Am I A God?

Chapter 956 - Stealing Men

Chapter 956: Stealing Men

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

As Giggle was about to extract information from the dozens of riders, they flashed and vanished as if they never existed.


Giggle knew something was wrong.

“Someone with a superpower is moving them?

Giggle glared and swept the area with his power of awareness. “I don’t believe you can moving that many people away.”

Wherever he looked, the riders vanished. Almost more than a hundred riders vanished in his vision.

The vanishing stopped and Giggle sneered, “Reaching your limit?”

Giggle controlled the hundredth rider with his power of awareness and asked, “What happened just now?”

When a rider was about to answer, a rock hit his head and he fainted.

Giggle surveyed the direction where the rock came from but saw nothing but the endless plain. There were no men or cats.

He frowned and swept his power of awareness over the area in vain.

“Shifting again?”

Zhao Yao hid behind the Dimension Portal and looked at the suspicious Giggle. “Giggle’s unable to find me.” He stroked his chin and looked at the black men behind him. They were trembling and drenched in feces.

Arria, Asser and Shreev were knocked out on the ground.

He had used Time Freeze to capture them.

Matcha pulled a roll of plastic tape and wore a toy sheriff’s hat as he said, “Attention all citizens, attention all citizens. We have found strong pollutants. Do not approach the quarantined area as it’s life threatening.”

Latte looked astonishedly at the feces drenched men and said, “Is this how they play? The limit here is unfathomable.”

Milk Tea covered Latte’s eyes and said, “Latte! Don’t look!”

Dust Ball was so furious that her fur exploded. She pointed at the feces drenched men and exclaimed, “Zhao Yao! What are you doing? They’re so dirty! Why are you bringing them inside?!!!”

Zhao Yao consoled Dust Ball and said, “It’s alright Dust Ball. Is there any difference if the feces is in the stomach or on the head? You’re too narrow-minded and will evolve slower than the rest.”

Dust Ball shouted in rage, “Shall I take your feces from your stomach and put it on your head?” She abruptly looked at a black man who was swinging his arm. She screamed, “Don’t swing your feces! I’ll kill you!”

Zhao Yao swung his hand and used Elizabeth’s Deprivation of Five Sense to knock out the feces drenched men.

Dust Ball screamed in a shrill voice. “What are you doing Zhao Yao? Don’t let them lay on the ground. Won’t I have to scrub the floor to death?!”

Zhao Yao swung his hand and said, “No problem, let Ares use his Deflective Field.”

Ares who was chatting with Catherine turned his head and said unhappily, “The Deflective Field is my hand. How can I use it to do such dirty work?”

Roly Poly shouted, “Stop squabbling, look outside!”

Giggle controlled the remaining rebels, gathered them together and made them walk away. He used his power of awareness to sweep the environment to prevent sneak attacks.

Zhao Yao stroked his chin and thought, “The rebels saw my distorted image just now. If investigated, it would lead to the Chinese Embassy. I can’t let the alien cat bring them away for questioning.”

Zhao Yao’s eyes glimmered and he walked to the front of the Dimension Portal.

Giggle saw a white ring appear in the faraway sky. The ring expanded rapidly and attracted everyone’s attention.

As Giggle was defending against sneak attacks, the controlled crowd behind him fainted on the ground.

With a strong power of awareness, Giggle was immune to Catherine’s superpower.

Zhao Yao wore the Cat Princess Dress, which could activate one more superpower, and charged using Time Freeze and Deflective Field.

In the time frozen world, Zhao Yao used the Deflective Field to capture the crowd.

When time resumed, Giggle tried to control the crowd but he could not stop them from vanishing.

Those people who vanished appeared again and Giggle was dumbfounded.

Under his stunned expression was his confident sense of control.

The alien cat Tom had possessed one of the black men when they were being moved.

While Tom was being moved, he would be able to capture the opponent.

Time froze and Zhao Yao was dumbstruck by a Level 17 sign above one of the black men.

“This is… another alien cat? A Level 17 awareness?”

Zhao Yao recovered himself. This was another alien cat possessing a black man, waiting to be transferred into the Extradimensional Belly.

Fortunately, he had the Battle Scanner monocle to detect the alien cat, otherwise the consequences would have been dire.

“If I skip the alien cat possessed black man, this will reveal that I can detect them. Why don’t I feed him false information?” Zhao Yao carried the black man and threw him tens of thousands of kilometers into Korea using the Dimension Portal.

Then he continued carrying other black men.

The rider vanished and appeared one by one. Finally every rider went through the process and lay on the ground.

The Tom-possessed black man was placed in Korea and shifted back during Time Freeze.

Giggle did not know that when the rebels vanished, they lost their memories a few hours back. Caesar had erased their memories.

Zhao Yao decided not to attack the alien cats in order not to alert them.

With Time Freeze, the Dimension Portal and preparations, he would be safe from the alien cats.

Without a chance to defeat the alien cats, letting them know his superpowers and identity was a bad idea.

After erasing the riders’ memories, Zhao Yao closed the Dimension Portals and returned to Cat Island.

Giggle was not able to stop Zhao Yao from using Time Freeze and Dimension portals.

After Zhao Yao retreated, Giggle looked at a rider and asked, “How’s it, Tom? Where were you shifted? Did you find their base?”

“Yes.” Tom stood proudly and said, “Don’t underestimate me. I’ve recorded that location!”

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Chapter 957: Heartfelt Conversation and Craziness

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Zhao Yao erased the black men’s memories and closed the Dimension Portal. He returned to the Extradimensional Belly and exited from the Cat Island portal.

As Zhao Yao was about to exit the portal, Dust Ball screamed in a shrill voice, “Zhao Yao! Scrub the floor!”

Zhao Yao looked at Midnight and his companions who were preparing meals and said, “Did you hear that? Scrub the floor.”

Zhao Yao returned to Cat Island and surveyed his rewards—the unconscious Asser, Arria and Shreev.

Zhao Yao did not wake them up as he intended to talk to them in their dreamscapes.

Though the two cat’s power of awareness were inferior to Diana, he could not underestimate them.

Giggle’s power of awareness was superior to Zhao Yao, hence he was no match for the alien cat in dreamscapes. He only had a chance in the material realm against the alien cats.

With Diana’s superpower, Zhao Yao was able to control them in dreamscape such that they were unable to use their superpowers.

In the hazy environment, Asser felt that he had slept for a long time. He opened his eyes and found himself sprawling on the ground.

He stood up unsteadily and found himself on a street.

Cats were walking around in the environment and it looked like a cat’s habitat. They studied, worked, bore children just like normal humans.

Asser looked curiously and thought, “Where’s this place? Are they supercats?”

He walked one round on the streets and discovered that it was a small town. A murder had occurred in town recently.

Asser’s ears quivered and he listened to the private conversations of the nearby cats.

“Did you hear that? A kitten’s dead again!”

“Isn’t Zhao Yao dead? Who’s torturing cats again?”

“Who knows. I heard someone dreamt of Zhao Yao!”

“I heard a few kittens studying in elementary school bled when dreaming about Zhao Yao. This is frightening.”

“Humph? What’s up?” Asser frowned and yawned abruptly. “So tired. I feel… like… sleeping…”

Arria opened his eyes and found himself sitting in an ordinary home. The television in front was showing snowflakes.

Arria licked his paws and calmed down. He tried to recall slowly what happened.

He remembered his Door of Everlasting Life was flooded with feces and he trembled with rage.

As he was fuming, the television a year ago flashed and the snowflakes vanished. A well appeared.

“What’s that?” Arria looked blankly at the television screen. He saw a long-furred cat crawling from the well.

The cat’s fur was black and dense. Even the face was covered with fur. The cat climbed out gradually from the well and walk towards the camera.

Arria was frightened and felt an ominous malice coming towards him.

Zhao Yao was having a heartfelt conversation with Arria and Asser.

In the Extradimensional Belly, Matcha looked at Lucifer licking at his blood-stained paws and asked, “How’s that? Feeling good?”

Lucifer lay down on the ground lazily and nodded. “Good, very comfortable. You are awesome Matcha, much better than Ares and the rest.”

Latte, who was following Matcha, asked, “Matcha, this cat isn’t afraid of a beating. Is he fond of being beaten?”

Matcha said casually, “Yes.”

Latte said curiously, “Such a cat exists?” His eyes illuminated as he asked, “Matcha, could I try?”

“As you wish.” Matcha said, “Beat him as you like. Go on and try it.”

After getting rid of Latte, Matcha was about to play computer games on his cellphone when he discovered someone tagging him on Wechat.

Lightning messaged, “When are you arranging for the next venture into the Closers World’s dungeon? @Matcha.”

Matcha frowned and felt unhappy.

Old Cat messaged, “Don’t tag Sir George directly. Don’t you know that he’s busy with lots of matters? Are you bothering our administrator? I don’t want to see a second tag.”

Old Cat said, “There’s no sense of propriety.”

Airplane said, “All members please take note of your status and your attitude when messaging the administrator @All members.”

Matcha nodded and thought for a while before messaging, “During the last mid-autumn festival, a lot of cats sent wishes to me. I discovered that a lot of cats from the Royal Cat Guards had not done so. I don’t know what you meant by that. Had too much catmint?”

“Do you think that this is a simple message? This represents our Royal Cat Guard’s unity! The Royal Cat Police Force, cat café section and the Cat Fighting Unit’s cats sent well wishes to me. If I meet other section leaders in the future, will I listen to them speak ill of my section?”

“Do what you seems fit. I’m very disappointed. @All members please reply after seeing this.”

Matcha shook his head. “Hmm, I’m too easy going so the Royal Cat Guards are getting lax in discipline. It’s time to teach them a lesson.”

Roly Poly saw Matcha’s group message and mocked Matcha in his thoughts. He did a screen capture and sent it to Zhao Yao. “Zhao Yao, take a look! Matcha’s abusing his authority again. We’re all your cats. His behavior is inappropriate.”

Project X scoffed, “You are snitching on Matcha again.”

“What do you know? This is called intelligence work!” Roly Poly typed excitedly as he talked to Project X, “My few words are more powerful than your battle with Zhao Yao!”

Project X said, “Enough. Stop boasting, I’m tired of all of this. Place a book by the side for me to read.”

Roly Poly took out Hundred Years of Solitude for Project X to read. Then he checked his cellphone and thought, “Zhao Yao didn’t reply to me? Is he still playing with the two new cats?”

“So slow, when will he reply to me?”

Project X said, “Roly Poly, help me turn the page. I’ve finished the first page.”

Roly Poly turned the page casually for Project X and thought, “Perhaps the dirt on Matcha isn’t big enough? Yes, it must be that.”

Roly Poly felt a sense of danger. He recalled that Matcha was able to participate in combat. In the African battle, he beat up Lucifer to assist Zhao Yao and Time Freeze became more effective.

The next morning, Matcha tossed his body and pushed his paws forward and backside backwards. He straightened his body and stretched his back.

He yawned as he opened up his cellphone and glanced at the bed. “Zhao Yao didn’t come back last night. Where did he go off to ?”

Matcha checked the internet as usual as he muttered, “A riot broke out in Seoul, Korea… more than a hundred people contracted unknown mental illness…”

After checking the news, Matcha opened up Mobile Legends happily. He intended to practise a few rounds before having his meal.

A soul wrenching scream pierced through the air of Cat Island.

“Who destroyed my runes!! Totally sick guy!”

“This is war! This is a terrorist attack! Someone’s declaring war on me!”

The invisible Roly Poly extended his head from the window and peeped at the frustrated Matcha and laughed sinisterly. “I’ll make you go crazy before destroying you.”

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