Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2002

Chapter 2002: 420: successfully rescue Yi Ling! 3

Translator: 549690339

He had come to patrol ten minutes ago.


“”What are you doing here?”Qiu Di was so angry that his whole body was trembling. He kicked guard Zhang to the ground. “Hurry up and find him! If you can’t find that Little Bastard, you don’t have to come back!” ”

“”Yes, yes, yes! Your subordinate will go and find him now!”Guard Zhang was so scared that he rolled and crawled away. ”

Autumn flute looked in the direction where guard Zhang had disappeared and frowned.

“”Di’er!”At this moment, autumn town’s voice sounded in the air. ”

The disappearance of Yi Ling was not a small matter.

“After hearing this news, autumn town did not even have time to comfort the beautiful concubines. They immediately rushed to the detention room. ”

“Father.”Autumn flute looked at autumn town.

“Autumn town continued, “What exactly is going on?” ”

Autumn flute was also feeling distraught. “The spirit of clothes has escaped from prison.”

Prison Break!

“”How is this possible!”Autumn town continued, “When Wu Han left, he placed a confinement in the confinement room. Not to mention the spirit of clothes, even I don’t have the ability to do so!” ”

What Autumn Town said was the truth.

“This level five confinement room already had a very high defense, and now with Ye Han’s intervention, it was impossible for a mere spirit of clothes to escape from prison. ”

Qiu Di narrowed his eyes. He also felt that things were not simple.

Could it be that someone came to save the cloaked spirit?

But who could have such great ability?

To be able to save someone so quietly in the Qiu family’s confinement room.

Something was wrong.

This was very wrong!

“Qiu Changzhen looked at Qiu Di and continued, “I heard that ye Zhuo’s body disappeared, is that true?” ”

“It’s true.”Autumn flute nodded.

“Hearing this, autumn town’s face turned pale. ”

“First, Ye Zao’s body disappeared, and now, his clothes spirit disappeared! ”

Could it be that ye Zao really came back?

“”Is it, is it…”autumn town looked at autumn flute, swallowed his throat, and said with difficulty, “Di’er, did ye Zao Come Back?” ”

“”He won’t!”Autumn flute directly denied, “Ye Zao is already dead.” ”

How could a person who had already died come back to life?

Wasn’t this the biggest joke in the world?

“”If ye Zao didn’t come back to life, how would you explain all this?”Autumn town continued, “Who do you think can take Yi Ling away from here?” ”

“Could it be the sixth clan leader?”Autumn flute asked.

“After all, the only person who knew that she had Yi Ling was the sixth chief. ”

“Moreover, the sixth chief wanted Yi Ling so badly. ”

“If it was the sixth chief, then all this could be explained. ”

“”It shouldn’t be.”Qiu Changzhen shook his head, “If the sixth chief could take Yi Ling away so easily, then he wouldn’t have gone through so much trouble to use the password to open the trans-star case to exchange with you.” ”

“Hearing this, Qiu di narrowed his eyes. What Qiu Changzhen said made sense. This was indeed not the style of the six clan leaders. ”

“But if it wasn’t the six clan leaders, who else could it be? ”

Who had such a great ability?

“Men!”Qiu Di continued to speak.

“Eldest miss.”The assistant immediately walked over.

“Qiu di continued, “Pass down the order. If anyone dares to reveal anything about tonight’s matter, they will never see the Sun Tomorrow Morning!” ”

The disappearance of the clothes spirit was no small matter. They had to immediately seal off the news.

Especially not letting the six clan leaders know about it.

“If the six clan leaders knew about it, then on the day of the election, she would really have no hope at all. ”

“With the six clan leaders around, she would be able to stabilize the other seven clan leaders. ”

“Moreover, on that day, she could directly open the information on the trans-star case. Even if she did not wear that battle armor, everyone would still support it. ”

“Yes.”The assistant bowed.

“Qiu Changzhen’s brows were deeply furrowed, he continued, “Di’er, this matter can not be solved by sealing the news! The most important thing now is to find out who took Yi Ling! Does that person pose a threat to us? ! Why don’t we go to the Great Witch Doctor’s Place? !” ”

The Great Witch Doctor was very resourceful. He would definitely be able to find out who had taken Yi Ling away.

“In fact, autumn town was even more worried about whether ye Zao had resurrected. ”

“After all, in changyue, the person who posed the greatest threat to autumn flute was ye Zao. ”

Autumn flute nodded.

The father and daughter rushed to the Great Witch Doctor’s residence overnight.

“The Great Witch Doctor was experimenting on the snow rats on the snow mountain. When he heard this, his hands paused. “Is there such a strange thing?” ”

Ye Zao’s body was gone.

Then his spirit clothes were also gone…

“Autumn town said, “Great Witch Doctor, these two things are really strange together. Do you think that ye Zao and ye Zao have been resurrected again?” ”

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