
Chapter 272: Sad News

Chapter 272: Sad News

The group went over to Alice’s place with Klaus and Grey laughing at Reynolds for burning his food.

“Why are you two laughing?” Alice asked after opening the door.

From Reynolds’ expression, she could tell the other two were laughing at his expense.

Klaus went on to tell her how he forgot he was cooking.

“At least he’s trying, unlike you.” Alice comforted Reynolds which lifted his mood, only by a little though.

Klaus suggested they headed over to the Silver Moon Restaurant, the time he spent outside waiting for Grey, and Reynolds’ attempt to prepare a meal made him want to eat something.

Reynolds quickly agreed to it, Grey had no problems with them going to the restaurant, and neither did Alice.

They spoke about what they’ve been up to in the past two days, and other than Grey, the rest of them were actually resting, Alice included.

Grey was the only one who immediately started learning something new.

The group soon got to the city gate, Lunar City is always bustling with activity, from the multiple carriages entering the city, to the people exiting it. There are times when people would actually need to slowly walk in like they were standing in a queue.

“Bud, I think you need to take it slow with your training. I know you want to be strong and all, but you still need to look at other aspects in life.” Klaus advised as they entered the city.

Alice and Reynolds nodded simultaneously. Grey trained too much, and this had made him kind of antisocial. The only reason they were able to become friends with him was that they had befriended him just after he came to the Academy. Even with that, they still don’t get to see him often.

“Like what?” asked Grey.

After the time he took the first test, his whole life had revolved around training. Other than learning about new things, he technically didn’t have another hobby.

“Go out, make more friends, see things. You could even decide to travel around the empire now given your Plane.” Klaus suggested.

“You guys are enough.” Grey said.

“Yeah, but we won’t always be with you. Let’s face it, a time will come when we will have to take different paths. It’s not like we wouldn’t see each other again, but not as frequently as we do now.” Klaus said as the group headed towards the Silver Moon Restaurant.

“Yeah, you’re right about that. I’ll think of something else, but for now, I want to focus on becoming a forgemaster.” Grey replied.

Because of the experience he had after his first test, he made becoming stronger his goal. After training every single day for three years, he kind of got used to the feeling, for three years, his mother was the one he spoke with the most. Even at the time he came to the Academy, he wasn’t all that optimistic about making friends.

Klaus was the first friend he made, and from all the people who were always with Alice and Reynolds, he became friends with only the duo. Of all his friends, Klaus was very persistent, he would always check up on him, almost every day when he just arrived at the Academy.

Alice and Reynolds were very helpful in the Lightning Hall, and whenever he had a problem with the element, he would usually search for either of the two to clarify some things to him.

Other than Klaus, Alice, and Reynolds, the only other person he speaks with a lot in the Academy compound was Instructor Blake.

When the trio heard his reply, they shook their heads wryly. They could tell from his reaction, he wouldn’t really change any time soon.

They soon got to the restaurant and we’re stopped because animals weren’t allowed into the restaurant, but after Klaus declared his identity, they allowed them inside. They headed straight for the upper floor under the gaze of the crowd on the lower floor. As usual, compared to the lower floor, it was less crowded. Taking a table, the group sat down.

While waiting for their food, they continued speaking about their plans. Just like Grey, Alice didn’t really know what to do yet. Reynolds was the only one who was currently contemplating two choices.

“I recalled you said you wanted to make an announcement.” Reynolds said right after the waiter brought their meals.

“*Sigh* Yes, the thing is, my dad has officially become the ex-mayor and principal of both Lunar City and Academy.” Klaus sighed before saying.


The trio exclaimed simultaneously, drawing the attention of the few people on the floor.

“He resigned?” Alice asked.

“Yes.” Klaus nodded.

“Wow, that’s unexpected. Why, what happened?” Reynolds asked.

“Well, I don’t really know the details, he didn’t tell me much.” Klaus responded.

He knew the reason though, but his father warned him not to tell anyone.

“Hmm, something’s obviously up.” Grey speculated.

“Yeah, something probably big.” Alice nodded, agreeing with Grey.

“That’s not all.” Klaus said, drawing their attention back to him.

After successfully drawing their attention, “We’ll be leaving as well.”

“Oh!” Grey exclaimed softly.

The fact that Klaus’ father was leaving with Klaus made him feel his speculation was accurate. Resigning was one thing, but leaving the city as well, was another. There’s also the possibility of Klaus’ father wanting to just spend some time with his son.

“When are you leaving?” Alice asked.

“I don’t have any idea yet, but soon.” replied Klaus.

The table turned silent, Klaus didn’t know what else to say while the others were still trying to accept what was about to happen.

“Guys, it’s not like I’m dying.” Klaus joked when he saw their reactions.

“Yeah, we’ll still see each other again.” Reynolds forced out a laugh.

Grey on the other hand chuckled softly, a sad smile on his face.

“Come on, let’s eat.” Klaus said before digging right into his food.

Reynolds and Alice also started eating, Grey didn’t really feel hungry, so Void ate most of his meal.

After leaving the Silver Moon Restaurant, the group headed back to the Academy, but not in the same lively fashion as they came. The news of Klaus leaving was sad, to say the least.

They’ve always known they would separate soon, but they didn’t expect it would be this early. Reynolds also said he would be going home to meet his parents. Alice decided to do the same as well.

With the help of the trial land, their Planes improved faster than they usually should have, this changed the time they needed in making life decisions. Most students their age are still in the Arcane Plane, so they are still focused on learning and improving their Planes.

But since they’ve skipped a few years, courtesy of the trial land, they had to make the decisions which they’d have made in like three to seven years from now. Of course, they could still wait till then, after all, no one is forcing them to make any decisions now.

“Oh Rey, there’s something I want to tell you.” Klaus walked up to Reynolds just as soon as they were about to enter the Academy compound.

“What’s that?” Reynolds asked curiously.

“Do not join the empire’s forces. Also, don’t become an Instructor yet, wait for a few more years.” Klaus advised.

The empire was trying to control each Academy in the empire, there was no way he would allow his friend to join them, at least not now that there was a war looming over the empire.

“Those are my only two choices.” Reynolds said a little confused.

“Well, don’t join any of them, for now. You’re still young, why hurry?” Klaus asked with a shrug.

“Fine, but I’m still going home though. I miss my family.” Reynolds nodded reluctantly.

He could tell something was going on, and it had to do with the Academy, and the empire. He felt the presumed upcoming war had something to do with it.

Grey and the others all went back to their houses after their conversation. Of the group, Grey was a little sad since the others would be going back to their family, leaving him all alone. Had Chris been around, he wouldn’t feel lonely, but now, he didn’t know where Chris was.

‘Guess it’ll just be me and you very soon buddy.’ Grey said while caressing Void’s fur.

‘Don’t you know where your parents are? We could go there.’ Void asked.

‘Nope, no clue.’ Grey shook his head.

‘Why don’t we go with Klaus?’ Void suggested.

‘I’m I’ll think about it.’ Grey said looking at the sky.

The bond he had with his friends was so high that he didn’t actually want to see them separate. He was not the only one who felt this way, Klaus, Alice, and Reynolds all felt the same.

Later in the evening, Grey started practicing with his wind, fire, and water elements. Training was the only thing he knew of that could take his mind off things, so he started training.

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