Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2150

Chapter 2150: 432: There’s a good show to watch. Duanmu Fengyu is furious! 5

Translator: 549690339


“How is it? Is It?”Zhao Dan asked impatiently. “Is she a full moon?”

Man Xing shook his head. “She’s not the eldest sister.”

“No?”The disappointment in Zhao Dan’s eyes was even more intense than man Xing’s. “Then who is she?”

“Man Xing looked at Zhao Dan. “Mom, I know that you’re eager to find the eldest sister and reunite our family, but this person is indeed not the eldest sister. She’s just a very ordinary earthling.” ”

“Hearing this, Zhao Dan frowned. “Have you investigated everything?” ”

“Yes.”Man Xing nodded. “The information that Feihu handed over shouldn’t be a problem.”

Feihu was man Xing’s most capable assistant.

The person that man Xing trusted the most was him.

“Why Not!”Zhao Dan sighed.

He originally thought that ye Zhuo had found a good backer for them.

“If ye Zhuo was young master Dongli’s girlfriend, then their entire family would have a say in the alliance. ”

Who would have thought that it was not ye Zhuo himself at all!

It was really convenient for that earthling to actually become young master Dongli’s girlfriend!

“After saying that, Zhao Dan continued, “I knew that she was unlucky! If she really could become young master Dongli’s girlfriend, she wouldn’t have begged to return to the country with me back then!” ”

“MAN XING continued, “Mom, don’t worry. I’m already thinking of ways to find elder sister.” ”

“”What are you looking for!”Zhao Dan said, “Finding her to drag you down? Xing ‘er, Wen ‘er is already disappointing enough. If there’s another jinx, how are we going to live our days in the future?” ”

“In Zhao Dan’s eyes, Ye Zhuo was a jinx. ”

“If ye Zhuo had really climbed onto the eastern fence’s young master, then he should have openly acknowledged her back. But now, Ye Zhuo had nothing, so why did he acknowledge her back? ”

“Man Wen’s life would be like this. If ye Zhuo came to drag man Xing down again, then man Xing’s life would be ruined! ”

“Her daughter should stand in the most dazzling place in her life, and not be dragged down by others. ”

“”Eldest sister is already very pitiful after losing us once. Mom, can you bear to see her lose us a second time?”Man Xing asked. ”

“Zhao Dan patted man Xing’s hand. “That is her fate. She Can’t blame anyone. If you want to blame someone, blame it on her bad fate.”If ye Zao could be like man Xing, an existence blessed at birth, they would not throw her away! ”

But Ye Zao was not!

Ye Zao was born to be a debt collector and a jinx. He brought endless disasters to manxing country when he was just born.

“If Manxing had not been born in time, how could the current Manxing country exist? ”

“”Xing ‘er, Mom knows that you are a good sister and a good sister.”Zhao Dan looked at Manxing and said earnestly, “But some people are really not worthy of our sympathy!” ”

Man Xing sighed.

“Zhao Dan continued, “Since she’s gone, let her disappear from this world forever. In the future, just pretend that she’s not here! Take it as for the sake of our Manxing Nation! “You don’t want to put the entire Manxing nation in danger just because of her, right?” ”

“Having said that, man Xing could only nod in agreement. ”

“Although they had suffered a setback at the hands of Old Mrs. Cen, under the guidance of Mrs. Duanmu, Duanmu Fengyu had no intention of giving up on trying to please the CEN family. ”

“At this moment, Duanmu Fengyu came to Zhou Xiang’s room. ”

“”Hello, Auntie. I’m Duanmu Fengyu.”Duanmu Fengyu walked over with a plate of snacks. “I don’t know what you like to eat. This is the snack I made for you. Please try it.” ”

“Zhou Xiang looked at Duanmu fengyu and said, “Take it away.” ”


“Zhou Xiang continued, “Your behavior will be despised on Earth. I hope you can turn back in time.” ”

“She thought that Zhou Xiang had a weak personality and was the easiest to deal with. Unexpectedly, Zhou Xiang was also impervious! ”

“Duanmu fengyu remembered what her mother had said to her, and tears immediately fell, she cried, “Auntie, I know you don’t like me and you despise me, but what’s wrong with me? I was born to be the fiancée of the young master of Dongli. My fate has been arranged from the moment I was born! If you don’t accept me, how can I live in the future? Auntie, I’m begging you. You’re also a woman. Please pity me… . .” ”

The fault lies with Ye Zao.

“If it was not ye Zhuo intervention, she would not cry in front of Zhou Xiang sell miserable. ”

“Zhou Xiang slightly frowned, “Don’t you think you’re being shameless? Forcibly twist melon not sweet, I see your Duanmu family is also extremely face-saving people, why you a girl home can not self-respect? Shau-ching already has a girlfriend, they are very loving! “What you actually love is only power! “If Shaoqing wasn’t the young master of Dongli, would you still be like this? “You are a person. You are an independent individual. Why Can’t you live on your own and rely on a man?” ”

“Zhou Xiang’s voice wasn’t loud, but each word was like a sharp sword, directly exposing Duanmu Fengyu’s thoughts under the sunlight. ”

“”I can see that you’re not bad. You’re just stuck in your own circle for a while.”Zhou Xiang paused. “Aili, see the guest out!” ”

“Aili was a bodyguard-type robot. When he heard Zhou Xiang’s command, he immediately walked to Duanmu Fengyu’s side. ”

“When Duanmu Fengyu saw Aili come over, she immediately stood up and walked out. ”

“They ran into a wall one after another, causing Duanmu Feng and Ai Li to completely lose confidence. They went to look for Mrs. Duanmu again ”

“Mrs. Duanmu smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I just heard good news.” ”

“What Good News?”Duanmu Feng and Ai Li asked.

“Mrs. Duanmu continued, “Your uncle-in-law is going to hold a grand family recognition banquet soon. During the family recognition banquet, he is going to clear dongli and that Earthling’s name on the spot.” ”

“That Earthling is going to enter the family hall soon. Is this good news?”Duanmu Fengyu asked incredulously.

Mrs. Duanmu shook her head. Duanmu Fengyu was still young after all. She couldn’t think straight when it came to matters.

“Seeing that Mrs. Duanmu remained silent, Duanmu Fengyu became anxious. She shook Mrs. Duanmu’s arm and said, “Mom, what are you trying to do? !” ”

“Mrs. Duanmu smiled and looked at Duanmu Fengyu, “You are the heiress of the Duanmu family in the alliance. There are so many people who support you. What is Ye Zhuo? She is just an ordinary person from Earth. Just wait and see. There will be a good show at this family recognition banquet!” ”

Ye Zhuo wanted to take that position?

Dream On!

“Hearing this, Duanmu Fengyu’s eyes lit up. ”

That’s right.

“She had been Dongli’s fiancée since birth, and there were many people who supported her. Cen Haifeng was holding a high-profile family recognition banquet, and those who would be present would definitely be people who supported her. ”

Duanmu Feng had a wide social circle.

“The monarch of changyue, Ye Han, and the tribe leader of the insect clan, Leo, were both good friends of hers. Just these two people alone were enough to make the family recognition banquet shake three times. ”


What About Ye Zao?

Ye Zao had no one to rely on in the s galaxy. Could it be that she still wanted to rely on that old woman from the Cen family to support her?

This was simply ridiculous!

“When that time came, even if Cen Haifeng wanted to Clear Ye Zao’s name, he probably wouldn’t be able to stop the People’s hearts. ”

“After all, she was a natural phoenix. ”

“”So, Fengyu,”Mrs. Duanmu patted Duanmu Fengyu’s hand and said with a smile, “You don’t have to worry about other problems now. You just need to wait for the family recognition banquet to arrive.” ”

“Duanmu fengyu forgot all her unhappiness and immediately asked, “Mom, when is the family recognition banquet scheduled?” ”

She couldn’t wait to see ye Zhuo make a fool of himself!

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