After Transmigrating, The Fat Wife Made A Comeback!

Chapter 779 - 779 Give Us an Explanation

779 Give Us an Explanation

Qiao Mei already had an idea about what transpired. She took the hoe from the clinic and wanted to go to Qiao Gui’s house to demand an explanation on whether Qiao Tian had anything to do with this matter.

“Mei Mei! Come back!” Qiao Qiang said sternly.

Being anxious made one panic. There was no evidence to prove that it was Qiao Tian from Qiao Gui’s family who did it. They would not be able to gain anything even if they went. Moreover, Wang Qin was an unreasonable person and would probably make things even more difficult for them in the future.

Qiao Mei looked into Qiao Qiang’s eyes and knew that she should not have been so distraught at the mention of Qiao Zhuang’s family. At this moment, she should wait for Zhang Qin’s checkup results and wait for her to tell them what had happened.

The doctor pushed open the door and took off his mask. “The child only has superficial injuries. Her bones are fine, but she seems to have sprained her ankle. She’ll be fine after resting at home for three to four days. This is alcohol and cotton balls. You just need to go back and disinfect her wounds.”

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when they heard this. Qiao Mei entered the room and sat beside Zhang Qin. She asked, “Zhang Qin, tell elder sister why you went up that mountain?”

“I didn’t want to go… but Qiao Tian took my school bag… That school bag is the one you embroidered for me… so I chased after him. Later on, when I reached the slope, someone suddenly pushed me and I fell down,” Zhang Qin said.

Everyone present gasped. This was an attempt at murder. Qiao Tian was really too much. It was fine if he just fooled around like he usually did, but now he wanted to kill someone!

He was so young and yet he learned all the bad things!

“Mom, bring Zhang Qin home with Xiao Wei first. I’ll go and ask Wang Qin for an explanation,” Qiao Mei said with a dark expression.

The villagers chimed in, “We’ll go too! Let’s go!”

Together, they made their way to Qiao Gui’s house. If Qiao Zhuang’s family dared to stop them, they would beat Qiao Zhuang up again and scare this family off so that no one else would be bullied by them in the future.

“Wang Qin, hand over Qiao Tian!” Qiao Mei shouted towards the house.

Wang Qin walked out impatiently. Qiao Gui had indeed done something wrong to Qiao Mei, but Qiao Gui had already been sent to prison. It was not an easy time for the remaining family members, so what had they done to offend Qiao Mei now?

“Why do you want Qiao Tian! What has my son done to you? You put my husband in jail and you still want to take my son away?” Wang Qin shouted as she pointed at Qiao Mei.

Qiao Mei did not waste her breath on Wang Qin and simply smashed the glass window of Qiao Gui’s house. Qiao Tian was on the brick bed and she could see wounds on his legs.

“Your son pushed my sister down the mountain! My sister is lying in the clinic now! Go and ask your son! How did he get the wounds on his legs!” Qiao Mei roared at Wang Qin.

Wang Qin was stunned by the question. When Qiao Tian came back, he told her that he had a fall while playing around with his classmates. He did not mention anything about Zhang Qin.

“My… my son was injured when playing with a classmate! What evidence do you have to say that it was my son who did it!” Wang Qin shouted, not to be outdone.

Qiao Mei smiled disdainfully and said, “That mountain is a long way from the school. Do you really think that no one saw your son and my sister along the way? Are you so sure! You’d better ask your son to tell the truth, otherwise I’ll go from house to house tomorrow to ask about this! Let’s see if your son can still get away with it!”

Wang Qin took a few steps back in fear and bumped into the door frame behind her. Qiao Mei looked through the hole in the window and said to Qiao Tian, “You know very well what you did to my sister. If you admit it now, we’ll settle this matter in private. If you don’t say anything, you can just wait for your punishment.”

Qiao Tian was so afraid that he hid in a corner and did not say a word. By now, everyone already knew who was the culprit. It was really a case of a crooked stick having a crooked shadow.

Qiao Zhuang was not a good person. None of his sons were good people, and now even his grandson dared to harm others. They were all simply lawless!

Qiao Mei pulled down the window of Qiao Gui’s house angrily. These days, the windows in the countryside were all made of wood and they all opened outwards. They fell off easily with a light tug, but Qiao Mei’s actions still served to make a big impact in front of everyone.

“I’ll give you another day. If you don’t come to our house to give us an explanation by then, I’ll investigate it myself and let your son go and accompany your husband!” With that, Qiao Mei left Qiao Gui’s house with everyone.

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