Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2078

Chapter 2078: 431: Return to Earth! 3

Translator: 549690339

“Cen Shaoqing turned to look at ye Zao and continued, “Leader, you and your brother must be tired from the long journey. Come with me. Let’s eat something first and then have a good rest, okay?” ”


“Okay.”Ye Zao nodded slightly.

Cen Shaoqing led the two out of the base.

“When the base’s workers saw ye Zao, they all greeted him politely, “Hello, fifth master, Hello, Miss Ye!” ”

“”Miss Ye, you’re finally back!” ”

“Miss Ye!”

“Ye Han followed behind, feeling a little shocked. He didn’t expect ye Zhuo to be so popular on Earth. ”

“But thinking about it, it made sense. ”

“No matter where an outstanding person ended up, no matter how terrible the surrounding environment was, she could still shine. ”

“Ye Zhuo greeted people while introducing ye Han to everyone, “This is my younger brother, Ye Han.” ”

“”Hello, Little Brother Ye.” ”

“Hello to all of you.”

“Ye Han leaned against ye Zhuo’s side and said in a low voice, “Sister, they’re so passionate!” ”

“Zuo gong smiled and teased, “Miss Ye, I wonder if little brother Ye has a girlfriend. If he doesn’t, I’ll introduce him to someone!” ”

Ye Zhuo smiled slightly. “You’ll have to ask him about that.”

Zuo Gong looked at Ye Han.

“Ye Han’s face was slightly red. “Thank you for your kind intentions, but I don’t want to think about personal matters for the time being.” ”

“Zuo Gong nodded. “Of course, of course. Establish a business first before starting a family! When you want to find a girlfriend, come and look for me again!” ”

“Okay.”Ye Han nodded.

“Very soon, they arrived at the base’s cafeteria. ”

“Although it was called a cafeteria, it was not a large pot of rice in the traditional sense. The Cen family base’s cafeteria gathered all kinds of Chinese and western delicacies, and there were even five-star chefs. ”

“Because he had received ye Zao’s message in advance, Cen Shaoqing had already arranged for food. ”

“Half of the desserts on the table, and half of the dishes that ye Zao liked to eat. ”

“Ye Zao had not eaten desserts for a month. When he saw the desserts on the table, his eyes immediately lit up. He immediately sat down, picked up a dessert, and said as he ate, “Ye Han, you eat quickly too!” ”

Ye Han still could not get used to the food on Earth. He silently took out a nutrient solution from his bag. “I’ll drink this.”

“”Actually, the food is much better than the nutrient solution.”Ye Zhuo picked up a goose leg and placed it into Ye Han’s bowl. “If you don’t believe me, Try This goose leg.” ”

“Ye Han shook his head, his face full of rejection. ”

“Seeing that he didn’t eat the goose leg, ye Zhuo continued, “Then drink some drinks. There are all kinds of lactic acid drinks here, as well as milk, fruit tea, and freshly squeezed juice. Do you want to try it?” ”

Ye Han still shook his head.

“Halfway through eating, Ye Zhuo suddenly thought of something and looked at Cen Shaoqing. “Cen Shaoqing.” ”

“HMM?”Cen Shaoqing looked up at her.

“Ye Zhuo continued, “Go and bring over a small backpack on the interstellar shuttle.” ”

“Okay.”Cen Shaoqing nodded and stood up to get something.

Ye Zhuo continued to eat.

“She first ate dessert, then drank a drink, then ate the food and ate heartily. Seeing this, Ye Han was a little confused. was this food really that delicious? ”

“”Sis,”ye Han could not help but speak. ”

“HMM?”Ye Zhuo turned to look at him. “Do you want to eat too?”

“”No, no, no!”Ye Han waved his hand repeatedly. “I just want to tell you to eat slowly. Don’t choke!” ”

“”Don’t worry,”ye Zhuo said. ”

“Soon, CEN Shaoqing came over with his bag. He looked at ye Zhuo and said, “What’s in the bag? It’s quite heavy!” ”

“You’ll know in a while.”Ye Zhuo reached out to take the bag.

“Ye Zhuo unzipped it, and in an instant, a big white fluffy ball appeared. ”

It looked very much like a fluffy toy.

“Ye Zao patted it. “Doggie, Get Up!” ”

“The next second, the ‘fluffy toy’actually jumped out of the backpack. It rubbed its eyes with its wings and looked at ye Zao. “Big Zao, are we here?” ”

“Yes.”Ye Zao nodded slightly.

“Really! ?”Yi Ling asked excitedly.


“Yi Ling flapped her small wings and flew into the air. She looked around and finally flew in front of Cen Shaoqing. She asked curiously, “Who are you?” ”

“Without waiting for Cen Shaoqing to answer, Yi Ling turned to look at Ye Zao. “Da Zao Zao, is he your family on Earth?” ”

Ye Zao nodded slightly.

“CEN Shaoqing continued, “I am ye Zao’s boyfriend, Cen Shaoqing.” ”

“Ye Zao looked at Cen Shaoqing and continued, “He is a type of bird in the S galaxy, Chang Yue country. The battle suit he lives in is also the Yi Ling of the battle suit. You can just call him Yi Ling.” ”

“En.”Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly.

“”What is a boyfriend?”The spirit of the battle suit flapped its small wings and continued, “Oh! I understand! A boyfriend is someone who wants to have children together in the future!” ”

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