Am I A God?

Chapter 642 - Communication

Chapter 642: Communication

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Uncle Ho continued to listen to the relationship between Black Panther and God of Death. When he heard about Black Panther’s current situation, he asked Black Panther solemnly, “Is Zhao Yao speaking the truth? You can identify God of Death’s puppets?”

“I can’t confirm if they are God of Death’s puppets or not.” Black Panther scratched his head. “But I do see them.”

After hearing Black Panther, Uncle Ho thought of something and looked at Zhao Yao. “What do you want to do?”

“I am planning to locate all the God of Death’s puppets.” Zhao Yao touched his chin and said, “Although there are many of them, with help from the government, we should be able to do it, right?”

Uncle Ho nodded. “This is an important issue. I need to report to my superior about this.”

Zhao Yao agreed and let him be. If he wanted to find all the God of Death’s puppets, having Black Panther alone is not enough. He needed the government’s support.

Once he succeeded, then, the country could step in and control all those puppets. By then, they would have the advantage. It didn’t matter if they jailed, released or saved the puppets. In fact, if they could control all the God of Death’s puppets, it means that God of Death would no longer be able to create more.

Or they could keep the puppets under surveillance and understand more about the God of Death’s powers to find his weakness.

Of course all these things were easy to say but they required a massive amount of work that Zhao Yao alone could never complete. That’s why he approached Uncle Ho.

Although he agreed to let Uncle Ho report this to his superior, he had his own conditions. “It is okay if you want to report it to your superior. However, I will not participate in the detailed planning. I have my own way in dealing with the God of Death.”

Letting Black Panther assist the Government in looking for the God of Death’s puppets was his back up plan. Compared to handing this to others, he trusted himself more.

“And, before you guys make a decision, Black Panther will have to be with me. I have promised to protect him.”

Uncle Ho nodded. “I understand.”

After talking to Uncle Ho, Zhao Yao left with Black Panther. They were going to meet Black Panther’s supercat. Zhao Yao had to protect this important supercat too.

After Black Panther and Uncle Ho made contact, God of Death who was in Huadu started hesitating.

“According to my puppets in Jianghai, they reported that there is a high chance that Black Panther has already contacted the government through Zhao Yao.”

“Although there is no evidence, from the reactions and schedules of the personnel in charge, it is most likely true.”

The three puppets in front of God of Death glanced at each other. They were an elder, a teenage boy and a girl in her 20s. Among them, the teenager spoke, “Will this have a serious impact on your powers?”

All three of them were puppets with high intelligence, judgment, and social experience.

Because they were his puppets, the God of Death was confident that he could control them and hence, he did not have absolute control on them. He let them maintain their own consciousness while working for him.

When facing of Zhao Yao, the God of Death had activated many dangerous powers which he had never activated before. A few puppets were nothing.

God of Death shook his head and said, “It is uncertain. With Black Panther’s help, I can’t confirm if they can find my weakness. However, I will not take the risk.”

The elder said, “But Zhao Yao is protecting Black Panther. To kill Black Panther, we have to fight Zhao Yao. This is inconsistent with our plans.”

The girl said, “What about we find Black Panther’s supercat? If we cut the source of his powers…”

The teenager shook his head, “Zhao Yao is not an idiot. They would definitely protect the cat.”

The girl asked, “Then what do we do now? It’s too early to fight Zhao Yao. We are still unprepared. We are still in the middle of liberating more supercats to gain greater combat power.”

Before the two of them started arguing, the elder suddenly said, “Actually, I think we may be able to fight Zhao Yao.”

When saw everyone looking at him, he explained, “Zhao Yao has two advantages. The first is his personal powers. We have never seen such strong combat powers in a small scale fight. The second is how he affects God of Death. Without these two advantages, he is no different from an ordinary human.”

“If we avoid these two points and use our intel and large manpower to fight him…”

“For example, we make use of someone else. Zhao Yao does not have a strong intelligence network like us. If we use the God of Death’s puppets to create a conflict or hire someone else to deal with Zhao Yao. Then, he will not realise that we are the ones behind this.”

The teenager rejected the idea. “Normal apostles are too weak. They are no threat to Zhao Yao.”

The girl laughed, “If they are too weak then we can lend them powers.”

The teenager frowned. “Then we are exposing our powers.”

The girl laughed, “The amount of supercats we have is more than what Zhao Yao has. If both of us expose our powers, Zhao Yao will be the one at a disadvantage. In fact, Zhao Yao does not even know that these are our powers. But, we can learn more about his powers.”

The elder said, “It make sense. I agree to this idea, but we have to be careful. We can’t let Zhao Yao know that we are behind this.”

The girl said, “Zhao Yao has so many enemies. As long as the people who attack don’t know our identity, there is no way Zhao Yao will know we did it.”

From the start, God of Death was listening to the three puppets discuss. He then he opened his eyes suddenly and said, “Okay. We will execute this idea. Find an apostle to kill Zhao Yao and Black Panther. Lend him Satan’s powers.”

The elder added, “The first goal should be to kill Black Panther. After killing Black Panther we should then attack Zhao Yao. However, we can’t tell the apostle that our target is Black Panther. It would be too obvious he is sent by us.”

The teenager said, “As long as we take Zhao Yao out of the equation, Black Panther is dead. We can send our fighter and lend them powers. Now, we shall see how much powers Zhao Yao has.”

“Don’t be too pessimistic.” The girl smiled. “Zhao Yao is just a man. Even apostles are humans and not gods. As long as he is not careful, he is dead.”

The God of Death was highly efficient. For an organization with millions of people merged as one, his efficiency was far beyond any organization in this world.

Soon, a killer named Terminator was contacted by his puppet and entered the country.

With the aid of God of Death’s intelligence network and apostles, Terminator was kidnapped five minutes after leaving the plane.

When he woke up again, he was already in a small dark house in Jianghai. There were four other men who were also awakening beside him. Terminator looked around, there were two white men, one black man and a guy with brown skin.

Comment (1)

  • Weiiss


    Thanks for the chapter

Chapter 643: Gather

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

In the dark room, the five of them looked at each other warily.

At this moment, in the dark room, a screen lit up. A man who was wearing a mask appeared. He looked at the five of them and said, “I hope you guys are well. If you haven’t realized this yet, there is a new power in your body.”

“Oh wait, I forgot that you guys can’t hear.”

After speaking, subtitles appeared on the screen.

The five of their faces changed immediately. They started howling and making all kind of noises.

At this moment all of them have realized that they couldn’t hear.

Terminator looked at God of Death who was in the screen and yelled, “It doesn’t matter who you are. I want you to remember that I will find you and I will kill you. Then, I will let my dog feed on your body.”

The other four also let out different howls and threats.

Upon facing death threats from the five of them, God of Death laughed and said in the subtitles. “Will everyone calm, down, I will explain your current circumstances. Then, you will realize that things aren’t as bad as they seem.”

“Terminator, ex-member of the XXX special forces, participated in the XXXX war. He once killed seven armed men by himself. After becoming an apostle, he left the special force and used his powers to kill the CEO of XXX company.”

Terminator’s eyes narrowed menacingly.

“Black Mamba, ex-member of the Delta force, participated in the XXXX revolution and the assassination of OOOO. After becoming an apostle, he became a mercenary. He used his powers and single-handedly killed more than 200 armed men in North Africa.

When he saw the subtitles, the black man laughed coldly and flashed his teeth.

“Sharky and King Kong, both were ex-members of the Alpha team, participated in more than 50 counter-terrorism operations. They became apostles in the XXX fight. Both of them defeated a whole armored force and used that chance to fake their own deaths. After which both became well-known mercenaries.”

The two white men looked at each other and a strong intention to kill flashed through their eyes. They knew too much and to avoid being killed by the country, they had had to fake their own deaths. Who knew that the past they tried to cover up could be uncovered by someone so easily.

Then the God of Death looked at the guy with brown skin tone and said, “And Jaguar, ex-member of the Mexican XXX organization. After awakening, he killed the entire organization and escaped to North Africa to be a mercenary”

Looking at their shocked faces, God of Death laughed. “There is nothing to be surprised about. The strength of my Intelligence Network is beyond your imagination. For others, your identities may be a secret but for the more powerful countries, your identities are nothing.

“Now, let’s talk about the main focus. The five of you are the best killers and ex-special force members. You guys are the most dangerous people in the world. I have gathered all of you here to help me with something you are the best at. To kill someone.”

Compared to peaceful apostles like Zhao Yao, there were many people like the five of them who liked to use their powers for violence to benefit themselves.

The screen showed Zhao Yao’s picture…

“This guy is called Zhao Yao. He is your target. He has many powers, some of which include teleportation, illusion, and psychokinesis.”

“Especially his illusion powers. His illusion powers have a wide range and have excellent effects. It can kill people who can’t resist the illusions immediately. However, according to our research, his illusions are transmitted through sound waves. To defend yourselves against this power, I have conducted a simple surgery on you to ensure that you can no longer hear anything. This way, you will not be affected by the illusions.”

The last battle with Midnight, Old K, Lang Gou, and Zhao Yao, had allowed him to gather a lot of Intel. It was collected by God of Death through the humanoids.

Like the fact that the illusion is transmitted through sound, it was received by the humanoid’s audio receiver and analyzed by God of Death afterwards.

Therefore, this time, God of Death specifically destroyed their hearing to prevent them from falling for the illusions.

But the God of Death did not provide other information like the fact that Zhao Yao can revive himself, his Murasama Blade or the Golden sword aura. This was because if they knew and were captured by Zhao Yao, after interrogation, they would give away God of Death immediately.

So except for powers like illusion, the God of Death did not give any clear information to prevent Zhao Yao from discovering that he was behind this.

After he spoke, the five of them in the dark room started shouting at him.

Terminator raged, “Nonsense. Apostles can only borrow one power. This is the rule. How can someone master so many powers at the same time?”

The black man laughed coldly and said, “I am not going to work for you, masked freak. Wait for my revenge. I will kill your entire family, including your son, your daughter, your wife, and your parents.”

The other white man named Sharky turned and wanted to leave the place immediately. He started to look for an exit.

The God of Death did not reply to them but continued.

“If you can kill him for me, I will pay each of you 10 million USD, fix your hearing and give you your antidote.”

When the subtitles reached the end, all five of their faces changed.

The God of Death said, “If you don’t believe me, you can take a look at your inner right arm.”

The five of them looked at their inner arms and saw a black line extending out from their palm.

“As the toxins in your body spread, the black line will reach your heart in 12 hours and by then, you will be dead.”

After reading the subtitles, Jaguar laughed coldly. “Who of us will believe you? There is no such toxin in the world. Do you think we are children? I think we should escape from here, find you and kill you…”

The God of Death laughed and in the next moment, the black line on Jaguar’s wrist grew long and in everyone’s terror, it reached his heart. Then everyone watched as Jaguar spit out mouths of black blood and died.

This toxin was developed from the toxin powers of Old K. Although Old K was captured, his supercat was still with God of Death.

“Think about it, 10 million USD, recovered hearing, and your life. All these are enough for you to calm down.”

The five of them including Terminator calmed down. However, they gazed at the screen angrily and it was evident that all of them wanted to kill the person who kidnapped them.

“Then I shall continue to provide information. The target also has a buddy. The buddy seems to have the power of teleportation and the impressive part is that he can bring someone along with him during the teleportation. If you want to kill the target, you have to kill the buddy first.”

As he spoke, Black Panther’s photograph appeared on the screen. The God of Death did not list Black Panther as the first target as he did not want to expose himself.

At least, before he was prepared, he did not want to fight Zhao Yao.

After introducing both the Black Panther and Zhao Yao’s powers, God of Death said, “Now, I will introduce the power in you.”

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