Evil Eye Tyrants, but also include Minotaurs, Hydra—the king of the swamps—as well as the venomous Viper. I believe that all of you have heard of the notorious names of these prehistoric magical beasts. If they were allowed to enter Anril, the civilization of the whole Anril would be completely destroyed…”


“The thing that’s worth celebrating is that this Tear of Space is not big. It’s still not enough for a prehistoric magical beast to pass through. That’s why Anril is still safe after 1300 years…”

“Then Geresco…” When Lin Li heard this, he could not help but feel curious. Since it was a safe Tear of Space, why did Geresco still slaughter the Sunset Mountains’s beasts?

“Don’t be hasty, let me continue. The first to discover the Tear of Space was Geresco. When the Tree of Eternity collapsed, Geresco already felt that the balance of this world had been destroyed. Hence, he traveled across Anril, looking for the Tears of Space that appeared because of the collapse of the Tree of Eternity. When Geresco arrived at the Sunset Mountains, he discovered the existence of this Tear of Space almost immediately. There was no helping it. This Tear of Space was too dangerous. If an accident were to happen, it could almost immediately destroy the civilization in the whole Anril. Hence, Geresco stayed in the Sunset Mountains, and spent almost 10 years on research…

“After incomparably complicated calculations, Geresco came up with a theory. This Tear of Space still could not allow prehistoric magical beasts to pass through, but after a certain period of time, the magical tides of Anril could affect the Tear of Space, causing it to widen. This time, the prehistoric magical beasts would be able to seize the chance…”

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