Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2285

Chapter 2285: 477: an ordinary friend! 1

Translator: 549690339


“Absolutely reliable.”The assistant handed over the document with both hands. “Take a look at this.”

“Chen Jinyan took the document. After looking through it, his originally tightly furrowed brows looked more like a small hill. ”

Lin Ze was indeed ye Zao’s older brother.

“After confirming this news, Chen Jinyan rubbed his forehead with a slight headache. ”

“It would be easier if it was just ye Zao’s words. After all, this was the General Alliance. Ye Zao was the legend of the Chang ‘Yue country. No matter how long her hands were, they could not reach the general alliance. ”

“However, the bad thing was that ye Zao’s fiancĂ© was Cen Shaoqing. ”

“In this way, Lin Ze became CEN Shaoqing’s brother-in-law. ”

“With such a backer, in the entire General Alliance, who would dare to provoke Lin Ze? ”

No wonder.

No wonder an ordinary earthling like Lin Ze dared to provoke Chen Yaosheng.

Things were getting more and more troublesome!

“Chen Jinyan was at a loss. He said to his assistant, “You can leave first.” ”

“Yes.”The assistant nodded and walked out.

“At this moment, Chen Jinyan seemed to have thought of something and said, “Wait a moment.” ”

“Do you have any other instructions?”The assistant turned to look at Chen Jinyan.

“Chen Jinyan continued, “Go and call Yaojun over.” ”


“Very soon, Chen Yaojun arrived. ”

“”Dad, you’re looking for me.” ”

“Yes.”Chen Jinyan nodded.

“Chen yaosheng continued, “Is it because of Yaosheng’s matter?” ”

Chen Jinyan continued to nod.

“Chen Yaojun looked at Chen Jinyan and said, “Dad, don’t worry. I’m already thinking of a way. Even if I have to use all my connections, I have to bail yaosheng out in the shortest time possible.” ”

“”Don’t.”Chen Jinyan shook his head. “From now on, you don’t have to worry about Yaosheng’s matters.” ”

“”Why?”Chen Yaojun continued to ask, “Could it be that you’ve already…” ”

“Chen Yaojun had yet to speak when Chen Jinyan sighed and said, “There’s no way to bail yaosheng out. Do you know who sent him in?” ”

“I don’t know.”Chen Yaojun shook her head.

“Chen Jinyan continued, “It’s Miss Ye’s brother.” ”

Miss Ye’s brother?

Chen Yaojun was stunned. “Are you talking about Miss Ye Zhuo?”

“Yes.”Chen Jinyan nodded.

“As a detective, Chen Yaojun naturally knew about the relationship between Ye Zhuo and Cen Shaoqing. ”

“Now that Chen Yaosheng was personally sent to the detention center by Lin Ze, either Bai Jingshu would take the initiative to forgive him, or Lin Ze would let Chen Yaosheng off the hook once, or else… ”

“”Yaosheng has really kicked an iron plate this time!”Chen Jinyan continued, “We have to be careful from now on. We must not let anyone catch us.” ”

“At such a critical moment, if the Chen family was caught by someone, they would never be able to turn the tables. ”

“”Okay.”Chen Yaojun nodded. “Don’t worry, Dad. I know what to do.” ”

“Chen Jinyan continued, “In addition, go to the detention center and tell Yaosheng to keep his mouth shut. Don’t offend anyone he shouldn’t offend.” ”


“When she found out that Chen Jinyan had given up on Chen Yaosheng, Madam Chen was on the verge of breaking down. ”

A tiger doesn’t eat its own son.

Chen Jinyan was good. He even gave up on his own son.

“Before Chen Jinyan could return from work, Mrs. Chen came to Chen Jinyan’s office. ”

“What are you doing here?”Chen Jinyan frowned slightly when he saw Mrs. Chen.

He had always disliked Mrs. Chen coming to his place of work.

“Why can’t I Come? Are you feeling guilty?”Mrs. Chen asked.

“Chen Jinyan asked somewhat inexplicably, “What am I Feeling guilty about?” ”

“Madam Chen’s face was full of sarcasm, “Actually, I’ve long noticed that you’ve always disliked yaosheng. You feel that Yaosheng isn’t as outstanding as Yaojun. You even regret having a second child back then! But Yaosheng is your son after all. As a father, how can you be so biased! Although Yaosheng isn’t as outstanding as Yaojun, he has always respected you as a father! What About You! This is how you treat Yaosheng!” ”

“Ten years, that was a whole ten years! ”

“As a mother, Madam Chen really could not bear to see her son suffer like this. ”

“Madam Chen loved her two sons very much. Even though Chen Yaosheng was not as outstanding as Chen Yaojun, in Madam Chen’s heart, they were her treasures. ”

She really could not imagine how Chen Jinyan made this decision.

What right did he have to be a father?

“Although Madam Chen did not say it explicitly, Chen Jinyan could hear the hidden meaning in her words. There was no anger on his face. He only said, “You know about it?” ”

“You admit it?”Madam Chen looked at Chen Jinyan.

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