Against Heaven's Will

Chapter 288 Fire Mona (*)

Both Yiren and Tianshi got up just in case but Xuefeng got stuck in place with Mona holding him in place. He couldn't help but worry about his crotch that was already heating up from the fire on her tails.

"Was that intended?" Xuefeng questioned but Lisa looked as clueless as everyone else.

The reappearance of the ninth tail didn't exactly mean the pill was a success. When it came to such recovery, it wasn't always the best to rush the process or it would lead to unpredicted side effects.

"The pill is supposed to temper the body with the Fire Essense of the flaming petals..." Lisa replied while blushing. "I think I must have added too many this time but I don't think her life is in danger. At most, she might feel a bit too hot..."

Xuefeng reached out to caress Mona's cheek and sure enough, the flames on her fur were real. To make it even worse, when he tried to control the flames with his Elemental Bracelet, they didn't listen to him at all. It could only mean that her Fire Qi was refined more than seven times.

"That's impossible..." Lisa informed after he shared his discovery. "My pill shouldn't be powerful enough to cause such effects."

"If it's not your pill then it has to be her own flames," Xuefeng pointed out only to suddenly wince in pain. Mona's flames already melted through his clothes and started to burn his skin.

He momentarily tried to pull away from her grasp when her ninth tail completed and all hell broke loose. Mona's flames intensified and swallowed him whole. A Spirit Qi Barrier spawned to protect him but it barely held on for a moment before it broke into bits.


The expected pain didn't come through as the flames stopped right before spilling all over him and returned back to Mona. He looked down at the weight on his waist and saw a ball of fire constantly shifting and transforming.

She was turning into her human form!

The flames took the shape of a woman before revealing the rosy and silky skin from within. Her arms grasped onto his chest while the whole body leaned over his own.

"Mona?" Xuefeng called out her name as he caressed her forearms only to hear a soft female laugh.

"Is this her name in this lifetime? Quite simple."

Xuefeng couldn't help but freeze on the spot, realizing the voice didn't belong to the Mona he knew. Before he could do anything though, the flames covering her face dispersed and long brown hair spilled down.

Red eyes gazed at him sharply while the corners of rosy lips lifted up. "My, my, aren't you cute? I guess we all share the same taste in men."

The naked beauty reached to his face, caressing him with interest but when she tried to brush her fingers into his hair, Xuefeng stopped her. "Who are you?"

She could be no other than Mona but her words were confusing him. He tried to question Ling and Ming but even they had no idea either.

'I guess she isn't who we thought she is,' Ming muttered just as the girls approached them.

"Mona? What happened to you?" Yiren questioned while jumping through the leftover flames on the wooden floor. "Your face is similar but your tails and hair have changed color."

Only then did Xuefeng notice her nine tails which turned from snow white into brown. They wiggled around while letting out small flames with each move she took.

"Don't worry, I'm still the same, just a little bit different," Mona replied playfully after checking them out and returned to Xuefeng. "Before I tell you anything, I want to confirm one thing. Are you perhaps my man?"

She looked down towards her lower belly and embraced his erection that has been growing this whole time. "It would be a shame if you are not. My body feels really hot right now and this thing should be the right size to satisfy me."

"You are indeed mine," Xuefeng nodded as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "Now tell me what happened. Did the pill cause this transformation?"

Mona giggled as she bit on his lips and dropped down completely with her lips claiming him boldly. She rubbed his shaft as if to feel its hardness and kissed his neck repeatedly. "Seems like us sisters will enjoy this lifetime plenty."

He couldn't even ask again as Mona grasped his hair and pressed their lips together. Her tongue forced her way into his mouth and she moved up to her liking without waiting for his response.


A smack on the butt was just the right method to calm her down and Mona pulled away, moaning and trembling on top of him. Xuefeng didn't hesitate and sat up while locking her wrists to avoid any further complications.

"Can you reply to my question first?" Xuefeng suggested while looking her closely in the eyes. "We are all worried about you."

To his surprise, Mona blushed at his gaze and looked down shyly. "I'm sorry… It has been a while since I've been out and I am just a little bit horny. Looking at your hard thing made me excited to ride it."

"What do you mean 'out'? Were you locked inside Mona's body? You also mentioned sisters," Xuefeng pointed out, too curious to simply ignore it.

"Can I hold you when we talk?" Mona asked sweetly and Xuefeng gave in, letting her arms free. She immediately took his own hands in return and placed them on her ample chest for him to caress.

"By being out, I meant that I was finally able to take over the body all of us sisters share," Mona explained while reaching down to stroke his erection. "It was my turn to appear for a while but my sis lost her power so I couldn't take over. Only now did she regain her nine tails which allowed me to come out."

She wiggled her brown tails and added, "There are nine of us and each possesses a different element. This is actually our first time we swap in this lifetime so it was quite chaotic. Thankfully my sis found a safe place to transform or I would be confused on what to do."

"Huh? So you don't share memories with each other?"

Xuefeng could understand having split personalities but he didn't know how nine sisters could live in a single body and not even communicate.

"We don't but it's fine. If my sis has transformed in your arms, it only means she wants me to follow you," Mona replied while leaning over to give him a kiss. "I think that's enough information for now."

She squeezed his erection before whispering seductively to his ear.

"Will you fuck me or shall I do it myself?"

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