Ace of the Dragon Division

Chapter 653.2 - Zhou Zhen Takes Over (Part Two)

Chapter 653: Zhou Zhen Takes Over (Part Two)

Those four guys immediately got up and crawled away from the hotel.

And only then did Zeng Jiang take his son to the hospital for medical treatment. If they left any later, his hand might be impossible to save.

After Zhou Zhen saw that things had calmed down, he led the other guests into the hotel before he went to Lin Chuxue and apologized, “Cheng, Chuxue, I’m sorry, I’m to blame for this.”

Lin Chuxue: “It’s fine Uncle Zhou, I’m also to blame for the fact that I am indeed a woman of the entertainment industry.”

Zhou Zhen: “Don’t ever say that, what’s wrong with women from the entertainment industry? What’s wrong with being self-independent? I don’t care what other people think, but I, Zhou Zhen, think you’re a good person, and I believe in Cheng’s decision. Today’s incident was due to my negligence, I’m sorry. In the future when you come to Yanjing to play, you can tell me anything, or look for your Aunt Lan. Whoever wants to bully you or look down on you would be bullying me as well, Zhou Zhen!”

Lin Chuxue: “It’s fine, go and get ready to be a groom. Aunt Lan is arriving soon and Xu Cheng is here, so he will accompany me.”

Zhou Zhen nodded, and looked at Xu Cheng’s unhappy face as he patted his arm and smiled. “Don’t be stiff, okay? At least your Aunt Lan is getting married today, be happy.”

Xu Cheng rolled his eyes. “Oh so you still know that your wife is my Aunt Lan? I thought of a thousand ways to prevent my wife from being upset today, but look what happened?”

“Alright, alright. I’m all fine so what are you angry about, it’s not like you didn’t break someone’s wrist.” Lin Chuxue gushed at Xu Cheng.

“He deserved it, I would love to cut it off, and the other four as well.” Xu Cheng didn’t sound pleased.

“Okay, cheer up. Once Aunt Lan comes over, this matter would count as finished, so don’t let her know. We can’t make her expression stiff during her wedding, or the others would think that Uncle Zhou forced her to get married.” Lin Chuxue leaned close to Xu Cheng’s ear and said, “I know you are angry because of me, but today, Aunt Lan and Uncle Zhou are getting married for the first time in their forties. You are not going to spoil the fun, are you?”

Xu Cheng looked at Lin Chuxue and said seriously, “Promise me from now on that you will call me as soon as you can if you have trouble with anything.”

Lin Chuxue nodded. “Okay.”

Only then did Xu Cheng squeeze out a smile at Zhou Zhen and say, “Uncle Zhou, congratulations on your marriage.”

“Look at you, you are still mad at me,” Zhou Zhen said.

Xu Cheng: “How am I angry?”

Zhou Zhen: “If you’re not angry then calling me Uncle Zhou is too distant, just call me Uncle!”

Xu Cheng glared at him. “Did you give me red pockets? I’m telling you, if the red pocket is too little, I won’t count you as my uncle.”

Zhou Zhen laughed. “Don’t worry, I left the biggest share today for the two of you. You two are the ones I need to care for, your Aunt Lan had told me beforehand that you are the only two who she considers close to her. I need to serve you two well, so she won’t nag me all day long.

Lin Chuxue pursed her lips and smiled. “Uncle Zhou, don’t worry. I will say good things about you.”

Zhou Zhen smiled. “I didn’t waste my efforts when I whipped those bastards with my belt. Chuxue you’re very sensible. Now let’s go inside; your seats are in the family area, in the nearest front rows.”

Having heard this seating arrangement, Lin Chuxue’s heart became a little nervous as she still had to come face-to-face with those elders and families of Xu Cheng’s.

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