
Chapter 276: Not Your Normal Hidden Room

Chapter 276: Not Your Normal Hidden Room

Grey and Klaus headed for the southern part of the city after going in, Void was standing on Grey’s shoulder like he usually does. He was curiously looking around, this was the first time he was coming to this part of the city, so he wanted to see every part of it. He wasn’t the only one looking, even Grey was curiously staring at the place, this was also his first time here.

This part of the city was a little lackluster when compared to the other parts of the city Grey had been to. The trio attracted a lot of attention from the people around, firstly, Grey and Klaus were two handsome-looking young men who were nicely dressed, compared to the people who were around the place. Secondly, Void’s pitch-black fur has always been eye-catching.

“How did you know someone living in this part of the city?” Grey couldn’t help but ask when he saw the looks they were getting from the people around, especially some well-built men.

For someone of Klaus’ status, he never really thought he would know people in this area of the city. Grey had nothing against the people, after all, the city he came from was far from this part of the city in terms of the environment.

“Who says people with high social status shouldn’t mingle with those in these rural areas. To be sincere, I trust the people I know here more than those two-faced rich people I know in this city.” Klaus replied with a smile.

“I have nothing against people living here, I’m just surprised the person you were speaking of was staying in this part of the city,” Grey said with a shrug.

“I got to know him one time when I went to an auction held in the city four years ago. There was a piece of wood I wanted to acquire, but he was hell-bent on getting it, even after knowing that he was competing with the son of the mayor.” Klaus chuckled as he explained.

“Did he get it?” Grey asked, he could tell from Klaus’ smile that he didn’t allow the wood fanatic to acquire the wood easily.

“Haha, of course not. I’m the son of the mayor, there’s no way some wood-loving weirdo would be richer than me.” Klaus laughed out which caused Grey to roll his eyes.

“I expected nothing less from you, given your character.” Grey sneered.

“After seeing how devastated he was when he didn’t obtain it, I felt compelled to give it to him, besides, I didn’t have any relevant use for it.” Klaus said, still smiling, before adding with a sigh, “If only I knew he didn’t have any use for it other than studying it. I mean, who would waste their time doing something that boring?”

“There’s probably a reason for it,” replied Grey.

“He’s a pretty decent guy though, but only when he’s not speaking about woods,” Klaus said while taking a right turn.

They continued on the part before making two more turns, they soon got to a shabby-looking house. Klaus knocked on the door, and after waiting for a few seconds, footsteps could be from inside the house.


The door was opened slightly, and the face of a young man could be seen peeking from inside the house. His hair was messy, and he had a scrawny appearance with scanty beards. His brown eyes matched his messy hair, giving him a strange glow.

“Oh, it’s you! Come in!” The young man said with a hint of excitement when he saw Klaus, before opening the door for him to come in.

When Grey was about to go in, he looked at him with curious eyes but didn’t stop him from going in.

“I haven’t seen you for a while now, young lord.” He said after closing the door.

Klaus was already seated, but since it was Grey’s first time, he wasn’t as comfortable as Klaus was.

“I traveled for training,” Klaus said, not going deep into details.

“Okay.” The wood fanatic was wise enough not to ask about it, “So, who’s your friend?”

“Hugh, this is Grey, Grey, Hugh.” Klaus introduced the duo to each other.

“It’s nice making your acquaintance,” Grey said, stretching out a hand.

“It’s a pleasure knowing anyone who’s friends with the young lord.” Hugh shook Grey’s hand gently as if afraid shaking it too much would harm him.

“My friend is looking for a particular type of wood, and you’re the only one I know who could help.” Klaus explained why he brought Grey over.

“You came to the right guy. What can I help you with, young master?” Hugh turned to Grey again after hearing what Klaus said.

“I’m searching for this, do you by chance have any of these?” Grey put his hand in his pocket before bringing out one of the wooden objects.

Hugh hurriedly took the wood before inspecting it, he even went as far as licking it, “Do you know what type of wood this is?”

Grey nodded when he saw Hugh looking at him.

“Hmm, I don’t mean to intrude, but can you tell me what you want to use it for?” Hugh asked softly, still studying the wood closely.

Grey glanced at Klaus and saw him nodding his head, it was only after that did he tell Hugh what he wanted the wood for.

“Actually, this is only one of eight types of wood that can be used for something like that…” Hugh told Grey about what he knew about the wood.

According to him, each of the eight kinds of wood that were used for making such a tracking device had one exact characteristic, they were all amongst the hardest type of wood, yet, once the arrays were drawn in them, they would become very fragile, only when being crushed. They also had straight spaces in the wood, it was naturally made and Elementalists still haven’t been able to figure out how it was possible.

One would think the spaces in the wood would make them soft, but they were almost metal-like in terms of hardness. The Spiracotanue was the fourth wood if they were ranked according to hardness. Hugh explained more things about making the devices. The hardness of the wood could help in the creation of the device, it was just like how using different grades of materials determines the grade of an item a blacksmith would craft.

“Do you have it with you?” Klaus stopped Hugh before he drifted off completely.

He knew if left alone, then Hugh would continue speaking of woods from now till the end of the day, he wouldn’t even have any problems speaking about woods for a week.

“Yes, young lord.” Hugh nodded before adding, “Come with me.”

Hugh motioned to Grey and Klaus before walking deeper into the house. There was surprisingly a hidden door in the house which led to a small room.

Void who was on Grey’s shoulder looked around curiously, ‘But seriously, what’s with you people and hidden door?’

‘Lack of spatial rings, I think. Given how they cherish their things, they wouldn’t want others to easily access them. Of course, there’s also the possibility of the place being a lab.’ Grey explained.

Some of the things people make hidden rooms for are things they could easily keep in a spatial ring.

Grey followed behind Hugh and Klaus before entering a huge room. It was like he walked into a forest, different trees could be seen planted on the ground, although they weren’t that long, they still measured over fifteen meters.

‘This is not your usual hidden room.’

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