Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 1993

Chapter 1993: 417: locate the sunken ship 4

Translator: 549690339

“As soon as she walked into the living room, she saw that Cen Shaoqing was already sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. ”


He was still holding the string of Buddhist beads in his left hand.

“The sunlight shone in from the window on his left, and it coated his body with a shallow layer of golden light. ”

It was especially beautiful.

“Why are you up so early?”

Ye Zhuo walked over.

“Biological clock.”Cen Shaoqing closed the newspaper. “What do you want to eat in the morning? Should I get someone to send it over?”

“”Just eat something.”Since the food in country Y was terrible, she decided not to be picky. ”

Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly.

“Soon, a waiter brought breakfast over. ”

It was a very Chinese breakfast.

“Crystal buns, rice noodles, porridge, steamed buns, sour beans, bacon… ”

They were all things that ye Zao liked to eat.

“It’s rare to get such an authentic breakfast in the x continent.”Ye Zao sat down and prepared to eat.

“Last night, when ye Zhuo saw that the people who came to pick them up were all natives of country Y, he thought that there were no Chinese here. ”

Cen Shaoqing drank a mouthful of soy milk. “Do you think those people are raised for Nothing?”

Cen Shaoqing’s power spread all over the world.

“”You’re right.”Ye Zhuo drank a mouthful of white porridge and then said, “By the way, when do we set off?” ”

“In an hour.”Cen Shaoqing held the Buddha bead in his left hand. “This place is not far from the accident area.”

“Okay.”Ye Zhuo finished half of the bowl of porridge and handed the rest to Cen Shaoqing. “Eat it for me. I want to eat rice noodles.”

“Knowing ye Zhuo’s habit, Cen Shaoqing only asked someone to make a bowl of porridge. ”

Cen Shaoqing took the rest of the porridge.

Ye Zao began to eat the rice noodles.

The fresh shrimp and spicy rice noodles were more authentic than the ones made in China.

“Originally, it was not suitable to eat anything too heavy in the morning, but ye Zao ate half a bowl of porridge, so it was not a big deal. ”

“After breakfast, the two of them boarded the yacht and headed to the area where the accident happened. ”

“The weather was good today. The sea was calm, and the blue sea was peaceful. Occasionally, a few seagulls flew by. ”

“”According to the report, the cruise ship my father was on had an accident here.”Cen Shaoqing stood in front of the railing of the yacht and looked at the deep sea in front of him. His expression was unclear. ”

The sea wind blew his clothes.

His clothes fluttered.

It was as if he could ascend to immortality at any time.

Ye Zhuo picked up the observation mirror and looked at the sea area seriously.

“From the looks of it, this sea area was no different. ”

“Are you sure that the accident happened here?”Ye Zao looked at Cen Shaoqing and asked.

“Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly. “According to the report, it’s like this.” ”

“At this moment, ye Zao seemed to have seen something and continued, “Steer the yacht to the nine o’clock direction for ten kilometers.” ”

“Okay.”Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly and immediately pressed the communication device beside his ear to order his assistant.

The yacht immediately sped towards the nine o’clock direction.

“Soon, it reached the nine o’clock direction. ”

“Ye Zhuo put the precision swimming instrument developed by the base on his wrist and said, “I’ll go down and take a look. Wait for me up there.” ”


“Ye Zhuo took off his white coat and revealed his black halter top. Before Cen Shaoqing could react, he jumped into the sea. ”


Water splashed on the surface of the sea.

“Be careful!”Cen Shaoqing said.

“Ye Zao swam on his back and floated on the surface of the water. He smiled at CEN Shaoqing and said, “I know.” ”

“Her swimming skills were very good. Without any equipment, she could hold her breath in the water for almost ten minutes. ”

“With the swimming equipment, there was no problem for her to stay underwater for one to two hours. ”

“Although the swimming equipment developed by the base was very small and looked like a watch, its function was much better than an oxygen tank and a diving suit! ”

“As long as one could swim, they could freely breathe in the sea for more than two hours with it. ”

“After talking to Cen Shaoqing, Ye Zhuo dived into the sea like a smart mermaid. ”

Cen Shaoqing watched her as she dived into the bottom of the sea bit by bit.

“Her skin was very white, and it was especially eye-catching against the blue sea water. ”

“After ye Zao dived into the sea, he found that there was a deep and bottomless trench hidden in the sea. ”

It was also because of ye Zao’s strong psychological quality.

“If it was anyone else, they would have long fainted standing in front of such a trench. ”

“After thinking for a moment, ye Zao decided to swim in and take a look. ”

She had always been a person of action.

“That was what she thought in her heart, and she immediately did so. ”

“The deeper she swam, the darker the light became. In the end, everything before her eyes turned pitch black. ”

Ye Zao frowned slightly and turned on the light button of the swimming apparatus.

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